Newbie ;)

I am the queen of I knows and excuses... This time I really want to make a difference to my health and fitness.
Any support would be appreciated as I don't want to go off task, also any tips or anything to help me along the way will be appreciated.
I work at a desk for 40 hours a week, so my life coach has set a new goal. " I can not have an alcoholic drink until I do three hours of some sort of fitness/ exercise a week. ;)
Look forward to making some new friends and support along the way ;)


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Feel free to add me. We can be support partners if you want! I also have a fabulous support group that does biweekly challenges, which I'm the "leader" of if you're interested. Welcome to MFP! This site is amazing!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
  • Thank you babe ;)
  • timothyjkiser
    timothyjkiser Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome. I am on day 3 and the support here is great...and I only have a few good friends right now. Feel free to friend me as I am looking to give support as well as receive it!
  • Hi Kelly I new as well. My trainer turned me on to this site yesterday.Struggled with weight all my life, scary how much I really do eat.
  • Thanks guys!! Yeah I to buzzed out when I entered it properly of what is going into me and then sitting there.
    We will get there though ;)