New Here....

Okay, so I'm not really new new. I had an account a few months ago. but I lost my motivation as soon as school started. Adding that on top of my already busy work schedule and it was getting ridiculous! I had lost about 19lbs after two months last time, sadly I am starting to gain it back and I need help. I just don't see how to fit in a workout with everything I got going on. I'm not looking for a pity party, I just want some advice please :) And a few friends to get me going again. Thanks a Bunch! <3


  • pascalvgilbert
    Welcom back
    all the best to you in this return
    i will gladly support you any way i can
    Have a great day
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Hi and welcome back :smile:

    Good Luck in reaching your goal, we are all here to help you on your way.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want somebody to give you a friendly nudge in the right direction
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    The best motivation there is for me, is doing 'before' and 'after' photos. Ive kept a fairly good photo diary since i made the decision to start working out and geting in shape, and whenever i feel the urge to eat something 'naughty' or cant be bothered to workout for the 6th day in a row lol i just go to the gallery on my phone and look at the photos of me 'before', and you can believe me when i say, thats one hell of a kick up the backside. I will put some of my before photos up before long so you can see what i mean
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 38 Member
    welcome back!friend request going your way! :flowerforyou: