Is it bad.....

That I really hope that girls who have turned me down in the past because I was overweight become interested in me when I get into shape just so I can tell them that I haven't changed as a person and they should have given me a shot when I was chunky? I know it's petty. I just can't help to think that sometimes.

One of my main motivations is to be physically desirable. I'm tired of being treated like the best friend, or the protector, but not the lover. I wonder if these are bad reasons to want to get healthy? They aren't the only reasons by a long shot. They do exist though. I feel like such a small man when I think about these things. I guess I'm only human.


  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    You seem to have a new motivation too....

    Good for you, way to be in touch with your feelings. Let that help guide you.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    I definitely am trying to be realistic about it. Like I said, not my main motivation by any means, but it's part of the pie. Mmmmm pie... lol sorry.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I think it makes you human...and more of a man that you can admit it.

    Best of luck with everything and I hope you reach your goals
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    You seem to have a new motivation too....

    Good for you, way to be in touch with your feelings. Let that help guide you.

    I really like your picture. Super cute!
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Thats not bad at all. Actually thats a great thought!!
  • Wendydelmo
    Wendydelmo Posts: 42 Member
    I don't think so. I think it's a very valid reason. And I think that you realizing it,and changing for your goal makes you even more manly! :)
    Good luck!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I think it makes you human...and more of a man that you can admit it.

    Best of luck with everything and I hope you reach your goals

    I agree! It's like that Toby Keith song "How do you like me now" revenge in the best way!
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I like it when I'm thinner than my ex-husband's new wife and he tells me how stupid he feels for ever letting me go.

    That's right....looking good is the best revenge.
  • flamenco92627
    flamenco92627 Posts: 14 Member
    I always love those kinds of parts in movies! :happy: I don't think it is bad. You just keep going using whatever goals motivate you!
  • LittleVikki
    LittleVikki Posts: 88 Member
    It's not bad to think that way I'm sure you're not the only one that thinks like this. I know I have but I guess it is also important to remember your doing this for you and nobody else :)
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    LOL I started on MFP as a rebound from a breakup, and secretly I really enjoy the fact that I am skinnier and fitter now than at any time when we were dating. I've moved on, but it's nice to know that if I run into him around town that I look even better :)
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    Everybody wants to fit and and be accepted and to be able to buy clothes off the rack.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Nope, and i get the urge to hug you and your vindictiveness :) It's always nice how you change outward appearances and suddenly "friends" come out of the woodwork. I sincerely do hop that you reach your goals and let those hussies know where they stand :D
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Well thanks for making me feel like I'm not the horrible monster under the bridge I feel like (no offense Troll). I guess it would be taking it too far if I put a picture of the ex-wife up on the wall for wall balls huh?
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    Listen, at the end of the day, whatever works as part of your motivation is what works. It doesn't make you a bad person for wanting to be able to say "eat your heart out". People think it (and say it) all the time. There's nothing wrong with it. You do whatever works for you.
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    FYI...what motivates me is being that small girl again that men (and women) see and whistle and fall over themselves to come talk to. I'm tired of the people that only like big butts. HELLLLOOOO!!! Big boobs, beautiful smile, great dimples, expressive eyes and a great personality here!!! LOL
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I completely relate!!!

    How do you like me now? Hehehehehehe.......... best feeling ever!!

    Always felt like I wasn't good enough for ANYONE!! Now I want to be the best that I can be!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think honesty, and especially honesty with oneself, is a virtue. I also think, whether those people are really only interested in you now because you're healthier or not, you'll always THINK that's what they're thinking, and that can't be a stable base for a good relationship.