Newbie, with a really positive start

Hi everyone,

I'm Heli and I'm a newbie here, as you can probably tell. I first logged in 17 days ago, thanks to a friend who told me about this place. I downloaded the app to my phone, decided to log in everything that I eat, and started exercising. So far, I've had great results: lost 2,5 kg (approx. 6 lbs) and I feel better about myself. I also quit smoking and cut down drinking. I'm taking things calmly, though, because I've been yoyoing around with my weight for the past 10 years, and I don't want to screw this thing up. I hate being this heavy.

I've always been overweight, but things really got out of the hand in high school, when I busted my right knee in aikido practice. I ended having to get two surgeries within 7 months and after the second one I had to quit aikido or risk losing my ability to walk properly. Giving up martial arts depressed me a lot and I ended up quitting pretty much all regular exercising. After high school, pulling long days at the university and working alongside my studies (mostly three-shift-jobs, which really screw up your metabolism!) took its toll and I just ballooned.

This summer I made the decision to get fit and healthy enough to restart martial arts. I'm finishing my MA in Linguistics, I got my dream job and started it a couple of weeks ago, and I turned 26, so it's high time for me to get healthier.

So here I am. It took me a couple of weeks to get enough courage to post here, but I finally did it. It's nice to meet you all. :)

Heli // kahavi


  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    hey kahavi,

    looks like you def have the right attitude, which to me is half the game won!

    and sounds like you are off to a rocking start with your 2.5kg lost.

    so welcome to MFP, and if you need some friends to kick your butt a bit, add me :)
  • Jeannie5466
    Way to go Heli, you'll soon be sliding down the weight scales and with your dream job, life will be a breeze! Well done on stopping smoking too, I gave up one year ago and feel so much better that I have now decided to tackle the weight.! 40 pounds to lose and this time I'm doing it the right way diet and exercise, it's taken me years to realise that this is the only way to lose weight and keep it off. Good luck and I'm sure you'll do brilliantly
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Good Luck to you!! Im also back !! and trying to get that scale to MOVE!!
    I know we can do it.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Congrats on your results! It really is a great tool as long as you are honest about it (sometimes I have to force myself to log in that piece of cake or handful of chips). I am pretty new as well, about a month.

    Feel free to add me! I am always looking for more support and to be able to help others!
  • stephmsj
    stephmsj Posts: 30 Member
    you have a great attitude and have great results so far keep up the good work x
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    we all have to start somewhere and you are in the right place. positive is always the best way to be! you've got great people here. :) keep it up!
  • FatAndThirty
    Congrats Heli!

    I'm a newbie as well. I love this website and especially the food diary. Not only will your new committment to fitness help you to get where you want to be, but your quitting smoking and drinking is adding years to your life.
  • kahavi
    kahavi Posts: 35
    Thanks, everyone, your welcoming messages and support mean a lot to me. :)

    This whole process needs to be about changing my lifestyle and not just about dropping weight - otherwise I can't make the change permanent. And positivity is all about keeping yourself sane - trying to do this with a negative attitude would be too stressful!

    Once again, thanks everyone! :)