Pregnancy - October 2011



  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    MelissaSerpa: Thank you so much for sharing with me. I'm so sorry you had to go through that -- 2 months must have been terrible, let alone all the emotional stuff that goes with it. Thank you for your sympathy too. It is really hard. On the upside, congratulations on your pregnancy! How wonderful. i'm hoping I will have the same luck too

    R_mageddon: Thank you so much for telling me about your miscarriage as well. I know it's something most people don't want to talk about. That's encouraging to hear that you did it naturally, without having any intervention. I'm really hoping mine will go the same way. We know there's no heartbeat, but it's been a week now since finding out, and no bleeding or anything yet. Thanks again.... I really appreciate it.
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    LindsayChick, first I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family find some peace and comfort together. Second, my miscarriage (approximately 8 weeks) was completely "natural". I didn't know I was pregnant so I hadn't had heartbeat issues or anything, I just spontaneously started cramping badly and passing blood and tissue. A seven-week miscarriage should not require a D&C.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Anyone deal with Sciatica pain during this pregnancy or previous pregnancies? I never had it with my first but the last week and a half or so I have had it and wow does it kill! I feel like a huge baby but I have never had pain in my butt/pelvis,upper thigh like this before. I have tried stretching but my husband looks at me like I am nuts in the living room on the floor lol. I am trying a heat pad tonight. Hopefully I can find something soon.
  • larsonl2
    larsonl2 Posts: 2 Member
    LindsayChick- i found out at an 8 wk u/s that they couldn't see a heartbeat and the sac was measuring small. they did another at 10 weeks to make sure that my dates weren't wrong, but found no growth and no heart beat. they insisted i let it go naturally. at 12 weeks i finally had a little spotting, then it finally passed around what would have been 15 weeks. so it can take awhile and really can take a toll mentally... i didn't want to go anywhere until it passed. so basically stayed home just waiting for 5 weeks. but on the upside everything went fine once the process started, though a tad painful. To end this on a good note i was able to get pregnant again about 4 months after and am now 32 weeks and due Dec 2nd with my 2nd child :) So this will pass and just be a sad memory fairly soon!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    LindsayChick -My miscarriage was 'natural' as well. I had my first u/s at wk 11 showing no heartbeat. The dr had me come back the next week for another just to make sure the dates weren't off and there was no growth. I started light bleeding the week between the ultrasounds and then I believe it was the next week that I woke up in the middle of the night with severe cramping/contractions and thats when everything passed. Thinking of and praying for you. Also, I became anemic since it all happened at don't be afraid to have people come stay with you (I had my sister one day & mother in law the next).
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Hi ladies-
    Anyone deal with Sciatica pain during this pregnancy or previous pregnancies? I never had it with my first but the last week and a half or so I have had it and wow does it kill! I feel like a huge baby but I have never had pain in my butt/pelvis,upper thigh like this before. I have tried stretching but my husband looks at me like I am nuts in the living room on the floor lol. I am trying a heat pad tonight. Hopefully I can find something soon.

    I had that the other day! Terrible! I did the stretching as well (and got the same strange looks from my husband) but didn't really find anything to relieve it. She eventually moved over and I was better. If you figure something out that works, let me know in case it happens again!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    larsonl2: Thanks so much for sharing your story. I'm so glad yours passed naturally and I'm hoping mine will too. I was really interested to hear that yours took 5 weeks to fully resolve. It's been a wk since they found no heartbeat and nothing has happened sofar.... I'm wondering if mine will take that long too. Thanks so much for thinking about me. It really is a hard time and it helps to know someone elses's story. =(
    On the upside, I'm so glad you got pregnant shortly after. I have mixed feelings about getting pregnant again soon as this has been a really hard experience. We'll see.... Thanks again and I wish you the absolute best w/ your pregnancy!

    JKilty: So 11wks... hum.... I may have a while to go until mine passes. I'm so glad you had someone come stay w/ you. No one in my family really knows about the pregnancy/miscarriage as I'm not that close to them.... but I do have a very supportive husband and friends. I also have a follow up appt (Ultrasound) in a few weeks to see if it's passed.... so will keep you posted. Thanks so much for sharing and I wish you the absolute best w/ your pregnancy!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Elizabeth & JKitty - the best thing to ease sciatica (that I found) is being in water. Hanging out/floating (even swimming laps) in a pool is great if you can, but even relaxing in a full tub can help. It's also good for your circulation.
    The only way to fully relieve it is to have the baby, though. :laugh:
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    I had sciatiica pain in my first pregancy. It would shoot down my right leg like no other. I found that getting on the bed and getting on all fours helped. Allowing the belly to just hang down was great and it felt good on the back. I suppose you could get on the floor and do it but we had scratchy carpet so the bed was better for my knees. I had it the entire pregnancy but mostly in the first, I'm only five weeks now and I'm already starting to feel it.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Congrats Caperfae!

