Good Idea, or Bad?

I really started going strong with MFP May 1st... I was dropping weight on a healthy scale....... When that was happening I was pretty much focusing just on my calorie intake, making sure I was close to my goal...... Then I started watching sodium and sugar, and since then I hit a MASSIVE plateau (like Titanic iceburg sized!!) and now ive put back on almost 10 lbs (partly because I got so discouraged I slipped back into my unhealthy lifestyle).... Ive started tracking my food again, and exercising daily and i feel SO much better..... But my question is, do you, my fellow "healthy" friends, think it would be a good idea to focus mostly on my caloric intake again? because thats what I want to do.. Its when I felt the best, and when I was losing the weight at 1.5-2 lbs per week


  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Sounds fine to me. Over thinking and anyazling and worrying about micro nutrients usually leads to more trouble than it's worth.

    As long as you know you're eating healthy and not eating a bunch of junk then you'll be fine.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    For weight loss, it's all about the calories at the end of the day. Other issues might make you feel slightly better, but if you just want to lose weight and get healthier, make that calorie deficit! :D
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Stick to the calories. Too many restrictions, imo, are the leading reason many people give up on weight loss.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    For me, keeping it simple works - I count calories, try not eat food that's obviously unhealthy and allow myself treats (provided they fall into my calorie allowance)
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i honestly don't pay attention to my sodium or sugar. to some that may be bad, but i do what works for me. i try my best to eat healthy foods and at the end of the day i'm still eating way healthier than i used to. maybe someday i will start watching those things, but for now i just focus on calories.
  • MindyLynn77
    I always feel scared... like, what if I do this, and it makes me gain a lb? what if I do that, and it makes me gain a lb? but I know at some point things need to change up so that your body doesnt get in the routine and just stop progressing to my ultimate goal.... But seriously, this sodium and sugar thing threw me on a downward spiral that ive had a hard time comming back from... the exercise thing too.... I signed up at the gym about the time I started watching the sodium and sugar.. Its so crazy how I lost more weight exercising at home all by myself.......... So last night I walked a mile around my neighborhood, and this morning I did my 30 day shred again....... Im gonna go back to the basics a little, I think, and see what happens.. I need to find my motivation again, and nothing does that for me like the scale!! (and my sister!)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Great idea! Counting calories is a must. Don't be obsessive- watch what you put into your body, making sure each thing is healthy and something that will only benefit your body. Don't forget the exercise though! Counting calories is a good start but exercising is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Sounds like you know that though and you've started again so good for you! I do the same thing- lose weight, plateau, get discouraged, do it's frustrating! Keep it up. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • lauralu1825
    I would say go with what works the best for you, not everyone gets the same results doing the same things. So again I would just do whatever works best for you as long as you stay healthy!
  • KMSForLife
    It could be coincidence but my weight loss slowed when I started watching sodium intake. Seems odd - could just be my first plateau. I'm switching some things up to see if I can shake it.
  • MindyLynn77
    Great idea! Counting calories is a must. Don't be obsessive- watch what you put into your body, making sure each thing is healthy and something that will only benefit your body. Don't forget the exercise though! Counting calories is a good start but exercising is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Sounds like you know that though and you've started again so good for you! I do the same thing- lose weight, plateau, get discouraged, do it's frustrating! Keep it up. You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, Im goin back to the basics on that too.. Ill still keep my gym membership, bc I looooooooove my Zumba classes and swimming... But, Id rather walk around my neighborhood than on a treadmill (just makes my soul feel better), and ill continue to do a little on the eliptical everyday..... Dancing is my favorite, I could do it all day every day... Im hopeing when Im done losing most of my weight, Ill have the finances to open a Zumba studio :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I always feel scared... like, what if I do this, and it makes me gain a lb? what if I do that, and it makes me gain a lb? but I know at some point things need to change up so that your body doesnt get in the routine and just stop progressing to my ultimate goal.... But seriously, this sodium and sugar thing threw me on a downward spiral that ive had a hard time comming back from... the exercise thing too.... I signed up at the gym about the time I started watching the sodium and sugar.. Its so crazy how I lost more weight exercising at home all by myself.......... So last night I walked a mile around my neighborhood, and this morning I did my 30 day shred again....... Im gonna go back to the basics a little, I think, and see what happens.. I need to find my motivation again, and nothing does that for me like the scale!! (and my sister!)

    Remember, it takes a 3,500 calories EXCESS to gain 1lb of fat. So when you see that scale has gone up a 1lb, think "Did i really eat 3,500 over my limit?!" If you didnt, it's not fat, so dont worry! This is where water weight and sodium comes in.
  • MindyLynn77
    It could be coincidence but my weight loss slowed when I started watching sodium intake. Seems odd - could just be my first plateau. I'm switching some things up to see if I can shake it.

