Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I haven't bought any furniture yet. I looked at Babies R' Us and Amazon. I want something that looks nice, has good reviews (quality and saftey), and that isn't outrageously priced. lol I've also checked out Craigslist, but haven't found anything I like yet.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Babeed- good news on your results

    svgarcia- Im not very blessed in the pooping department :grumble: Stress, diet sets me off. My bowls literally shut down. Theres not a whole lot you can take for it while pregnant. I use UDOS oil its an omega oil I get from the health food store, mix it with some juice and chug it down that usually helps get things moving. Also again I swear glycerin suppositories save my life. Ya ya its sounds gross but when you havent gone for a few days they are a god send. just saying.

    Interesing about the whole mat leave thing, a lady that used to work here is looking to come back. She had a meeting with the head honchos and they were discussing about how they will find her something temporary then offered her my job when Im on mat leave???? WTF these people didnt even know I was pregnant which leads me to believe that obviously my boss who knows has told all the managers:angry: Wasnt too impressed with that. But Im not really sure if Ill be back anyways with 2 kids in dayhome doesnt make much sense, I may just be working part time.

    As for those thinking of cancelling thier gym memberships I say dont! My gym had child care so I could work out while on mat leave. Ya when I went back to work I cancelled it cause I just never had time. Just think this may be the last time you have time to actually go to a gym! For a while anyways.

    I actually had energy last night! I made a slow cooked turkey chilli that was pretty good however my child didnt want to eat supper again, instead she wanted to go sit on her potty and try to go so she could have smarties instead. I ened up giving her a bath and eating my supper in the bathroom while convincing her to eat a few bits of chilli while she was in the tub, lil stinker. After she went to bed rather then doing my work out I washed the floors. Ok this is huge for me as Ive been so tired lately! Felt somewhat productive for once. Im childless and husbandless tonight as nanas picking her up for a sleep obver and hubbys out of town, so I might go swim some laps in the pool! I cant friggen wait for the long weekend!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Thanks Kristin for the suggestion! Sounds awesome. Definitely going to try it!

    Good luck emrogers! Just remember to pace yourself and I'm sure you'll do fine.

    RE: Baby Furniture
    OH MY GOSH am I procrastinating! I said I was going to have it ordered by this past weekend, and my husband and I are still deciding on style. We have a budget to work with and I'm trying to be as practical as possible. Pieces that we are purchasing include the crib (obviously), a dresser (no changing table because I've been told that we will not use them enough to justify the expense), and probably a hutch. We will purchase a changing pad for the top of the dressor. Lots of changing pads have straps for securing to whatever surface you place it on. What I've found in our searching is that there is nothing truly unique out there stylistically. Even in the higher price points, everything is SO similar. I find myself focusing more on the dresser to help me decide which to choose, than the crib itself. Which is fine. Also in doing the math, I think I've decided that doing a convertible crib only makes sense if my husband and I only have one child (which currently isn't the plan), but I still have to mull over the numbers a bit more. Just a couple of things I've learned in shopping for furniture that you ladies might find helpful when deciding on what to purchase... 1.) think about whether you want a crib with feet, or something that goes straight down to the floor. I am one to stub my toes often, and I have decided that getting a crib with feet is the way to go. I know that every time I walk up to the crib I will bash my toes against the crib if it isn't elevated in the front. 2.) Drawer depth and durability. If you plan on transitioning your dresser with your child as they grow into toddler and adult furniture, make sure the drawers will support the size and weight of adult clothes. 3.) Top drawer is two separate drawers or one solid across. If you plan on using the top of the dresser as a changing station, it might come in handy that the top drawer is not solid across and that you have the option of independently pulling open only one side at a time. This will allow you to use the drawer not directly under your changing pad as a drawer for storing onesies, diapers, creams, etc.

    -Hope this helps.
    Now if I could only make my final decision!!!! :tongue:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Baby Furniture--

    Have you ladies tried Burlington Coat Factory?? It's much cheaper than Babys R Us....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I've struggled with the gym thing for a while. I have had a gym membership or been able to go to a gym at college since I was 14. I'm not even exagerating. It is like a security blanket knowing I can go, but honestly I have been walking and running outside so much and now that we have the gym with free weights, kettlebells, mirror, bench, and treadmill, I'm having a hard time justifying the $52 a month for just me. I reckon I've been averaging a gym visit a week which means I'm paying over $10 every time I go. Doesn't seem worth it. My gym has childcare, but I don't see me picking up the kid from day care and going to the gym and putting her back in to childcare for 2 of the 5 hours I will get to spend with her at night. Just my opinion. I can always rejoin if I need. I honestly have been dreading the gym lately; I'd rather be outside if I can. I feel like I'm only going to justify the cost. I think I am talking myself into canceling. :ohwell: Sorry for the rant. I have the rest of the month to decide as I'm already paid up.