    Thanks ladies for your input on the pain. I tried the heating pad which didn't do much but then middle of the night the pain went away. It came back but only for a short time. I can tolerate a little here and there but not constant. I cleaned our house yesterday and did almost all of our laundry which was about 10 loads. It felt nice to get caught up on things around the house. The old office is now cleared out and moved downstairs. Now we need to decide if we are going to remove the wood paneling on the walls. The paneling was up when we moved in. Lots of things still left to do but we do have plenty of time before the little girl shows up. How are you all on coming up with names? We still haven't decided yet. My husband really likes Madison but I think it sounds too much like our daughters name Allison. Allison was his favorite and we used that name
    so this little girls name is my choice basically. I am due January 4th and my school semester ends around the week of December 12th and starts up again January 12th. Lately everyone keeps asking me if I am taking a semester off or not. When I tell them I am not planning on it they look at me like I am nuts. Am I crazy? Granted my baby could only be a week old I realize this. Can I manage having a newborn, going to classes, clinicals and starting up work at the end of my leave? Maybe I have lost my mind.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Anyone deal with Sciatica pain during this pregnancy or previous pregnancies? I never had it with my first but the last week and a half or so I have had it and wow does it kill! I feel like a huge baby but I have never had pain in my butt/pelvis,upper thigh like this before. I have tried stretching but my husband looks at me like I am nuts in the living room on the floor lol. I am trying a heat pad tonight. Hopefully I can find something soon.

    I've had it for about the last month. It usually comes on when im walking and i feel it mainly in the upper thigh of my right leg, i also sometimes feel it when im lying down. If it happens when im walking my leg almost completely buckles, I must look so special to those watching :laugh:

    I think i redefined the term 'nesting' last night! :laugh: I had a four hour straight cleaning and organizing binge between the hours of 6 and 10pm, so much so that i forgot to have dinner until i was done lol. It involved washing of the floors, dishes, three loads of laundry, vacuuming, setting up of the crib, bassinet and whole nursery and the sorting of clothes into size order hahaha. But it made me so happy!! to sit back and FINALLY see that my baby has his own little space. I put emphasis on the word LITTLE because we only have a studio apartment for the next 3 months, so we had to make the most of it.

    I had another doctors appointment today and was told to take off everything below the waist by the nurse, so i duely did so, only for the doctor to come in and give me a strange look b4 asking why i had taken my pants off hahaha. She debated wether to do a strep b test (seeing as im having a c-section) and i told her that i was dressed for the occasion so she may as well :laugh: My lo is still breeched, but im fine with this as long as hes safe and comfy.

    I miss sleep....
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    Lindsaychick I'm so sorry for your loss and i hope it passes naturally for you.

    I had my first Ultrasound this morning and everything is measuring at 9 weeks which is right on target! The heartbeat was 180! Both my boys were in the 140s so kinda hoping this is a little girl but just want a healthy baby and this is our last one so our family will be complete! The technician scared us a little bit cause at first she thought there were 2 but made sure there was only 1!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Happy Thursday! (GO TIGERS!)

    Caperfae~ Congrats! What a beautiful baby girl!

    Sandijones~ Way to go with keeping at 150! That's where I am (well according to my scale and 152 according to the doc's) and I can only hope to stay there for the next month or so. Glad to hear you u/s went well. How did the boy react?

    R_mageddon~ Yay you have an appointment! The weekend is getting closer and closer! Hope your reveal goes well. Have you thought of a creative way to tell everyone or are you just going to tell them what you are thankful for? (10 weeks= 1quarter of the way cooked!)

    LindsayChick~ I am so sorry for your loss and hope you and your family find some peace. :flowerforyou:

    Elizabeth/Jkilty~ This talk about sciatica pain scares me, because I already have sciatica pain and I'm only 9.5 weeks! :laugh: Oh, I can just imagine how I'm going to feel when I get further along. I think I am going to up my stretching and swimming now...

