Help! Feel like quitting :(



  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Don't give up, this is something that is a life change, but some people think it will happen right away. I love to eat good tasting food and am still learning when I need to put the fork down. Do I get discouraged? You bet, but I am not going to stop. Have you tried eating a few more or less calories? little adjustments can make a big diff, and that may be all you need. Stress plays into your body holding onto needless fat also, I have that problem. Stick with it, make little changes 1 week at a time to test them out and see what happens. Never give up tho..Look at my, or do not, there is no try. I believe you can DO!
  • LJOinthesky
    I know exactly how you're feeling right now. Keep in mind though, weight loss isn't all about numbers! When you work out, whatever you may do, builds muscle. Therefore, your number on the scale can easily give up. Take the fact that you've only "lost 2 lbs." as motivation to work harder, eat smarter, and don't give up. Nothing worth having comes easily. :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Three weeks isn't a very long time to let your hard work pay off. Make sure you're eating the right foods, and foucs on making it a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • retta11
    retta11 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there :) my advice: DON'T QUIT!! I have been dieting for 4 weeks now but just started a week ago yesterday. My first week I lost 6.5 lbs... for 2 weeks nothing... not an ounce...I was once again ready to quit...but that is how it always works for me too... so hard to lose and so easy to gain it back...sooooo I decided to stick it out for one more week. I started light aerobics and trying to workout on my treadmill...(30 min for 5 days a week) well, for this last 5 days after adding exercise to my plan, I actually lost 3 hang in there! :)
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I was dieting and exercising for a while before I started losing weight. I think everyones body is different and for some reason it takes a little time for your body to decide to let the weight go. I was in the same boat when I started about a month or so ago. I would lose a pound then gain it back. I stuck with my calories and exercise plan strictly. In week 3 I lost 10 pounds then the fourth week I lost 11 pounds(21 in all). This 5th week I haven't lost a pound or gained anything but I'm sticking with it. Don't give up! Cry, scream, vent, hit something just don't give up.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Don't focus so much on the scale, but more so on your body changing. Are you excercising? If so, what type. Some body types require more work to loose the weight, like mine. I work out almost 5 days a week doing high intensity boot camp type workouts and I have only lost like 6 lbs in 2 months! I'm 5'2.5 and also weigh 151 lbs (not much different from you). I however do wear a size 8 which lets me know that our body shapes must be completely different if you want to get into a size 8. You would have to see what works for your body. It could also be a combination of the foods you eat. Even though you stay in your calorie range your body might react to proteins better than carbs and sugar. I found that salt is my biggest culprit and cheese (which I love) I've had to almost pretty much cut my cheese intake down to like 1 or 2 times per week. Hope this helps.
  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    What I like to remember is that a 2 steps forward and 1 step back pace is still progress at the end of the day. Ultimately, I also keep in my mind that the option of eating irresponsibly and not taking care of myself leads to such a cruddy feeling and lazy/sedentary lifestyle - so sometimes I get discouraged and say, "Screw it - I'm eating crap!" and may do so for a few days, but then I wake up - feel HORRIBLE and get back in the saddle again!

    Mosaics aren't clear when you are too close - examining this lifestyle change too soon or too frequently doesn't bring clarity either.
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    I like to pretend the other joggers are zombies, and they want to eat my brains. Sometimes I get a little carried away, and start hitting them with a bat. But that almost never happens now that I quit jogging with a bat.

    So that was you... it took me weeks to recover... lol jk.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Don't give up just yet. Ignore the scale just continue eating healthy and exercising. Remember this is not a race I personally work my *kitten* off for every lb lost and there are days that the scale will tell me I gained it all back. If you want to rant and whine about it fine get it all out but never give up on yourself you will get there eventually,being slow is better than not trying at all.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    I have been there too. I originally signed up a little less than a year ago with roughly, 40-50 lbs to lose. Did well for a while, but the calorie restriction of 1200 calories made me rebel and I quit logging seriously.

    Then I went out and bought some books about lifting and nutrition, so I could get a routine going, found out that 1200 calories was far too low for me (mostly mentally, I'm sure I could survive otherwise) and started from there. My calories are now at 1900 a day, which is much more manageable and affords me some leeway to screw up every now and again. In this year that I've been on, I've only lost 17 lbs. Let me say that again... one year, less than 20 lbs lost. Funny this is, I'm not ripping my hair out. At least its moving in the right direction.

