I like beer



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?

    it is all about choices...what do you want? the beer is empty calories but if it is worth the price you pay (money and gut and sugar, etc) then it is a choice only you can make. Is it worth it? For me, I would rather eat and drink stuff that will help me get to where I am going, which is to Studville! :laugh:

    Where is the rolling the eyes face???:huh::noway:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Favorite beer anyone? Mine is Rader Blonde... It is heaven in a beer. :love: Angel smiley anyone?
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Corona and Smithwick's for me. I really enjoy wine more.
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    Yesterday I discovered Fat Tire. Very good beer!! A 22oz bottle has 300+ calories, but I planned for it during the day and was fine. Fortunately, I had the willpower to only have one.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    I can give or take on the food, but when it comes to beer, I really struggle. I've wondered (as you probably are now) if I'm just an alcoholic, but I've been able to stop for weeks at a time with no problem. The problem is that I like really good beer. Heavy, thick, tasty stout. I've tried to go back to the "lite" stuff, but it isn't the same. I found one I really like, Sam Adam's Light, but finally read the label and realized it isn't really a light beer. Oh well... Any suggestions?

    it is all about choices...what do you want? the beer is empty calories but if it is worth the price you pay (money and gut and sugar, etc) then it is a choice only you can make. Is it worth it? For me, I would rather eat and drink stuff that will help me get to where I am going, which is to Studville! :laugh:

    I decided if I had to give up everything I loved (beer, wine) to get to the happy place with my body, I wouldn’t be in a happy place. Now although skinny, I would be miserable because I took something away from myself that I truly enjoyed, just so I could make society happy with the way I looked. Deprivation has its limits. Would I enjoy a party with my friends more sitting around having a few beers for the night, or would I just get enough out of it knowing I had abs of steel, and 90% of the time no one can see them anyway :laugh: . I voted for my beer. Not that I am an alcoholic, but darn it, I like it! I have changed almost everything about the way I eat and exercise for the better, I did switch to lite beer, but that was as far as I was going. I decided this was about me being happy too, not making others happy by being the “perfect” size. Everything in moderation.
  • fatguynlilcoat
    Ya know, I wish I liked beer. I can drink it, but really have never been big on it. As a guy, it's embarrassing, but I prefer wine (esp White Zinfandel), margarita's, and other "Chick Drinks". So, I think you've got a pretty good problem to have, and you're obviously not addicted. I think you like beer the same way that I like BBQ. With all that said, its all in moderation. You can still have your beer, as long as you keep it as a personal reward or something. Just my opinion.
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    im in ur shoes as well.. there are ALOT of us... :drinker: :drinker:

    Do you work out everyday ? if so how many extra calories do you earn from exercise???

    I have limited to my drinking beers on Fridays and Saturdays.. So all during the week I have an extra 1000 extra calories from working out.. 1000 x 5 = 5000 cals = lots of brews if you need em :))

    So you could always save the extra calories you earned ALL week and that could be your BEER calories

    :drinker: Cheers !!!:drinker:
  • pjdurrose
    It just depends on what you want the most. The beer or a better and healthier body. You can get used to anything if you put your mind to it. I became very ill and had to give up my beloved milk and cheese. I thought I would die without drinking milk!!! But after trial and error I found a substitute I can live with. None of us are going to get out of this life alive. I guess it depends on how LONG a person wants to live. I wish you luck.
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    OK, so I tried the "cheat day" idea this past Friday and had a few beers at my favorite bar while watching basketball. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like crap! It wasn't because I was hungover (I wasn't) but because I felt fat again. Even though I'm early in this process, I was feeling better just from losing the first two pounds. It seemed that I had gained it all back on Friday. So, I've decided to even it out a little more and not subject my body to the big swings. I think as long as I include the calories in the log and make sure I'm getting enough protein and good carbs I'll be ok.
  • BlissedMama
    BlissedMama Posts: 25 Member
    Me too! I guess this time around I have to actually count those calories to lose weight lol.
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    ...if I could only find a system where I didn't have to count beer and ice cream!!! javascript:add_smiley('huh','post_body')
  • leeniepf1
    I too am a beer drinker. I prefer Summit, Blue Moon etc. but did try Mick Ultra which is low carb. Not to bad for a canned beer. I do allot for a beer or beverage of some sort on the weekend.
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    I've tried the low-carb beers but just don't like them. So, I plan a couple of "good" beers into my diet each week. It's my reward, of sorts...
  • Clara
    Clara Posts: 88 Member
    mmmmmm beer. i usually try to exercise away the beer calories before I drink. then i have my limit that i can drink. works for me. :drinker:
  • jmw7
    jmw7 Posts: 27
    exactly! it's my exercise reward!! :drinker:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    OK, so I tried the "cheat day" idea this past Friday and had a few beers at my favorite bar while watching basketball. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like crap! It wasn't because I was hungover (I wasn't) but because I felt fat again. Even though I'm early in this process, I was feeling better just from losing the first two pounds. It seemed that I had gained it all back on Friday. So, I've decided to even it out a little more and not subject my body to the big swings. I think as long as I include the calories in the log and make sure I'm getting enough protein and good carbs I'll be ok.


    I havnt had much since starting here on MFP. in fact.. I've drank twice since starting this 4 months ago. However, as far as the feeling sick thing goes. Make sure your well hydrated if your gonna have a few. that might help with the fat gross feeling.

    Have a Sam's for me. :drinker:
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    i used to be an alcoholic because i just love the taste of alcohol (straight makers mark or rangpur) and you don't sound like an alcoholic at all to me....after about six months straight of drinking like a sailor, one day i just stopped, and now, the smell of hard alcohol gives me a headache...i drink alcohol maybe once every 2 weeks, and i really don't enjoy it unless it's an excellent beer or nice wine, and i don't drink until i'm drunk...

    i have a small suggestion if you think you're ready to quit the alcohol: Kudzu. it's a perennial vine that has been used by chinese physicians for over 2000 years to cure alcoholism. it is also very soothing to the GI tract. it also has isoflavones, which are found in soy. they have found it decrease the desire for alcohol in Asian ethinicities, but it may just work for you, too! if it doesn't work in decreasing your desire for alcohol, there is a constituent in kudzu called puerarin that has 100 times the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, which helps reduce blood pressue (in animals) and can help prevent heart disease and cancer, so it can help with secondary issues and might just be worth incorporating it into your life!

    there are several other uses for kudzu, like treating hypertension, sinusitis, psoriasis, angina pectories, and rashes. i've never seen it in a store, but if you talk to a chinese herbalist in your area, theyr will probably have some or will be able to order some for you. (found all this info in a great book called Delmar's Integrative Herb Guide for Nurses by Martha Libster)

    if you decide to use some, make sure you talk to your doctor or a trusted herbalist to see if it would interact with any other medicines you might be taking or mess with your body if you have any existing health issues. as far as i know, thee aren't any specific cautions, but i'm not a doctor or herbalist either. they'll also be able to tell you how you should take and how you should prepare it.

    as always, i agree with a cheat day, or just one or two beers a day if you can't hold off...you can do it if you put your mind to it!

    good luck to you! we're here to listen and help when you need it!:flowerforyou: