
:smile: Hey, i am Eden. I am a college freshman & i am just trying to loose some weight. hope to get to my goal, my first day was real bad. but i added this at night so i reckon it was already blown. haha nice to meet everyone!


  • ABayerKervin
    ABayerKervin Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Eden, my name is Anita and I am new as of today as well. I did sign up on this site before but didn't realize how cool it was! Hopefully we can help motivate each other, as well as other people.
  • Hi im Tracey, i started on monday, so far so good, takes abit off getting used to but feeling better already, good luck feel free to add me as a friend,
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome to both of you! Glad you are here. You will find lots of support and encouragement here.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Welcome Eden! My first week or 2, I was over everyday. You have to learn what you should and shouldn't eat, how much exercise you should do, how much of the 2 above trhings too. It gets easier and becomes a way of life after a while. I started in January this year and have had ups and downs (luckily more downs that ups!!) THe important thing is to remember this is a life style change not a weight loss plan. The change in life style will cause you to lose weight, get fit, be healthier, and make better choices. It is not about depriving yourself from all the sweets and treats in life!! You can do it if you don't expect it all to happen over night and are slow and patient!!!!!! Always accepting friends that want encouragement!!!!!! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi Eden! I am relatively new to this site but I have already lost 4st since March this year. I lost it really fast too but have now hit a plateau and lost virtually nothing (well a couple of pounds only) in a period of 2 months (August & Sept) so I definately need a kick up the... well, you know, to get me started and in the right mind frame again. Hope to see you a lot around the blogs / boards!