weight to height

hello I am 5' 6' and really confused about what would be a healthy weight. I weighed about 120 to 123 for the last 8 years. But after having my 3rd child I have been unable to lose the last of my baby fat. I am now doing some research about a healthy weight for my height. It seems to be from 115 to about 145? This seems to unrealistic that I could weigh anywhere in that window and it would be healthy. whats your opinion on height to weight.


  • youuluvashh
    youuluvashh Posts: 247 Member
    Did you not feel healthy when you weighed 120 to 123 for the last eight years?...... That weight is in between the two!
    If you felt unhealthy maybe go for the higher # like the 145!!!
  • crochetninja
    crochetninja Posts: 23 Member
    no I felt healthy but discontent with my weight, its all about the number for me.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    from what ive seen 5'6 between 120 -155 is the healthy range

    edit - this gives you a bmi of 20-25
  • cecekins
    cecekins Posts: 20 Member
    It totally depends on your body type. Some women can carry more weight and still be healthy. Based on my body type, my doctor said that a healthy weight for me would be 150, even though I'm only 5'5''.

    You can always talk to your doctor, but just listen to your body. If you feel healthy at 145, then great! If not, aim for something lower. But personally, I think 120 is a little too low for someone who is 5'6''. :)
  • fatguyweightloss
    Well there is being healthy and looking good in a swimsuit. Even if you are in the mid section of overweight BMI your health risks do not really increase. Though once you reach into obese or underweight you mortality ratio can start increasing...see chart from link below:

  • Albeaujean
    I think there are a lot of factors that come into play in determining what a healthy weight is for you, other than just weight number. For example: bone size, muscle mass, body fat%, etc.

    I am also 5'6" and when I weighed 130 I was accused of being anorexic. I was a size 6/8 but my collar bone and hip bone stuck out and at the top of my chest you could see my ribs. I'm a medium/large bone structure with an hour glass figure. I typically look 15-20 pounds lighter to others than what I actually weigh ... so i think it really depends on your body make up. I'm aiming to weigh 145 based on the lightest I've weighed and what I've learned from talking with my doctor and personal trainer about my body type.

    I agree with the previous poster though. Ultimately, it has to be a weight you feel good about and can maintain.

    Good Luck!
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I just got under 150lbs (AGAIN) and my goal is between 120 & 130. At 150lbs, Im considered normal as far as my BMI. But I dont feel healthy at the high of a weight. It depends on how you feel at the different weights.
  • wanderlust3
    A lot of it depends on frame size, how muscled you are, all kinds of things. 130 pounds of lean and toned muscle is a world away from 130 pounds of out-of-shape. I'd say shoot for somewhere around the weight you were at before, and try to track your progress with something other than the number on the scale -- how fast you can run a mile, for instance. Not that you shouldn't weigh yourself at all, but a measurement of your physical fitness will give you a better idea of where your personal "ideal weight" falls on that range, especially as you get closer to your goal.