
cheryl12ann Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
There HAS to be someone out there dealing with this same problem...I do very well during the day with eating healthy, watching my portions ,and tracking what I eat. Then, once I get home from work an internal switch turns on and I throw all my intentions of going to the gym and eating a healthy dinner out the window. I search through my fridge and pantry like I haven't eaten for weeks. Next thing I know I've missed my workout, I'm sitting in front of the TV for hours, and I've eaten at least 3 days worth of food. Really. It gets to the point where my stomach hurts so bad I can barely fall asleep and I feel sick all the next day. I'm in a healthy weight range and don't really look like an overeater but this has to stop. I feel like I've already tried everything in the book but does anyone have any advice for me? Are you going through the same thing or do you know how to overcome this??:brokenheart


  • There HAS to be someone out there dealing with this same problem...I do very well during the day with eating healthy, watching my portions ,and tracking what I eat. Then, once I get home from work an internal switch turns on and I throw all my intentions of going to the gym and eating a healthy dinner out the window. I search through my fridge and pantry like I haven't eaten for weeks. Next thing I know I've missed my workout, I'm sitting in front of the TV for hours, and I've eaten at least 3 days worth of food. Really. It gets to the point where my stomach hurts so bad I can barely fall asleep and I feel sick all the next day. I'm in a healthy weight range and don't really look like an overeater but this has to stop. I feel like I've already tried everything in the book but does anyone have any advice for me? Are you going through the same thing or do you know how to overcome this??:brokenheart
  • clean out your cupboard! throw out all the crap! Fill your kitchen and fridge with healthy food. Pick up Tosca Reno's book the eat clean diet. Take some tips from there. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, plan ahead and get yourself focused. put an unflattering picture of yourself on the fridge or even in it if that doesnt help you stay away when you get home form work. Its not easy to get in shape but when you get yourself on track it is so rewarding in more than one way.
  • are u eating enough in the day, if your not this will make u want to eat when u get home, try and have a healthy dinner prepared and waiting for u when u get home, eat first then go to the gym about an hour after. Even if you dont make it to the gym all is not lost complete basic exercises such as sit up press up and squats in front of the tv. it helped me deal with my problem and reduces the guilt when u miss a work out
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    You see the cycle - that's the first step! Now you have to break it. Right this minute! Don't do the same routine when you go home tonight. Stop at the gym FIRST. Or plan to go first thing in the morning (I do, and then I feel guiltless all day long!)

    Get OUT of that bad routine! Start a new, healthy one!
  • I don't struggle so hard at night, but when I'm hungry I search the frig and cupboards knowing that I can't have any of that stuff. I work out in the morning because I work at home and it is easier to do it in the morning. Have you tried drinking a protein drink. Protein helps curb the appetite and it might bring the cravings under control. A large glass of water can help curb cravings as well. Know that you are not the only one that is struggling. I'm in fairly good shape and people wonder why I'm trying to lose weight but I struggle to keep the calories under control and to eat the right foods. I log everything and that helps me because when I eat over my calories I feel guilty and try to do better the next day. Hang in there, stay on the boards for encouragement and do everything you can to get to your workouts, maybe find someone to work out with because then you become accountable to someone else and not just yourself.
  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    I figure out what i want to eat and have to eat in the beginning of the day and make it work out so that I don't deprive myself of anything. If I know I want to eat something that is bad for my diet I work around it.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Cheryl

    I too have gone through the overeating cycle. Starting out with the best of intentions then a day or two into my diet I wind up starting to eat larger and larger meals or just binging on something I've been thinking of. It gets very discouraging to do that over and over I know.
    To help me find the motivation to stick with a fitness plan and diet I had to assess what goal would motivate me the most. For me it was my desire to go prospecting. The mountain hiking reqires a fitness level that I just didn't have so my incativity and wieght were holding me back from my desires.

    When I have the urge to slip back into bad habits I just dream about how great it's going to be hiking around and not being out of wind or unable to climb hills. So my dream is my motivation.

    I have been on a diet for three weeks now and joined a fit 10 chalenge with the aim at taking home the prize money so I can get accessories for my metal detector. I find that makes sure I get on the treadmill even when my legs are screaming for a break.

    So I'd recomend (a) find a goal that will TRULY motivate you (be honest with yourself).
    (b) get rid of junk food from your house
    (c) fill your fridge with helthy vegitables and friuts.

    If your looking for the full feeling you might want to try adding extra fiber to your meals like phsyllium powder.
    And if the TV is a huge problem (my problem was reading novels) record the shows you like while your working out that way on your days off you can see the programs you missed and have an extra benifit of being able to fast forward through the food commercials.

    Best of luck
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    ugh i know how you feel, ive been doing fine for weeks but then ate an entire Tony's pizza last night. Dont beat urself up about it, jump right back on the wagon and exercise your butt off, only you can decide that you have the willpower to go through with this, not us. I heard this quote once from someone on here and I live by it when I want that box of oreos :wink: "The only reason people fail is they forget what they want most for what they want at the moment." So that food looks great but is it really worth it to be fat the rest of your life? Its a struggle, and even the strongest fail periodically, dont lose faith!!
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