    I'm glad you all liked the tortilla ideas. They're cheap too. :smile:

    I need to look at baby furniture. Anyone have opinions on Target furniture? I'm afraid it may not be high quality. We're registering this weekend. MY sister is a bargain queen and found all their stuff on Craiglist.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I need to look at baby furniture. Anyone have opinions on Target furniture? I'm afraid it may not be high quality. We're registering this weekend. MY sister is a bargain queen and found all their stuff on Craiglist.

    We're kind of thinking about a Target crib this time around, so I'll be interested in the replies.

    For my daughter we started with a home built changing table, a rocking cradle/bassinet (modifies to glider chair) from my in laws, a bouncy chair, and decorated cardboard boxes on shelves for clothing. We co-slept for the first 3 months then transitioned her to the cradle in our room (we had a 1 bedroom apt).

    Once she got her own room, we found a drop side crib at a yard sale that we modified (I like working with wood) so it didn't drop side. Now she's inherited our old full size bed, but of course, we sold all of her baby stuff (bad timing, surprise BFP came a week later).

    Daina's full size bed is high enough to use for changing purposes. Her glider is going to be switched back to a cradle when we're done co-sleeping, but the kiddo will be sharing a room with his sister for a while (I just have a feeling it's a boy).

    edit to add: picture of Daina's clothing/changing area in our first tiny apartment (her cradle was on the opposite wall).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you are all having a great day!

    Thank you to all of you for your kind words...logically I know that slowing down is not me being lazy, but my logical mind and my body have a fight going on with my illogical mind and passion for being active...I'm sure only people who have been working out for years and have integrated it into their daily lives like eating/sleeping/bathing understand this. I've decided that I am going to at least tone it down to 3 days a week of cardio for an hour and then 20-45 mins of toning and then 2 days a week of only 45-60 mins of toning (Tracy Anderson Method). This is toning it down from 5-6 days of 1 hour of cardio WITH an hour of toning each day...

    Regarding baby furniture...I purchased mine from a local baby furniture store as opposed to a big box store. The quality is great and it will be her furniture until she moves out of the house because it is all transitional (the crib to a toddler bed to a full size bed, the dresser/changing table to a dresser, and a bookcase).

    Elce I got that pulling sensation as well from hiking/walking. I got a maternity support belt and it helped a lot!

    Way to go on all of you ladies getting in your workouts! I'm thinking about after next week maybe doing my Element yoga dvd the majority of the days instead of my normal workouts...

    Congrats paulandrea! Like I said...girls seem to be the trend lately! lol!

    kdet07 way to go on the glucose levels! And that is great about your hcg levels! Sounds like things are going as they should. As far as a schedule goes, I'd just recommend doing what works for you. You are going to go through times of fatigue and then times were you feel great...just try and do your best and keep up being active!

    I am starting to feel the separation/stretching of my pubic bone and it is pretty achy. I'm starting to waddle more...which I'm sure makes me look ridiculous! lol I am going to see the chiro tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited about. With my achy ribs and throbbing pelvis I feel like my body is falling apart but I know it is all normal. I know there isn't much she can do about those two things, but just putting my spine back into alignment feels so good.

    I hope you all are having a great day!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I still haven’t decided on the whole gym thing, my membership runs out in May (due in April) and I don’t know if I’ll renew. The gym I go to now is pretty basic but has convenient locations (I can go to the one near work or near my house) but it doesn’t have childcare. Since my mat leave is a year, I really don’t want to renew for the whole year and not get to ever go, but I don’t want to have to re-register the year after (when I go back to work because I’ll be able to workout on my lunch break) because then I’ll have to re-pay the registration fee of $100 on top of my regular $40 monthly fee. Then there’s the whole debate too of whether I want to stay at the same gym at all. Either way I’d like to continue going to the gym, I like the idea that my child will grow up in a household where its normal for mom & dad to go to the gym, that physical fitness is just as normal as brushing your teeth.

    I do have a question for all the American ladies out there. Bobby and I decided to go into the States on Monday (we have it off for Thanksgiving) to look for Maternity stuff. We’ll be going into Plattsburg NY, and I don’t know all the stores there. So if you guys can mention your favorite shops and restaurants too so that I can keep a lookout for them it would be a great help. I know there’s a maternity store in one of the malls (can’t remember the name of it) that had stuff way cheaper than here, but besides that one store I don’t know where to go.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Okay, so back to the nursery furniture....I want to know if I'm completely out of line or not. My sister is also the bargain hunter & I think (thought) that I was too. So I found a set (nice convertible crib, 4-5' long dresser & 3' long dresser/nightable) for $750 (shipping of $130 not included) from JCPenny's. I'm also picky about the dressers, so I've been looking closer at them.

    I guess I want to know how much you all are planning on spending on the nursery furniture basics (crib, dresser(s))....
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Ash ~ There is a Burlington Coat Factory where you're going...I would definitely check that place out for maternity clothes. Otherwise Kohls, Target, TJMaxx are other options...
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Okay, so back to the nursery furniture....I want to know if I'm completely out of line or not. My sister is also the bargain hunter & I think (thought) that I was too. So I found a set (nice convertible crib, 4-5' long dresser & 3' long dresser/nightable) for $750 (shipping of $130 not included) from JCPenny's. I'm also picky about the dressers, so I've been looking closer at them.

    I guess I want to know how much you all are planning on spending on the nursery furniture basics (crib, dresser(s))....

    Wow... um... $750 is more than we pay per month on rent and utilities. We're hoping to spend less than $300 total for clothes and everything. When my daughter was born we paid for a car seat, a few versatile clothes, and diapers.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Okay, so back to the nursery furniture....I want to know if I'm completely out of line or not. My sister is also the bargain hunter & I think (thought) that I was too. So I found a set (nice convertible crib, 4-5' long dresser & 3' long dresser/nightable) for $750 (shipping of $130 not included) from JCPenny's. I'm also picky about the dressers, so I've been looking closer at them.

    I guess I want to know how much you all are planning on spending on the nursery furniture basics (crib, dresser(s))....


    I think that is a difficult question to answer. Wants vs Needs // Budget vs Splurge

    we personally are on a very tight budget. So I knew what I "wanted" was out of the question but also realized the practicallity of most of what I wanted was not there either. So we ended up being very budget consious and started with enough time that we could be a little picky on things :wink:

    I would say if it fits your budget and you like the dresser (as it seems to be your main focus) and your hubby approves then go with what you want. :smile:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I realize there's a huge range of what people will be spending on furniture...I'm just curious & trying to make some sort of decision sooner than later :)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Ash ~ There is a Burlington Coat Factory where you're going...I would definitely check that place out for maternity clothes. Otherwise Kohls, Target, TJMaxx are other options...

    Thanks, i know there is a Target there and will check for the other stores you suggested.

    In regards to furniture, things are a little more expensive here (hence why we're going to the States) so that sounds like a great deal to me. The cheapest crib i found (ikea) was $150 and it was really flimsy so we already decided to spend a little more for quality, but the cheapest we saw in a maternity store was $300 just for the crib.
    All in all, go with what you're happy with! You may be able to find cheeper elsewear but the quality or look wont be there.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    kristenbee, the Lindsay Brin DVDs are good, aren't they? I find her REALLY annoying (especially "buncakes" argh) but like the exercises. I graduated to the 3rd trimester DVD a couple weeks ago and I'm really glad to have a yoga option that doesn't involve a lot of downward dog or other bending over.

    I'm afraid of her post-partum bootcamp. ;)

    erd...yes I do like her workouts and yes, she can sometimes get a little annoying, but I'm over it! Especially now that I know her 2nd trimester portion will be enough of a challenge for me! I am also a little scared for her bootcamp! You'll have to let me know how it goes since you will beat me to it! :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ash I totally agree and love your philosophy on having your child feel as though exercise/fitness is just a normal part of life. I grew up in a very unhealthy family. We ate lots of mac n' cheese with hotdogs, Hamburger Helper, and processed junk with the only exercise being a stroll my parents would take with us every Saturday evening. Besides that I never saw my parents exercise, my dad smoked, and my mom was overweight my entire life. I wanted to break the cycle of unhealthy habits and hope to instill that in my own children.

