annoyed of people in real life...



  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    All the time! But remember, most of us used to be like that too. Keep rockin ur **** & stay open & friendly.. Eventually they'll see something in u that they want & will need ur guidance & support. Paying it forward is better than being right any day ;)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    . Paying it forward is better than being right any day ;)
    I need to keep this on my desk. Well said!
  • I get irked by few people close to me. I give them links and articles to read, try to educate them on what to eat (etc) but then I see them eating a candy bar or drinking pop -- or not eating at all (and proud of it). GAH! And I'm not a pusher, will just offer my two cents if they *ask*.

    Editing to say - the best way is just to lead by example. They'll eventually notice and if they truly want change, will try to follow suit. I've seen this with my husband (healthy eating) - but seems to still be a struggle for him to change lifestyle. People don't change overnight I guess and I try to help whenever he asks :)
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Hahaha!! So true! I was at college the other night and a bunch of girls stopped me in the toilet and said "How did you do it!?"

    I said I count calories and I run, its not that hard! Its like people think we have some miracle diet pill no one else knows about!

    Also, I was at my best friend's house the other night eating pizza, I had 3 slices and I said "Urgh I just can't stop at one slice" and she said "I know I don't know how you're so skinny!"

    This really upset me, she knows why I'm so skinny.. because I sweat my *kitten* off everyday at the gym!!! She knows the hard work I put in, its not like I just eat pizza and stay skinny all the time!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Does anyone else find that people complain about their weight a lot? I've had A LOT of people recently tell me they want to lose weight lately, and I tell them about MFP and try to help them get motivated, but then they blow me off completely.... Does this happen to anyone else? I guess I never realized how many people are not ready to actually put their mind to stufff! yikes lol

    This happens all the time! One of my friends whines about being fat all the time, but never makes any moves to do anything about it. I told her about MFP, she bought ChaLean Extreme...and did nothing with either one. I told her that I would help her with both since I have used both before and they don't cost her any money. She then went to some weight loss clinic and paid a lot of money to find out that, oh my, she was overweight...but she didn't take the advice of clinic either. I swear she's bigger than she was before... Now every time I talk to her about my success so far, she blows me off and doesn't want to talk about weight loss.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    amen to this whole thread! I do love the look on people's faces though when they ask me what my secret is, and I tell them hard work and counting calories. Really people, it's not rocket science! But not everyone's at the point where I was, you really have to get to a breaking point to change your habits.

    oh, and I cringe when someone comments on my "diet." It's not a damn diet people, it's a lifestyle change! :grumble: okay, rant over! :happy:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    amen to this whole thread! I do love the look on people's faces though when they ask me what my secret is, and I tell them hard work and counting calories. Really people, it's not rocket science! But not everyone's at the point where I was, you really have to get to a breaking point to change your habits.

    oh, and I cringe when someone comments on my "diet." It's not a damn diet people, it's a lifestyle change! :grumble: okay, rant over! :happy:


    I had a nurse...A NURSE...ask me what *pill* I was taking to help me lose weight. She was horrified when I told her that I was exercising and changing my eating habits.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I just dont care, I tell people the way I lost myweight was dancing nekid under a full moon shaking chicken bones
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I just dont care, I tell people the way I lost myweight was dancing nekid under a full moon shaking chicken bones
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Ha. I just went back to work part time after being gone for 2+ years (like, just last week) & every. last. person. at my office has gone "Oh my god, how are you losing the weight?!" (I'm significantly smaller than the last time they all saw me about a year ago) and when I say "Eating less, moving more" they look like I just punched their puppy. Apparently nobody wants to hear that you actually have to work at something.
  • Well let me tell you I was one of those, until a friend suggested this app on my mobile! I just started on monday, but Im feeling great already! Please add eliisa10 and give me some motivation! ;)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    There was a challenge at work (waitresses) to lose weight..over the course of a month. One male cook entered as well.

    I think one girl lost 4lbs...2 girls gained (how the fuuuu) and the guy lost 15lbs or so.

    You can guess who actually worked out and changed their eating habits.

    I posted that a few times on here, it's like the girls tried to 'think' the weight off. They still ate full meals at work...burgers, fries, you name it. They still went out drinking, ate junk after the bar..stayed up late, slept in, etc (which contributed to their poor eating habits also).

    They also try to get my to party with them, and I'm 92% sure they wanna hook up. Physically, they don't do anything for me. They're friends..but they show no motivation or dedication. They'd rather be lazy and life a terrible (in my opinion) lifestyle. They're still friends of mine, and great coworkers, but it's a shame what some people do to their bodies.

    "If I drank all the time, I'd have the body of a guy who drank all the time" is what I wanna say. You can guess how fit the other guys are .
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yes this happens all of the time!!! They complain yet want to do nothing about it. It gets so old!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It's highly possible that a lot of people who complain about their weight are hoping someone will tell them they don't need to lose any, they look great, etc. As for the rest, try not to be too hard on them, they just aren't ready to commit yet. I needed the motivation of my husband getting into shape to realize just how out of shape I had become. And yes, I really thought that skinny people were just born that way and didn't have to work at it. I agree with whoever said the best thing to do is lead by example. When my hubby started getting his butt up off our couch (trust me, we LOVE our couch) and I was still sitting there watching tv I started to re-evaluate, and then I started working too.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Does anyone else find that people complain about their weight a lot? I've had A LOT of people recently tell me they want to lose weight lately, and I tell them about MFP and try to help them get motivated, but then they blow me off completely.... Does this happen to anyone else? I guess I never realized how many people are not ready to actually put their mind to stufff! yikes lol

    Yes, I've had people also come to me for advice/help....some are motivated and some are trying to find motivation. We've all been there - then one day something clicks. I'm glad it's clicked for me~! I hope for everyone to find their motivation toward a healthier lifestyle~!
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