
It's very disappointing when I complete my food diary and it tells me I'll be down like 14lbs in 5 weeks(and has said that since I started) and i've been doing this almost 2 weeks and have only lost 4lbs. I have no faith in myself at all right now and feel as if I'll never get there.


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It takes time, but it is ALL worth it in the end!!!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    2 lbs per week is really the most you should be losing so you're fine.
  • Ya gotta remember that the "safe" rate of weight loss falls in that 2-3 pound a week range...your doing great...give yourself more credit:)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Don't look at that little notice. It really doesn't mean anything. 2 pounds per week is a GREAT weight loss so don't be discouraged. If you watch shows like "The Biggest Loser" please don't think that what you see on those kinds of shows is a normal weight loss rate. Most of us don't have 5+ hours per day to work out and a very restricted diet. Most of us don't want to lose weight that way, in the first place. The loose skin they must have when they finish.... :noway:

    Think of how long it took you to put that weight on. It's not going to come off overnight, either. Keep at it, you're doing something right. Give it some time. If you haven't already, be sure to take your measurements and track them here. Sometimes when the scale isn't moving, the inches are coming off. Inches are a lot more important than the number on the scale.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I stopped listening to that you will weigh thing. Everybody is so different also it is better for your body to lose weight slowly your more likely to keep it off. Four pounds is awesome for 2 weeks that means you are losing weight at a healthy rate. That is how Ive been losing weight and Im now at 54 lbs lost. It all takes time, took time to put it on it will take time to take it off. be patient and you will be rewarded. Feel free to add me as a friend the more support the better the outcome :)

  • Mark63
    Mark63 Posts: 16 Member
    Pay no attention to that. If you read it, it say's "IF EVERY day is like TODAY..." but how often are your numbers identical. It's just an inspirational thing. It's gonna take time like they said above. Stick with it.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    You are doing great, don't worry. Sometimes weight seems like it is coming off so slowly, and then all of a sudden you'll lose five pounds like that! Have faith in the process, it's weird but it works!!!!
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    4 pounds in 2 weeks is fantastic! Keep doing what you're doing and you will notice a difference!
  • Thanks everyone for the support. Just really erked me. Going to try and better my diet more and work out a little longer. Hopefully I see something :-)