Funky @$$ breath



  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    I've worked with a few people over the years who have had really bad breath. One woman's breath was so bad that my throat closed up and my eyes watered!

    I think it's cattarh or not flossing that causes it. It's gross and horrible when someone with bad breath leans in to talk to you.

    I think someone has got to be brave and tell these people they have unbearably stinky breath! I was told not to, that t was rude. Have you tried talking to your boss, maybe they could speak to them.

    Lol.. Or leave a bottle of mouthŵash in their secret Santa!!

    My boss doesn't even want to tell this person... but it was kicking at this meeting we had with the customer.

    I also think it's crazy that their partner is not saying anything... It's bad!

    Cowardly boss, lol. Someone should speak to them. It's a health and safety issue. Their personal hygiene is causing ou distress and discomfort at work.

    There's a woman in my office who doesn't bathe, or wash her clothes, or brush her teeth. She comes in to work with dirt under her nails, greasy hair all stuck up, food stains on her top (both front and back), and she reeks so bad of. Body odour that you could cut through the stink with a nice.

    I complained to the manager for years, but they didnt know what to do about it. Eventually anew manager took over and spoke to her, and the problem got better.

    I still wont eat anything she brings in.... As she doesn't wash her hands after using the loo.

    It's horrible havin to put up with this at work!
  • Jess90_
    LMAO!!!!!! Spray some air freshner or something! Just tell them you wanted to try out the new smell. haha And yeah...offer them gum/mints/tict/tacts/ one in while. lol
  • reinach31
    LMAO!!!!!! Spray some air freshner or something! Just tell them you wanted to try out the new smell. haha And yeah...offer them gum/mints/tict/tacts/ one in while. lol

    Thank you! I'll remember that! lol
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    take an air freshener and keep it at your desk and always keep breath mints or gum on hand.
    Fabreez works best for me, I spray my area before I start work and yes we have someone who smells very bad. I don't know if she can help it, you know there are some people who have some disorders. We will not confront but I do my best to make it as comfortable as possible.
    Good luck!
  • azQmaster
    azQmaster Posts: 448 Member
    Just keep asking "Whats that smell, do you smell that, I smell something" that order!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    maybe fake passing out everytime they try to talk to you...wake up asking if someone hit a skunk...
  • reinach31
    maybe fake passing out everytime they try to talk to you...wake up asking if someone hit a skunk...

    lol... not sure I can pull that one! lol Good laugh! Thx
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    omg i never was able to say anything it was m y manager and he was so sweet but OMG lmao
  • reinach31
    omg i never was able to say anything it was m y manager and he was so sweet but OMG lmao
    What a turn-OFF! lol... That sucks!

    This person in my office is married and has kids... I can't believe her spouce doesn't say something!

    Anyway, I always told my boyfriend... If I ever have funky @$$ breath.. HE BETTER TELL ME! ... We feel very comfy to tell each other! So far.. we are GOOD! lol lol
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Lol maybe that's true unconditional love. He loves her no matter how stinky her breath is :)

    Urgh but she kisses her kids good night with that stinky mouth! Lol. Poor kids :(
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    How do you tell someone you work with - they have funky @$$ breath.. If that person is older than you or someone you are not very close to..but you have to work with every day 8hrs a day..

    Please help!
    Tough love baby. Pull them aside and let them know that their breath doesn't smell fresh. Professional people are gracious if you let them know instead of let them talk to everyone else and give the stink face.
  • I use RetarDEX! It's really good at stopping bad breath and doesn't contain any alcohol!

    Definitely leave that on his desk ;)

    OR you can pop the oral spray that RetarDEX do as well and maybe then he'll get the hint!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I know this is a bit off topic, but HOW do you know if your breath smells bad?

    I always feel like my mouth tastes bad, but people don't seem perturbed by my breath (when I don't use mints). =/ I use mints every few minutes though...I think maybe I have gotten so used to my mouth tasting like mint, I can't tell. =/
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I'd probably say "Sweet Baby Cheeses - your breath stinks - did you have a skunk bagel for breakfast or something... Have a mint for now, and get to the chemists at lunchtime and buy the biggest bottle of Listerine you can afford... hell, here's a couple of £ towards the first bottle for you..."

    They may well hate you forever, but they'll probably be so embarassed if you do it loud enough they'll leave the company pretty soon after :laugh:

    fortunately, I don't have to work in a cubicle farm any more :smile: