My inner fat kid took over....

Hey everyone. So far this site seems pretty cool. I used to be that person who was in the gym all the time running and lifting like crazy. Unfortunately I got burned out, relaxed or whatever you want to call it. I'm looking to lose about 30 to 40 pounds. I have the tools and knowledge but just lacking the motivation. Help me out here! :cry:


  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    You can do et!! :D There I helped. LOL. Seriously though. YOU CAN DO ET!! *Does lame cheer* heheh.
  • Any support you need can be found here. I just started myself so I really can't offer any advice.
    But I think you are on the right track. There is something about keeping track of everything you eat that makes you stop and think about actually putting that in your mouht.

    Good luck!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Motivation has to come from within, but you'll find a lot of support and encouragement here if you're serious about reaching your goals. :smile:

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Log on everyday. Ask all the questions you can think of. Google healthy eating and get as much info as you can
    Welcome and good luck:smile: .
  • cararq
    cararq Posts: 457 Member
    This is a great place to get motivated! I'll friend you and we can encourage each other. :smile:
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Log on everyday.

    That's what works for me. When I see all the calories and awesome activity my MFP friends are doing, it's a kick in the butt to do something myself. Seeing them stick to their calorie goals is a big help, too. If they can do it, why can't we, right?
  • thanks guys! i know my biggest problems are not getting enough sleep and eating late. oh and sodas too.... EEEeeeee
  • eating late and soda used to be big problems of mine too. I cut soda completely out, and I never eat after five now, unless it's for a special occasion or something. Just know good will come of it! Look at all the awesome success stories :D that helps keep me motivated.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    thanks guys! i know my biggest problems are not getting enough sleep and eating late. oh and sodas too.... EEEeeeee

    Soda was a big problem for me to. I haven't cut them out completely, but only have one or two a week. I don't drink diet so I have to make room in my caloric intake. Sometimes it's worth it, most times it isn't!

    Good luck!
  • diet sodas are even worse... for years i drank it and it gave me migraines but i kept drinking them anyways. sugar substitues are BAAAAADDDDDDD
  • ive been drinking more tea recently but i do have a sweet tooth for SWEET TEA. i should try lemon tea. sounds like a good idea!
  • toripiv
    toripiv Posts: 10
    I'm from the south, so naturally I drank copious amounts of sweet tea.... I tried unsweetened black tea but it just wasn't working, so I switched to unsweet green tea. And it worked! Switching types helped me not to mourn for the 6 cups of sweet tea I drank a day, while maintaining the amount of caffeine (and cutting down the amount of necessary teeth whitening)... Now I drink as much or more green but with 480 less calories. :)

    So yea, I had to say that :P
  • I know how you can lose 8 pounds of ugly fat right away.....Chop off your head!
  • aac is just joking guys...