Giving up alcohol



    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Heres a thread I made................same subject. I did end up cutting back!
  • XKaty_LambX
    XKaty_LambX Posts: 7 Member
    And i think you deserve it too! Everything in moderation as they say! Eat less - move more : 0 )
  • onebigbutt
    I'm trying to give it up too. This is only day three for me but, hey, gotta start somewhere! :-) Feel free to add me as a friend, okay?
    Best of luck to you!!!
  • XKaty_LambX
    XKaty_LambX Posts: 7 Member
    Can't do it. That's why I am not losing like I should be, I'm aware of that. But that is my social life and I refuse to give it up. I did buy a workout DVD today and will burn off the calories associated with anything I drink. That is my compromise

    I think you should try to do it like 3 times a week and have breaks in-between! Then you wont feel like your missing out and you will also be happy your being good for 4 days...just a suggestion!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Since I started logging my alcohol, I started making better choices. I don't drink often, but when I do, I tend to "go for gold" as we call it. So now instead of drinking my girly drinks all night, premixed Mikes or other cocktails, I go for rum and coke zero, or something along those lines. Makes a big difference calorie wise, and works for me.
  • polkataniec
    Boy,this subject made me feel like to have a drink !:sad: (and i'm at work damit!!!)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I was never a big drinker to begin with, but then I started because my friends did.. and now that I'm away from them, I didn't find that hard to give up the alcohol.

    I have a drink every now and then or when it's a special occasion but thats about it.
  • slynnmiller
    Options true.
    I need to also :( there is just something relaxing about the idea of a drink on the porch with my husband after a full day of work and then taking care of the kids
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Only you can know what will work for you. I haven't given up my daily wine and that has worked for me. I earn the calories through exercise so it works as an incentive to keep me exercising. But if you feel you need to give it up, then you probably do because you know you best.
  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    If you feel you NEED to give up alcohol, then by all means, do so. The "slippery slope" here is when you get to your goal weight, then throw out all of the changes you made and go back to all those things you quit - because "you deserve them".
    I try not to deprive myself of anything I ENJOY consuming. I am mindful of the calories, I savor the treat I am enjoying, and I work extra hard before or after the treat.