    As for "how much" to spend on nursery furniture I think is a personal choice and depends greatly on your budget and whether you'd like to have the furniture be durable and last for 18 years or to be short term (ie. a crib that isn't convertible). I spent quite a bit on our entire nursery but feel like it was an investment because I don't plan on buying another bed/dresser/bookcase for Charlee for the next 18+ years. So the expense now seemed worth it to us. And I don't think it is fair to chastise anyone for how much or how little they plan on spending for their nursery furniture!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I put our crib & dresser on layaway at Burlington Coat and opted for a sturdy convertible crib :love: . I wanted to invest in something long term since it's convertible. Total for dresser& crib 500+ tax. Compared to Babies R Us where the exact ones were double that.

    Ash- i agree with Quality being a main factor.
    I also bought maternity clothes at BF.

    My gym membership expires 11/01/11 and will probably not renew, for now I think i can invest in Wii active sports games & do some worlouts at home. I just don't know how it will be when Baby arrives. I tend to work long hours.

    I liked the LB DVD, it is low key though. It's fine for me for now, just to keep the muscles worked out.

    I ate good for lunch, been doing many veggies this week now. Tonight I already left Chiles Rellenos for dinner. :bigsmile: Hope to get in a walk tonight.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Elce - I think the pain you are feeling is ligament pain. I get it when I walk at a brisk pace for a while, and sometimes during yoga. I thought it was just muscles stretching but I asked my doctor and she said it was most likely ligament pain which is totally normal, and if I am getting the pain after, it's most likely braxton hicks. Think I've experienced a little of both. Also, I thought the same thing about thinking I should know these things by now, 2nd child. I guess I was just too young to understand it all the first time. I am definately learning a lot of new things this time. :n:happy:

    Andrea - YAY!! Another baby girl. Congrats!!!:smile:

    Rayna - Maternity leave????? UGH! I am a little irritated with this topic as well. I've talked to my boss a few times about it, and he is planning on bringing a temporary person in to replace me for 3 months or so. My problem is, it's our busy season (winter), and I really don't think he knows all that I do. I just know I will be rushed into training someone then be flooded with phone calls everyday! I'm at the point where I am just trying to not worry about it because he don't seem to be. It's just the two of us in the office and we also could use another person now. I'm really nervous the baby will come early and nothing will be organized and the new person wont have a clue!!! Hopefully your meeting goes well. Good Luck. I think I may have to sit my boss down to discuss all of this, if we could just get even 10 minutes time. :grumble:

    H_82 - There are tons of stores that have comparable items to JC Penny's it's just a matter of what you want for your baby. I do think the dresser is VERY important. My son had a cheap one as a baby, (from Walmart) worked fine for a while, but soon as toddler/kids clothes came, it started breaking!!! Definately not worth it to buy a cheap dresser. LOL I learned my lesson on that one. I found a convertible crib at Walmart that has good reviews and it could be used for quite a while, which is what I'm hoping for. Like someone else said though, if it's in your budget and you want that one, go for it!!!!

    I am still trying to decide what to do now. I need and want the crib, but for the first 3 - 6 months I think the baby will be in a bassinet and I really want the playpen with the bassinet and changing table all in one. I had one for my son and it was perfect. Trying to decide....just go with crib now or get it later.

    Got tons of rest last night, but feeling absolutely horrible!!!!! I really think I may have to have my gallbladder removed SOON!!! It is so painful and I don't think I deal with it much longer. Doctor told me to eat a bland diet.............ugh, that sucks for me. I eat salad about 4 times a week. Green salad w/ light ranch is my favorite thing to eat! Anyway, salads are very hard to digest so have to cut those out and add more breads, more pasta's less meat....It's no wonder I'm having issues! I don't eat a lot of pasta hardly any bread and I LOVE Salad and Meat!!! Been adding in more fruit too, which is super easy and I love it!! I don't want to go through surgery while pregnant, but if I have to I'd rather do it now, before baby gets too big. Anyone have these issues or know someone who does. It's so painful!!!!!!:cry: Any advice would be appreciated.

    Weather is cold and rainy here, time to start using the treadmill instead of outside walks. Haven't done my yoga the last couple days, and won't have time tonight, but maybe tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Mistibergman- I was having gall bladder issues at one time and had to drastically change my diet, I drank alot of protien powder and soup with veggies, no fats everything ahd to be super easy to digest. There is a mixture you can make with grated beets and lemon juice, you eat a tablespoon every couple hrs dusring an attack. I didnt try this but was close. Good luck, it really does suck, Id look into getting it removed but thats not alot of fun either
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks Taldie01, I've been looking and have found a few things to try. If I could just find relief during pregnancy I would be glad to have it removed after!