Goal Weight for 5'3"

I need advice from ladies who are 5'3" or close to it. I have reached my original goal of 140 last week, so now I am reaching for a new goal. I don't know what that new goal should be though - I don't want to make a goal that isn't possible to reach (which is why I made my original goal of 140 - smaller than I have ever been even high school). I actually want to be a solid 8, and I am currently a solid 10. I need advice/opinions please. Thanks in advance.


  • Why not just make it a size goal then? Its hard for anyone to say what size/weight will match up. I'm 198 pounds and I'm in a 12 and almost a 10...also 5'3. My weight goal is 160...and well, who knows what size I'll be...
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    I am also 5'3" and would be interested in others responses. I am at 145 now and thinking I would like to lose 20 more pounds. I think 125 sounds reasonable. Any others out there have an opinion?
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 5'3 and although I'm a FAR ways away from it, my ultimate goal would be a healthy 135.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I am 5'3" and curently at 149lbs. My UGW is 120lbs.
    Cause that would be the last time I felt good about myself.
    Anyways maybe you have a favorite pair of pants... just try them on every so often and see when they fit!

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm a solid 6 at 140 pounds, so it's really tough to say what your goal should be. I have a small frame and at 132, felt I could very well stand to lose more and reset my goal for 115.

    I've seen people at 5'3" look AMAZING at 140 pounds and others (me) who still need to lose some at that weight. It's so individual, it's tough to tell you without knowing you what your goal should be. Maybe just keep losing until you feel happy with how you look and feel?
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there, I'm 5.3 too and my goal is 126lbs. I'm 193 at the moment so it's gonna take some hard work!!
  • crystalgreear
    crystalgreear Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5'3" and my first goal is 130 (my pre-pregnancy weight) but ultimately I would like to get to 125. That is where I was 5 years ago and felt really good about my body then.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    If you're in a 10 at 140, you should be comfortably in a size 8 at 125 or 130 if your body composition remains the same.

    But I wouldn't make scale weight your focus if fitting into a size 8 is your goal. You could easily be a size 8 at 140 lbs or even more if you changed your body composition by burning fat and adding lean mass. Everyone's body type is different. Focus on losing inches instead of pounds. Once your body looks the way you want it to look, then scale weight doesn't matter.
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I know you don't want to hear this but you need to do what you think is right. Your body will let you know when enough is enough. The way I judge myself is how fit I am. I haven't been below 150 since I was in middle school so I think 150 would be good for me. I am 5' 4inches...and according to the doctor, that is still 20 lbs over what I should, but if I loose anymore weight than that, then I would probably look gross. Just do what makes you happy.
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Nothing is impossible!! You can get to whatever goal you set if you work hard enough. I recently reached my goal of 135lbs and I am 5'3. I am now shooting for a goal range of 127-132. I am currently a size 4-6 depending on the brand of clothes. Good luck!! :smile:
  • I'm 5'3'', muscular but smaller framed, and I want to be between 130 and 135, ultimately. I was 133 several years back (before having babies 3, 4, and 5), and I was a size 6, sometimes 4. I'd like to be back to a 6 again....

    This will really depend on your overall build though. With me having a lot of muscle, my weight is higher even though I look thinner and wear tinier clothes. I just saw a lady yesterday who weighs 10 fewer pounds than I, and she's bigger. *shrug*
  • I think that it's different for everyone...see where you feel comfortable
  • I am 5'3 and I started MFP when I was 143lbs, I am currently 123lbs, and my goal is 110lbs. I am an Acup and am a small-medium build.

  • im 5'3 , 119 pounds & i fit into a size 3 jean
    id say try buying or get out one of your older pieces of clothing that you wish to wear and make a goal to fit in to that :smile:
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    im 5'3" and currently at 124lbs. got another 4 to go but im seriously not stressing about it now im nearly there, if its meant to be then it will happen ;0)
    im in a comfortable uk 10 but i do have an old pair of jeans that now wont go over my thighs (this could be due to the gym though so all isn't bad) but i would love to get them back on!!
    good luck to you all xx

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  • Well, I'm 5'3 and my goal is 130. But thats just because I want to keep my curves. I suggest anywhere between 115 to 125 =]
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Unfortunately, I don't have an old pair of jeans or anything that I want to fit into too because I have NEVER been this small since I was like 10 yrs old (yes, you read that right - I gained major weight when I was 9). Everyone already thinks "I am too small" because they have never seen me this size. They are afraid I am becoming anorexic - which isn't possible. I like food too much. I know the number doesn't define me - I am just trying to get some kind of idea. Maybe, I will go get a pair of size 8's and take it from there and not worry so much about the number on the scale.
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    I am 5'4 and going for 130, wanted to get into the normal category but stay towards the higher end of it.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'm 5'3" and am at my goal weight of 113. My maintenance range is 112 - 114. I am a small build and I am a size 8. I am currently concentrating on fitness and muscle building so expect my actual weight might increase. I'm going with what I see in the mirror! x
  • Well Im 5'2"( and a bit) and my ultimate goal weight is 124lb but to be homest it depends on your frame and plus weights not the be all and end all. Why not make it a measurement goal, like me for example although my goal weight is 124lb but my ultimate measurements are waist 26" Hips 36" and thighs 19" which may or may not match up with 124lb, i've a fair way to go before I can tell lol