
nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
hello all ive been given a voucher for a free pizza but they are so darn high in fat cals etc so ive told my partner he can have it and i will make one now ive found a recipe for frying pan pizza which basically you fry the dough and then top with what ever i was going to add low fat spread rather than oils and low fat cheese make my own sauce etc but does anyone else have a good low fat recipe for a pizza?


  • LittleFootHafner
    For a really easy, low fat, pizza alternative: buy a whole wheat pita pocket, then top it with your favourite pizza toppings. Sometimes I go with pizza sauce & turkey pepperoni with veggies, a small amount of light mozarella cheese & spices. Other times I use bar-b-q sauce & roasted chicken. It's delicious, and only takes about 10 minutes at 350 in the oven to finish cooking. It's also MUCH easier than making your own dough! Be sure to leave the pocket original as a double layer, do NOT open it up...

    Good Luck! ;)
  • nettleboo
    nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
    hello thank you i have tried pitta pizza before but my fav was wholemeal tortilla pizzas for a quick pizza i brought mini ones used two with sauce inbetween it was nice but im looking at a from scratch one to make.
  • EmmaRankmore
    I agree, pita pizzas are great and much much lower in fat/calories :)
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    For a really easy, low fat, pizza alternative: buy a whole wheat pita pocket, then top it with your favourite pizza toppings. Sometimes I go with pizza sauce & turkey pepperoni with veggies, a small amount of light mozarella cheese & spices. Other times I use bar-b-q sauce & roasted chicken. It's delicious, and only takes about 10 minutes at 350 in the oven to finish cooking. It's also MUCH easier than making your own dough! Be sure to leave the pocket original as a double layer, do NOT open it up...

    Good Luck! ;)

    Mmmm I am going to try this, sound Yummmmmmy!!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Make your own dough.
    Spread it out.
    Brush olive oil over it.
    Add cheese to taste
    brush sauce over it.
    (sorry I don't have more details, but my wife actually makes it)
  • december8teen
    Wholemeal pita or flatbread pizzas with tomato-based sauce, capsicum, fresh white mushroom and some lean turkey breast and light mozzarella cheese. Yummy! :)
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    IMO, low fat cheese doesn't melt very well and ends up being gross on pizza.

    With a home made pizza, you can make a nice whole wheat thin crust and limit the cheese to reduce fat and cals, but if you enjoy it, it shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. You don't have to eat the whole thing, have one or two slices, save the rest for another good meal later.
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 38 Member
    must try this out.. sounds delicious!