I believe I've hit a plateau =(

For the first time since almost a year ago, the scale has finally gone down! I have 4.5-5 lbs left to go. My clothes fit again..thank goodness and im feeling a lot better!
About a year ago, my stomach started swelling again and I thought for sure I had another stomach infection...not fun. Anyhow, I took the meds and nothing happened...twice. The Dr. wasnt sure what was going on so I decided to start digging deeper myself.
I already know that I am lactose intolerant so I really stopped eating dairy. It's helped out A LOT!! I also thought maybe it was a gluten intolerance, but it wasnt and thank goodness cause that's a tough one! I can't eat whole wheat anymore either :-(, causing major sweeling right away!
I eat mostly organic and cage free and this has also helped out.
I am very active and competitive by nature and with summer not being around anymore, softball and volleyball arent either. But I do still stay active with walking, jogging, pilates and strength training. I mix things up by throwing in dancing 1-2 a week too.
Why am I stuck???
The scale nor my measurements are changing. What gives?
Eat more, eat less??
Burn more calories??
It's 5 LBS.....it shouldnt be this hard!!!!
Thoughts and comments welcome = )


  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    From what I hear, the last pounds are the hardest to lose. I'm of the opinion you need to eat more to lose more. Give it a go. You may need to play when WHEN you're eating as opposed to WHAT you're eating. That helped me a lot :) I eat 5-6 times a day...a huge breakfast, a modest lunch, and a ridiculously small dinner.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    From what I gathered with online research and reading other blogs is that most people plateau and need to increase their caloric intake to get past that. I'm not suggesting that as I do not know approx how many calories you burn a day nor do I know how many you consume. To elaborate on what I am say, it seems that if you are giving yourself too little calories, your body can go into somewhat of a starvation mode and store fat making it harder to drop weight. Another thing to try could be changing what you are eating. If you are currently eating a lot of carbs maybe increase protien intake and drop carb intake a little. Change it up. Once again these are just suggestions.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    From what I gathered with online research and reading other blogs is that most people plateau and need to increase their caloric intake to get past that. I'm not suggesting that as I do not know approx how many calories you burn a day nor do I know how many you consume. To elaborate on what I am say, it seems that if you are giving yourself too little calories, your body can go into somewhat of a starvation mode and store fat making it harder to drop weight. Another thing to try could be changing what you are eating. If you are currently eating a lot of carbs maybe increase protien intake and drop carb intake a little. Change it up. Once again these are just suggestions.

    I agree with this. I have been losing the last 10 pounds for a few months and STILL have just under 2 pounds to go. Agonizing! I plateaued for 2 months and the only thing that snapped me out of it was setting MFP at a 0.5 lb/week loss. The increase in calories got the weight coming off again, albeit slowly. I don't know your stats- height, weight, activity level, etc. so I can't say with certainty this is your issue too, but it worked for me.

    Congrats on being so close to your goal!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Hi Lucky

    Just had a quick peek at your diary, and two things stand out:

    1. You're under your net calories every day. This can cause you to plateau ('starvation mode') and also cause a number of unpleasant side effects if it goes on too long.
    2. You're not drinking NEARLY enough water. 8 half pint measures a day if you're not exercising, more if you are.

    You could also try eating little and often, rather than 2 or 3 big meals a day. 6 smaller meals is the current flavour of the month.

    Hope this helps, and please friend me in case you have continuing problems.

  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    I honestly would not even worry about the numbers. I set my goal weight originally and when I got close, I quit worrying about it. Like you, my clothes are fitting and I am LOVING IT!! People ask me how much I want to weigh and now I say I don't care. I am happy being this size, but I am now working on changing up the body composition, exchanging fat for muscle to firm things up. If you are continuing to exercise, I would encourage you have your body composition checked and then you can see fat vs. muscle. HOWEVER, if you still want to lose those pounds, then yes, you just have to change it up a little. 3500 calories equals one pound. The less you weigh, the less you require. Again, you can calculate your RMR and go just below that. As we get closer to that ideal body weight, it does take longer, but it will come if you are consistent with your eating and exercise, which it sounds like you are. :) I have been at the same weight for a couple of weeks now, but JUST dropped a few ounces today. At our training studio we say, "If you're not pecking, your packing," so just keep on pecking and it will come. :)