    Isnt that crazy?
  • jenocelot
    I lost the most ever, 20 lbs, which is all I needed to lose (now back up ten, slacked off) when I was tracking and packing in major nutrition with each bite -- no junk, only healthy fats, lots of vegetables and legumes, some fruit, small portions whole grains. On another site I was able to see lots more nutrient content of food; mfp has minimal nutrient tracking comparatively. But maybe try this -- which I'm doing and I find it makes me choose carefully what I put into my mouth: in 'settings', change them once in a while so you can see protein, fiber, vitamin a, calcium, iron....then another week watch maybe fat, potassium, vitamin c, you can see if you eat white bread and lots of peanut butter and forgot your carrot juice that day, you didn't get enough vitamins and too much fat. paying attention to nutrition is what helps me focus on making every calorie count! And yes, count the calories, that's a no-brainer, right? Hope it goes well for you. And isn't it nice taking a brisk walk in nice weather, with the fresh air, and people to say hello to!!
  • MindyLynn77
    I lost the most ever, 20 lbs, which is all I needed to lose (now back up ten, slacked off) when I was tracking and packing in major nutrition with each bite -- no junk, only healthy fats, lots of vegetables and legumes, some fruit, small portions whole grains. On another site I was able to see lots more nutrient content of food; mfp has minimal nutrient tracking comparatively. But maybe try this -- which I'm doing and I find it makes me choose carefully what I put into my mouth: in 'settings', change them once in a while so you can see protein, fiber, vitamin a, calcium, iron....then another week watch maybe fat, potassium, vitamin c, you can see if you eat white bread and lots of peanut butter and forgot your carrot juice that day, you didn't get enough vitamins and too much fat. paying attention to nutrition is what helps me focus on making every calorie count! And yes, count the calories, that's a no-brainer, right? Hope it goes well for you. And isn't it nice taking a brisk walk in nice weather, with the fresh air, and people to say hello to!!

    Most definately!!! I love being outside, early mornings or late evenings when things just seem calm... It makes my soul feel better.... This is why I need a beach house!!! lol
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I just watch my calories too. I used to freak out over the sugar, but I don't anymore. All my sugar comes from fruit so I quit freaking out about it.
  • MindyLynn77
    I just watch my calories too. I used to freak out over the sugar, but I don't anymore. All my sugar comes from fruit so I quit freaking out about it.

    yeah thats me too!!! I dont use regular sugar, seldomly artificial sugars, and I dont eat white bread or rice, and seldomly pasta thats not whole grain, but damn it has had me stressed out!!! The sodium is the worst tho, bc I loveeeeeee soup, and its sooooooo low in calories.. High in sodium tho.. so everytime i eat it, i get pissy bc i go way over on my sodium, but the minimal amout of calories is good for me, and i LOVE it! lol.
  • joyousjoyce
    joyousjoyce Posts: 6 Member
    Definitely! For weight management, it's mostly the caloric intake. Sodium & sugar also play a role in the foods you choose, but calories are the most important for now in your goals! Maybe the best thing next to focus on would be the nutrient density in your foods. This has something to do with sugars and such. For instance, would you rather eat 100 calories of vegetables that are rich in essential nutrients for your body (to do work/exercise) or would you rater eat 100 calories of Nerds?

    For now, I don't think it's important for you to work on the nitty gritty stuff of sodium & sugar. Just stay away from sodium as much as possible. But if you ever have options, pick the healthier choice of the two. And if you want the sugary option, then consider working your body to pay it off!

    Remember, everything is still good to eat in general. But only in moderation! :)
  • MindyLynn77
    Definitely! For weight management, it's mostly the caloric intake. Sodium & sugar also play a role in the foods you choose, but calories are the most important for now in your goals! Maybe the best thing next to focus on would be the nutrient density in your foods. This has something to do with sugars and such. For instance, would you rather eat 100 calories of vegetables that are rich in essential nutrients for your body (to do work/exercise) or would you rater eat 100 calories of Nerds?

    For now, I don't think it's important for you to work on the nitty gritty stuff of sodium & sugar. Just stay away from sodium as much as possible. But if you ever have options, pick the healthier choice of the two. And if you want the sugary option, then consider working your body to pay it off!

    Remember, everything is still good to eat in general. But only in moderation! :)

    most of my sugar is consumed in fruits, so im not to worried about that... Sodium is the DEVIL tho! lol