    Melissa~ Great job on getting everything cleaned and organized!! I really need some nesting motivation to hit my house! I don't think my laundry can pile any higher. LOL :noway:

    AFM~ Still doing good. We are counting down till our next appointment on the 19th. Hubs will be on vacation on the 11th to the 19th so he will be starting on the nursery. We (well, he) plan(s) on ripping out the carpet, putting down laminate, and building a closet organizing system. I can't wait! :smile: We picked up a second-hand dresser that we will be painting and adding new hardware to use in the nursery with a changing pad on top. We are still throwing out a million and two ideas for our Dr. Seuss theme! There are just too many fun things you can do!
    As for other planning, we have our Boy name picked, Caleb Jaxson (CJ for short), but we are still working on the girl name. I am thinking Cecelia (my mother’s middle name) Grace (CC for short), but hubs says he doesn’t like it and he couldn’t give me an explanation either. Pshh, men!

    Ok, so I guess I should get back to work, hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay healthy and keep those babies safe!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    omg and congrats caperfae!!! she is soooo gorgeous :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Scorpiomom – I give you credit for planning to cloth diaper. I don’t think I have the patience for it. You said you would still dump the poop in toilet with a disposable diaper? I’ve never heard of doing that.

    Melissa – I hope you have fun at the concert!

    Caperfae – congratulations!!!!! She is beautiful!

    Julia – welcome (again) and congrats!

    Sandi – glad you had a good appointment, yea for seeing baby for the first time!

    R_mageddon – I hated the stage where I just looked like I was gaining weight. Everyone at work looked at like I was just letting myself go after all that hard work too. I felt a lot better when I actually looked pregnant.

    Lindasy –Thinking of you!

    Elizabeth – I only had sciatica pain very briefly. I would lie down on my side (opposite of the side that hurt) and it went away on its own without me doing anything else. I hope your pain gets better soon!

    Kim – working on the nursery is so much fun! Hubby did all the painting and heavy work and I was just the “supervisor” since he wouldn’t let me move anything. My favorite part was putting everything away after my baby showers!

    No change at my appointment today, still stuck at 2 centimeters. The doctor did strip my membrane though……OUCH!!! He said that normally starts labor within 24 to 36 hours - if it’s effective. Right now I’m just insanely crampy from that, I’ve got my fingers crossed that I go into labor tonight. I just want to be done working.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Elizabeth - I don't think you're crazy for going right back to school, but then that's because I did that too. The semester started 8/22, he was born 9/22 and I was back in class on 9/27. His due date was Oct 4, which had me a bit concerned because of a midterm on Oct 5, but I talked to the professor (and the other teachers, since I had midterms all around then) and could have made arrangements if necessary.
    I won't pretend it's easy. I feel like a major slacker right now. My test yesterday didn't go as well as I want (I think I got about 80%, boo) and I've missed a homework in another class (but he drops 2 low scores) and a lab (but they drop 1). I may have to be satisfied with a decent pass rather than As this semester. :sad: That said, I put way too much pressure on myself anyway, and pass will get me graduating.
    I also have a VERY supportive hubby who right now goes to school with me and hangs out with the baby so I can feed him in between classes. In a few weeks, he'll be staying home with baby and I'll be pumping. My other kids have also been awesome with helping with chores, which almost makes up for their share of the mess :laugh:

    So it's possible, just tough. But if you're determined, you can make it work (just don't plan on having a clean house!!)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    elizabeth- I also plan to return to study full time in march of next year (literally just after doing the move to nz and having the wedding).I dont think it will be easy but i think that the motivation you get from having a young family, a supportive hubby and some super time management can make it a reality. So i like to think its completely possible!! Only you know what you are capable off so dont worry what others may think or say unless there opinion is one you truly value
  • R_mageddon
    R_mageddon Posts: 68 Member
    It seems like the question "Do you have kids" is popping up randomly in conversations with people that don't know me well lately. It's a weird question. I always want to say "sort of" lol

    kcurtis - I think we're just going to make it the thing we're grateful for...assuming we can make it to dinner without announcing. It's usual for all to have a drink or two together before dinner so we might have to tell before I have someone pushing a glass of wine or beer on me ;) With my mom, we're going to do it privately. My father passed away a few years ago (it makes me so sad to know that he won't have known his grandchild), I'm an only child and as you know, this is my first so it's going to be a bit emotional I think.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Scorpiomom – I give you credit for planning to cloth diaper. I don’t think I have the patience for it. You said you would still dump the poop in toilet with a disposable diaper? I’ve never heard of doing that.

    It's actually in violation to the WHO (World Health Organization) regulations to not dump the poo in the toilet. NOT flushing is how alot of diseases are spread because it just sits in our landfills. Live Polio, Hepatitis, etc.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    brought all of the breast pump bits and bobs last night. im glad i had someone with me who knew exactly what to look for and purchase, as i had NO idea :tongue: