
  • tresye
    tresye Posts: 36 Member
    ohhh ok, thanks, makes sense now :)
  • yary317
    yary317 Posts: 32
    What does BUMP MEANS?
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member

    Those 91 lbs I lost...were not this cute!!! LOL

    very interesting!

    Thanks for posting.

    I'm aiming for

    117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
  • Thanks for sharing. Looks like I have the equivalent of a bald eagle to lose.
  • time2bhealthy
    time2bhealthy Posts: 211 Member
    This is so funny, I have always thought of the pounds I lose as being equivalent to a pound of hamburger. When I lost my first two pounds about a month ago, I said I lost a whole meatloaf. Now I am up to losing three meatloaf's. 6 pounds doesn't sound like much, but it really is if you think about it that way, lol.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i lost a head lol thats cool
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    i love this!!
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member

    HA HA, aww!
  • ajm07
    ajm07 Posts: 32 Member
    Traditionally, 'bumping' a thread is making a quick post so that the thread goes to the very top of the Recent Posts list. You bump it to the top!

    At myfitnesspal, it's slightly different - by making a single post in a thread, the topic will get added to your 'My Topics' list. So people are saying 'bump', but what they really mean is 'add this to My Topics'. As a side effect the topic will go the top of the Recent Posts list.

    I've lost 120 eggs. Nice ;)
  • A small bale of hay and an ostrich egg... interesting. :)
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    i've lost an elephant heart
  • sara_rose
    sara_rose Posts: 40 Member
    this is pretty amazing! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I've lost an approximate elephant's heart. Aww.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    omg so funny cuz when i lost 5 pounds my bf handed me my chihuahua and said "you lost her" lol

    sw 155.1
    cw 112
    wl elephant heart :-)
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I've almost lost a bale of hay!!! :)

    PS: My guinea pig needs to lose a few guinea pigs lol, he's a chubster.
  • Aha! I knew there was a reason I wasn't thinking right! I've lost my brain!
  • Love this! I've lost cheese plus guinea pig also :P almost a cinderblock! haha
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i lost a head lol thats cool

    now ive lost a bald eagle and 12 doughnuts
  • I have lost a tire. Think I need to lose enough for a fleet of cars! Lol