    Don't get discouraged. If you need to up your calories and lower the weight loss goal to .5-1 lb per week, do it. Burn extra calories a few days a week, start strength training to build muscle and you'll start moving in the right direction. If you ignore everything else I say, at least complete your diary every day. The numbers will keep you motivated.
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    I went through the exact same thing! I started eating better and did the Insanity program...I instantly lost 6 pounds, and then gained half back, held onto that for a long time, lost a pound, gained 2 back...never ending roller coaster. I asked for advice, everyone told me to eat I did, at first, I lost 3 pounds, then quickly gained it (and some more) right back. I felt so discouraged! I finally lowered my calories, and now I'm losing again. Who knows if this will stick, but so far, so good. The best advice I can give is, trust your body and your instincts! You know you best...the other thing I can say, keep working out and eating right...the time is going to pass anyway, so why not be trying instead of giving up. Think of where you will be a year from now...chances are, a much more fit, healthy you! Good luck to you, and just know you are not the only one!!! :smile:
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    1-2 lbs change is normal. You weight will not go straight down; however, it will go down over time if you're consistent.

    You may also want to try something like 30DS, which will jump start your exercise.

    Open your diary so we can see it. Go to Settings > Diary Settings > Diary Sharing and change it to Public. That way others can offer help if needed.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    1. The scale isn't always 100% accurate.
    2. Water retention is always possible.
    3. Go by how you feel.
    4. Start doing 15-30 minutes of exercise a few times a week to kick start it.

    I am in my 4th week, and I have stepped on the scale once a week ago. I don't really care what the scale has to say. If I'm diligent in the food I eat and put in the effort to exercise as well, there's only one way the weight can go..
  • mrblaze211
    I like to pretend the other joggers are zombies, and they want to eat my brains. Sometimes I get a little carried away, and start hitting them with a bat. But that almost never happens now that I quit jogging with a bat.

    Awsome love it
  • lambdafu
    lambdafu Posts: 14 Member
    You know, you can always quit later, and it will be just as easy. The hardest decision is to start, so hang in there for a bit longer.

    I have started counting calories and restricting what I eat and drink 2 weeks ago (I drank 2 litre of cola every day, now I drink a glass, I ate a lot of junk food before, now I am preparing most meals myself), and I have seen the scale go down a couple of pounds and going up again. Now, I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is: The pounds you lost may not actually have been a real loss of body fat as you wanted it (yet). But the good news is, the pounds you gained are probably not a gain in body fat either. You can not gain two pounds of fat in a couple of days if you are not eating an incredibly large amount of calories (you are keeping your daily calories intake in check, don't you?).

    The body is a complex system, and there are many things that happen in it. Most of the body is actually water. Water comes and goes over the day as you drink, sweat, urinate, deplete and replenish your systems. Also, you have a bowel that holds weight and loses it. The changes in these systems can happen quite fast.

    There is no way you can see a change of a couple of pounds of body fat on your scale. The body fat change is hidden behind the normal ups and downs in the rest of the body. You need more patience to see a trend.

    So, I suggest to laugh it off, and enjoy the ride! Take pleasure in the new foods you are trying, and the workouts that remind you of muscles that you didn't use properly in a long time. Due to my desk work I developed posture problems, my right shoulder was always hanging low and rolled back. Now, because of the daily workouts, the shoulder is almost perfectly aligned again. That's a real change right there, and it doesn't show on the scale.
  • 25Gigi
    25Gigi Posts: 9
    I totally understand how you feel. This has happened to me on many occasions trying to lose weight. I am no closer than I was a year ago. But, one thing in the back of my head told to me by a past Weight Watcher leader. She had lost over 100 pounds and it took her many years to do it. She said, "No matter what; never never never give up." So, every time I give up, I revert back to her words and I get right back up again. I hope this helps. You will do this.

  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I just spit my drink all over my computer monitor, thanks for that ! (in response to the zombie bat comment)
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Don't quit - nothing good can come of quitting. Like every one else is saying its a lifestyle change not a diet. I ve lost 60+ lbs in 100 days and there have been weeks where I gained or stayed the same. What I did was I changed my food intake daily, one day I would go up to my normal calories, the next day I would go 200-400 under the next day I would go 100 over... Something about jacking your metabolism all over the place that makes it work. I dont recommend because I am not a doctor but it seems to work for me.

    Besides from the look of your image you dont look like you have 50 lbs to lose, it is going to be EASIER for bigger people to lose more while not so big people struggle with the weight loss simply because they have less to lose.

    Work hard, play hard and eat lightly.
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    seriously dont quit. It takes 30 days of doing something everyday to make it routine and habit. Instead of doing a diet, try a clean healthy lifestyle. Diets fail, diets end, diets suck!
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    hey sweetie....we all go through this stage once and awhile...what ever u do don't give up on yur self....because u deserve to be happy. Maybe u just need to change yur eating habits more or even change yur exercise routines. but what ever u do DON'T GIVE UP ON YUR SELF....u can do this....Lets do this journey together if u like...just add me . I will be there for u .:smile: