Islamic faith - prayer and working out...

In the Islamic faith, prayer is typically 5 times a day. Obviously this takes priority in a Muslim's my question is, is it logistically harder to get a workout in? With all the stresses going on around us, how can it all be fit into 24 hours???


  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    You seem to be on the right path judging from your picture, I'm sure you will be able to figure this one out.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    You seem to be on the right path judging from your picture, I'm sure you will be able to figure this one out.

    This was purely out of curiosity. But thanks, hope the track stays true!
  • TheTonyPony
    Even if their prayers took an hour each, that still leaves 19 hours left to work out.
  • wvjanie
    wvjanie Posts: 37 Member
    I don't know if it is any help, not being Islamic, but as a Christian I believe that God hears me wherever I am, whatever I am doing, when I am talking to him. So I use the time when I am mindlessly working out on something like an elliptical machine or other solitary exercise and talk "pray" to Him. Some of my best conversations occur then, since my mind seems to be most alert and I can better concentrate on what I am saying and listen for what He might have to say to me.
  • hkrosez
    hkrosez Posts: 53
    Even if their prayers took an hour each, that still leaves 19 hours left to work out.

    Well, minus a minimum of 8 for the working day, though, so you have 11 left, and say you are only getting in 7 hours of sleep, so now you have 4 hours left. Add time for meals.... -2 hours (quick meals)... meaning you only have 2 hours left a day for workout and time for yourself and you family.

    NOT being Islamic:

    I spend 9-10hrs at work, 1.5 hours driving, 6 hours sleeping, and around 2.5 hours eating. I am spend my time eating with my family, and whatever time I have left over. I'm lucky to get a few minutes of exercise a day, if that! lol - not that that is an excuse, I'm just saying, adding a few hours of religion to my life would be a very difficult task, and I just don't have the extra time for that.

    I mean, weekends are spent cleaning, cooking meals for lunches for the week, laundry, bathing/taking care of my dog, doing the lawn work, and finishing up the remodeling of my house.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Even if their prayers took an hour each, that still leaves 19 hours left to work out.

    But add in work, eating, children, family time...

    I am also very curious about this, as I have MANY friends that are of Islamic faith and I know some of them said they struggle with being able to get everything completed.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm just hoping your topic doesn't get attacked by a certain group of individuals because you brought up anything about faith or prayer. But on another note, I'm not sure how to fit it all in, because I'm a mom of three and still can't seem to figure out how to work everything into a day, lol.
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    Prayers are five times a day and are very short 2 - 5 minutes they can be done in the privacy of your own home or in a public place. There is a morning prayer before sun up and then an two prayers in the afternoon (ish) and two prayers at night. It is supposed to keep people God conscious. As a Muslim personally prayer vs. workout is never a question I ask myself it is usually tv vs. workout that is the battle.
  • TheTonyPony
    Well, I guess it's a matter of treating your workouts like 'you time'. My partner was very heavy and is now extremely fit as he has worked out every day for 25 minutes. Not slogging it away in the gym but consistently 25 minutes every single day and really working hard on the weekends. I'm hoping to follow his lead before he comes home.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    The way I work it...

    Each prayer takes all of 10 minutes x 5 times = 50 mins. I have 24 hrs in the day..

    For M - F

    6 - 8 hrs sleep
    9 hr work shift
    2 hrs commuting to and from work
    1 hr prayer
    = 4-6 hrs "personal time" - eat, work out, kill time

    My workout is on my mind every day so I just have to keep a schedule. If my evening prayer is at 6:30 pm, that gives me several hours between my prayer and the time I go to sleep to work out, eat, shower, watch the news (or whatever else I want to do) and hit the sack.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    Prayers are five times a day and are very short 2 - 5 minutes they can be done in the privacy of your own home or in a public place. There is a morning prayer before sun up and then an two prayers in the afternoon (ish) and two prayers at night. It is supposed to keep people God conscious. As a Muslim personally prayer vs. workout is never a question I ask myself it is usually tv vs. workout that is the battle.

    The brevity of the prayers, and the fact that you can perform them at most any location makes the difference...I wasn't aware of that.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    As far as I'm aware the prayers aren't long, in Islamic countries everyone take a break from what they're doing to pray then get on with their business whether it's work, family and I'm sure working out! There's no reason it should impact a work out scheduale
  • saajidah93
    I'm a muslim, and prayers aren't long so it doesn't take up much of your day...
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Even if their prayers took an hour each, that still leaves 19 hours left to work out.

    But add in work, eating, children, family time...

    I am also very curious about this, as I have MANY friends that are of Islamic faith and I know some of them said they struggle with being able to get everything completed.

    We all struggle to get everything completed in one day. There is always more to do or that we want to get done. It's a matter of making time for the most important things and letting go of those things that don't matter as much.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    maybe god helps them prioritize things JUST right so they can get in everything they want to

    like atsteele said, we all struggle with balance, religious or not
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
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