    Let's be friends!
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    Hi again. I just looked at the rest of the posts here....I didn't look at your diary....and YES, I agree.....you must eat more. Crazy as it sounds. When you eat, your metabolism works. I am hungry often. Not because I'm not eating, but because my metabolism is working. :) Keep up the good work!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I agree with this. I have been losing the last 10 pounds for a few months and STILL have just under 2 pounds to go. Agonizing! I plateaued for 2 months and the only thing that snapped me out of it was setting MFP at a 0.5 lb/week loss. The increase in calories got the weight coming off again, albeit slowly. I don't know your stats- height, weight, activity level, etc. so I can't say with certainty this is your issue too, but it worked for me.
    And you haven't had a drink in 3 days according to your diary! Your food will be sat undigested in your insides if it hasn't got enough liquid to help process it.
  • amymiller54
    It is funny I came on here to post the same thing. :( It is very frustrating to hit a plateau when working sooo hard to lose weight. I will continue to read this thread and maybe help myself out too. :)
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    It is funny I came on here to post the same thing. :( It is very frustrating to hit a plateau when working sooo hard to lose weight. I will continue to read this thread and maybe help myself out too. :)
    Amy! Water!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    There is a high chance you aren't eating enough. But before we can determine that, we need some basic information such as weight, height and age. Once we get that, then we can run some numbers to see what your caloric needs are. But I feel your pain, I am in the same boat (last 10 lbs); although I will say, I am really concentrating on body fat rather than weight.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    It is funny I came on here to post the same thing. :( It is very frustrating to hit a plateau when working sooo hard to lose weight. I will continue to read this thread and maybe help myself out too. :)
    Amy! Water!!

    @Amy...set your diary to track sodium & sugar too...when you eat out a lot and a lot of processed/convenience foods, sodium can add up really fast.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I agree with this. I have been losing the last 10 pounds for a few months and STILL have just under 2 pounds to go. Agonizing! I plateaued for 2 months and the only thing that snapped me out of it was setting MFP at a 0.5 lb/week loss. The increase in calories got the weight coming off again, albeit slowly. I don't know your stats- height, weight, activity level, etc. so I can't say with certainty this is your issue too, but it worked for me.
    And you haven't had a drink in 3 days according to your diary! Your food will be sat undigested in your insides if it hasn't got enough liquid to help process it.

    That's laziness on my part! I carry a 32 ounce reusable bottle and drink 2-3 of them daily. I have always done this, long before MFP, so I don't bother logging water since it is a given in my daily diet.
  • LuckyGirl2422
    There is a high chance you aren't eating enough. But before we can determine that, we need some basic information such as weight, height and age. Once we get that, then we can run some numbers to see what your caloric needs are. But I feel your pain, I am in the same boat (last 10 lbs); although I will say, I am really concentrating on body fat rather than weight.

    I will be 30 in a couple weeks. I am 5'4 and currently weigh 199-120. I dont carry a whole lot of fat, mostly lean muscle...thank you dad! I have a scale that weighs LBS, body fat % and water weight. body fat % about 20-21 and water usually at 54-55.
  • LuckyGirl2422
    Hi Lucky

    Just had a quick peek at your diary, and two things stand out:

    1. You're under your net calories every day. This can cause you to plateau ('starvation mode') and also cause a number of unpleasant side effects if it goes on too long.
    2. You're not drinking NEARLY enough water. 8 half pint measures a day if you're not exercising, more if you are.

    You could also try eating little and often, rather than 2 or 3 big meals a day. 6 smaller meals is the current flavour of the month.

    Hope this helps, and please friend me in case you have continuing problems.


    If im under my calories, it's due to excercise. The ones same say to eat back and some not to eat back. Most of my workouts are at night after work and after dinner. I cant eat that many calories back that late...i dont sleep well if i do.
    And you said something about my diary not reflecting my H2o consumption. Weird...cause H2o is all i ever drink!!! I have a large water bottle that i refill and drink everyday. wonder why its not showing that???
    thank you!!!!
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    The H2O may not show if you are not logging it in, but I find that I get lazy and forget to log the amount of water. Also, when I say eat more calories for workout, I definitely wouldn't suggest eating them after a late night workout. At that point, I'd only due a protien drink or something to just help aid muscle recovery. If you can, just try to plan your day accordingly. You know you workout and have a rough estimate of how many calories you will burn, try to eat the proper amount of nutrients throughout the day so that you will have fueled your body prior to the workout.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    There is a high chance you aren't eating enough. But before we can determine that, we need some basic information such as weight, height and age. Once we get that, then we can run some numbers to see what your caloric needs are. But I feel your pain, I am in the same boat (last 10 lbs); although I will say, I am really concentrating on body fat rather than weight.

    I will be 30 in a couple weeks. I am 5'4 and currently weigh 199-120. I dont carry a whole lot of fat, mostly lean muscle...thank you dad! I have a scale that weighs LBS, body fat % and water weight. body fat % about 20-21 and water usually at 54-55.

    You didn't hit a plateau, you probably hit the acceptable weight for your frame. At 5'4" you are at the lower part of what is acceptable for your height and frame as per the link below. If anything, I would look at body recomposition (decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass). Why do you even want to lose more weight? Have you thought about just working on building muslce? And without exercise, your body is going to require 1500 calories (BMR is around 1300 and sedentary lifestyle). And if you exercise, your maintenance calories increase. Eating 1200 calories is really just starving your body from additional energy.

