Doctor says no to Diet drinks!! Why?



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Aspartame metabolizes in formaldehyde in your body. Sucralose is processed with chlorine. Do you really wan to eat that stuff?

    Stick with natural sweeteners... maple syrup, honey and if you need to...good old fashioned sugar ( very small amounts)
    That's a different argument, which I generally tend to agree with (although did you know that ethanol also metabolizes into formaldehyde?). They still don't cause weight gain, though.

    I never said it caused you to gain weight....just that it was NASTY!!!
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Aspartame metabolizes in formaldehyde in your body. Sucralose is processed with chlorine. Do you really wan to eat that stuff?

    Stick with natural sweeteners... maple syrup, honey and if you need to...good old fashioned sugar ( very small amounts)
    That's a different argument, which I generally tend to agree with (although did you know that ethanol also metabolizes into formaldehyde?). They still don't cause weight gain, though.

    I never said it caused you to gain weight....just that it was NASTY!!!
    Oh, I agree with you. Give me saccharine any time. (Did you know you can still buy Tab - in the US anyway)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member

    Sugar AND Artificial Sweeteners INCREASE your appetite.

    I've had the science explained to me by valid sources (biochemists, diabetics and nutritionists), but it was something I'd recognized in my own body before I knew the science behind it.

    One being that if I eat too much sugar I simply cannot keep to my target calorie goals.
    If I have a DIET coke, really it's all over. and that's FAKE SUGAR

    I've heard various thing about how all the lovely chemicals in soda suck phosphorus and calcium from your bones. And about how Nutrasweet degrades the protective coating on you nerves. I haven't gone an check the validity of this mostly because I see my Mom who has guzzled diet soda for as long as I can remember. I see her severe osteoporosis and her chronic pain.

    If it's TRUE and I cut out diet soda. I've just saved myself a whole lot of suffering...
    If it's NOT TRUE and I cut out diet soda what harm will it do?

    End of rant

    Good Luck
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    my opinion is that diet sodas don't make you gain weight. but people who drink diet sodas are more likely to be overweight. it's not a causal factor. that's my honest opinion. but i also think that artificial sweeteners are really bad for your health. i drink diet soda but not proud of that!
    there is plenty out there to read about artificial sweeteners.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I still drink diet soda often and I am still losing weight. I don't think diet soda has an effect on my weight loss at all. I drank it when I was overweight and I still do now.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Before I started here, I visited my doctor. He told me that people who drink even one diet soda a day usually gain up to 20 pounds in one year!! I have been drinking diet soda for 30+ years!! What is it that makes it so bad? Is it the sodium or the sweetener? Are all sweeteners bad for you? I'm trying to understand! Anyone who knows the science behind this, please help me out!!

    Thank you!!
    It is a mis-application of causality. The data says that heavier people are more likely to drink diet soda, well duh. It does not say that drinking diet soda will make skinny people heavy.

    Current research has shown that diet sodas do not cause insulin reactions, so the "makes you hungrier" argument is specious. At most, there is a psychological effect whereby people allow themselves to eat more other calories because they think they're doing something good by drinking a diet soda and WAY overestimate the benefit of skipping that soda.

    i agree with this.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    there is plenty out there to read about artificial sweeteners.
    The problem is that there is lots and lots of woo out there on the net masquerading as real science on the subject.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    ^^ THIS.

    There's nothing good in soda - whether it's diet or not. Regular soda is empty calories and a boatload of sugar, Diet Soda is full of artificial chemicals that your body doesn't know how to process. I don't drink either. Water with a lemon squeezed in and some stevia is my fave.
    Disagree.............I get my daily caffeine kick from diet Pepsi.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    there is plenty out there to read about artificial sweeteners.
    The problem is that there is lots and lots of woo out there on the net masquerading as real science on the subject.

    so true! it takes a lot of critical thinking and digging, and ultimately you have to choose which you believe is more credible.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I have never been able to stand the taste of anything other than plain sugar. i don't even like Truvia! It all leave an after taste to me. I would rather just have plain water or water with lemon! If I have a soda, it is rare and I want it to be just a regular one!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I drink 2 cans of diet coke a day, water the rest of the day. I don't notice it making me any hungrier after I have had one. I agree that it can't be real great for you, but how many other things do we put in our bodies that is not good for us? I think in moderation combined with a healthy lifestyle it does no harm.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I drank lots of diet sodas when I was obese. But I haven't decreased my diet soda consumption one bit, and I lost weight just fine.

    Same here. It CAN make people gain weight if it causes them to overeat. But if you're tracking your calories, i don't see the problem. And it's certainly not sodium, that's a myth that won't die and I don't know why. It says right here on the bottle - 60mg for the whole thing.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are terrible for you. When I want soda (very rarely) I only have Sierra Mist natural.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    Sodas even diet sodas are a bunch of chemicals, why put that into your body.

    And Sodas be they diet or not, are bad for your says Jillian Michaels, and her word is god enough for me!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Diet soda overloads your taste buds and makes you crave more sweet things. but if you don't eat them, I don't see a problem. Some research suggests your body gets confused at the sweetness and lack of calories and goes into starvation mode, but I think if you're having it with food it won't make a difference.
  • leylaaa87
    I know this is completely unscientific and runs into causation problems but it's interesting to think about:

    How many thin or in shape people (who have always been thin and STAYED thin as adults) drink soda regularly, diet or not? I would think not too many. What do you all think? There must be some people who can drink soda all the time and stay thing but I don't think I've met any. And teenagers don't count lol
  • Lahdidahdah
    This is what I was told by my doctor. . .
    1) if you drink darker sodas, rather than clear sodas, you are getting a "caramel coloring" that includes caramel. Caramel coats the lining of your stomach as you drink it, making it more difficult for you to digest and absorb the nutrients that you should be getting thru your stomach.
    2) If you are drinking diet soda, are you doing it in place of water? It may quench your thirst, but does nothing for the oxygen your blood needs to create healthy cells and to function properly.
    3) All of the chemicals are not good for you.

    I gave up Diet Coke over 2 years ago (used to be a 144 oz per day drinker), and I haven't looked back. I won't say it has made a difference in my weight loss, but I feel better and am not bloated all the time.
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    I don't drink diet soda, but do use artificial sweetener in my coffee and yogurt everyday, maybe 2 to 3 packets.

    Can anybody cite any actual research on the ill effects of using these? (besides jillian michaels)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Studies have shown that those who drink diet pop eat more b/c of the calories they are saving on the pop. It's subconscious and although I'm sure it's true, those idiots in the study who ate 300 cals more a day b/c they drank 2 diet pops rather than regular are ruining pop for those of us who are not morons.

    Keep pop to a minimum and if you can, eventually cut it out b/c of chemicals but you will NOT gain weight drinking diet pop. Caffeine has actually been shown as an appetite suppressant and many people just starting out eating healthy find that a diet pop helps them get through the afternoon without snacking.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    After reading so much about the ill effects of diet soda, I decided to cut wayyyy back. I use to drink about 4 cans per day, which now seems ridiculous to me. I've been almost soda free (cut down to a few cans per WEEK) and I have to say, my appetite really has gone down. I've stopped craving sweets like I used to, and when they are presented to me, I have a few bites and then lose my urge to finish it. And for anyone that knew me before, you would know this is a HUGE change. I haven't lost a TON of weight, but the lbs I've lose have stayed off despite days of poor eating. It's weird, and I have no scientific proof, but I just wanted to share what I've noticed so far! :)

    Also, my belly podge is smaller from consuming less carbonation! And that makes me happy :) My pants fit better!