Activity Level?

I'm a stay-at-home-mom and wife. Whereas I realize it's a hard job (didn't want any other SAHM's thinking I was putting it down) just how active is it really? When I first started MFP I had my level set to sedentary, cause even though I cleaned and such I still took breaks and felt there was a lot of sitting in my day. A few weeks back, due to the new found energy, I tend to do more with the kids. Walking to parks, passing balls outside, etc. So I changed my activity level to lightly active, however I don't think I'd compare what I do to the nurse job, the example in that category. I guess my main question is, should I set it to sedentary, and then claim things like cleaning into my exercise? Should I stick to lightly active and not claim it? And according to MPF's tools, I burn more just in my daily cleaning, then they give me in the difference between sedentary and lightly active.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Don't pay attention to what the descriptions say, just find which one works for you by trial and error. Mine is set to active because when I was accidentally eating at the maintenance level for "lightly active" I was losing.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I'm a SAHM as well. I set mine to sedentary. I don't add my cooking/cleaning, but I DO add walking to the park, walking the dog, etc. I cook/clean on a daily basis, where I don't always walk the dog or walk to the park daily.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Lightly active is probably good. You can't be doing that much sitting with a house and kids to watch out for. Your progress has been extraordinary! Whatever you're doing is working very well!
  • sweetsounds1026
    sweetsounds1026 Posts: 5 Member
    I just keep mine on Sedentary simply becasue my daily job is a sit down job. I don't "sit" at home though. I have three boys and a husband so I stay fairly active and watch about 2hrs of TV a day (gameshows and such). So i just log it as an exercise when I happen to do things with the kids like play the wii and go outside and do some light activities. Even when I cook and help bag leaves in the yard. It seems to be working for me so far.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    also a sahm and I am set at sedentary. Mostly because my girls are in school so after 8am its just me and the baby and he still naps most of the day so other than actual work outs I`m mostly sitting around until evening rolls around. I do clame cleaning if its out of the norm stuff like moving the sofa out to get behind it things like that but regular running the vacume and dishes I don`t they are just apart of life kwim. I`m sure when little man starts crawling I`ll need to bump up to lightly active.