  • LuckyGirl2422
    The H2O may not show if you are not logging it in, but I find that I get lazy and forget to log the amount of water. Also, when I say eat more calories for workout, I definitely wouldn't suggest eating them after a late night workout. At that point, I'd only due a protien drink or something to just help aid muscle recovery. If you can, just try to plan your day accordingly. You know you workout and have a rough estimate of how many calories you will burn, try to eat the proper amount of nutrients throughout the day so that you will have fueled your body prior to the workout.

    THANK YOU so much for the info! I have gone back thru my dairy and my H2o consumption is there :). it's usally the first thing I add because I know I will drink the full bottle that I bring with me, which is about 4.5 cups.
    After my workout, I will eat an apple or veggies or I will drink a glass of choc hemp milk...lots of protein and omega 3's! I can't have regular milk anymore. But i definitley cannot eat another full meal before bed.
    I guess i am going to go ahead and change my goal to .5lb per week since up cals seems to work for most people.
  • LuckyGirl2422
    There is a high chance you aren't eating enough. But before we can determine that, we need some basic information such as weight, height and age. Once we get that, then we can run some numbers to see what your caloric needs are. But I feel your pain, I am in the same boat (last 10 lbs); although I will say, I am really concentrating on body fat rather than weight.

    I will be 30 in a couple weeks. I am 5'4 and currently weigh 199-120. I dont carry a whole lot of fat, mostly lean muscle...thank you dad! I have a scale that weighs LBS, body fat % and water weight. body fat % about 20-21 and water usually at 54-55.

    You didn't hit a plateau, you probably hit the acceptable weight for your frame. At 5'4" you are at the lower part of what is acceptable for your height and frame as per the link below. If anything, I would look at body recomposition (decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass). Why do you even want to lose more weight? Have you thought about just working on building muslce? And without exercise, your body is going to require 1500 calories (BMR is around 1300 and sedentary lifestyle). And if you exercise, your maintenance calories increase. Eating 1200 calories is really just starving your body from additional energy.


    ya know..when i first started MFP, I thought 1200 cals was crazy low for someone like me but I did it and it worked to get the scale moving. I do think it's time I up my cals though.
    as for building muscle, i do that quick and im good on that.
    I really dont know why im griping to be honest with you..im not fat, im toned and i have muscle! what the hell is wrong with me!?!?!?!
    thank you so much!!
  • YeOldeLancer
    If you are working out everyday, then I would suggest taking a break for a couple of days. I know it's hard if you are in a routine (like how I was) but that will allow your body to become in a "resting" state and when you hit back with working out again, it will shock the body into another round of weight loss.

    In the beginning. i never worked out and once I started, weight came off like crazy. I then also hit a plateau and for about two weeks I didn't lose anything. I took two days off and ate over my calorie goal, then on the third day I went back into my routine and I lost another 1.7 pounds within a few days. I know each person is different but that worked for me and if/when I plateau again, I will probably try the same thing.

    Good luck!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    There is a high chance you aren't eating enough. But before we can determine that, we need some basic information such as weight, height and age. Once we get that, then we can run some numbers to see what your caloric needs are. But I feel your pain, I am in the same boat (last 10 lbs); although I will say, I am really concentrating on body fat rather than weight.

    I will be 30 in a couple weeks. I am 5'4 and currently weigh 199-120. I dont carry a whole lot of fat, mostly lean muscle...thank you dad! I have a scale that weighs LBS, body fat % and water weight. body fat % about 20-21 and water usually at 54-55.

    You didn't hit a plateau, you probably hit the acceptable weight for your frame. At 5'4" you are at the lower part of what is acceptable for your height and frame as per the link below. If anything, I would look at body recomposition (decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass). Why do you even want to lose more weight? Have you thought about just working on building muslce? And without exercise, your body is going to require 1500 calories (BMR is around 1300 and sedentary lifestyle). And if you exercise, your maintenance calories increase. Eating 1200 calories is really just starving your body from additional energy.


    ya know..when i first started MFP, I thought 1200 cals was crazy low for someone like me but I did it and it worked to get the scale moving. I do think it's time I up my cals though.
    as for building muscle, i do that quick and im good on that.
    I really dont know why im griping to be honest with you..im not fat, im toned and i have muscle! what the hell is wrong with me!?!?!?!
    thank you so much!!

    Whats your workout schedule like? Because based on the information you gave me, I am thinking you should be around 1700 calories if you are working out 5 days a week (And that has a small deficit for weight loss). If you work out a lot, your maintenance calories are around 1950. The only thing you do when eating low calories is preserve fat and burn muscle.