Beating Cellulite

Because of its structure, cellulite can be more difficult to eliminate than other forms of fat (see information to the left). If you're having a hard time getting the results you want with diet and exercise, don't beat yourself up. Even supermodels can have cellulite -- it's just harder to see through all that super-confidence and airbrushing. Focus on achieving a healthy body, and over time you will start seeing less cellulite and more muscle. Even if you can't completely get rid of cellulite, it will be less noticable as you become more toned and slim. Avoid toxins such as excess alcohol & cigarettes.

As with any other fat, cellulite can be reduced with a healthy, low-fat diet.The appearance of a localized fat lump or dimple may not change till you lose the excess fat, but your overall cellulite can diminish with a diet low in saturated fats and trans fatty acids -- both of which are common in processed foods and are more difficult for the body to process. Replace processed foods with fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains. Reduce your overall fat consumption and choose "healthy" fats (like lean meat or nuts) over junk food. Limit your daily caloric intake to a healthy amount for size and lifestyle.

Take a multi-vitamin, and drink lots of water. Drink 8-10 glasses per day to flush the toxins out.

Buy a home detox program.

Combine excercise with a healthy diet to reduce fat and cellulite. Without exercise, even the healthiest of diets can show minimal results. A combination of cardio (like running or biking) and strength training can help your body metabolise food more efficiently, decreasing the accumulation of excess cellulite and the overall appearance of fat on your body. If you're not used to a lot of exercise, start slow; try walking a mile or two everyday before you take up jogging. If you have a hard time with motivation, ask a friend to join you or find a nearby gym to join and talk to a personal trainer. Be realistic in your expectations for youself, and remember that thirty minutes a day of any exercise (walking the dog counts) will make a difference

Some people recommend massages designed to get rid of cellulite. The reasoning behind these massages is that the deep tissue pressure can "even out" or "flatten" deposts of cellulite. While this may work in the short-term, cellulite will return without significant changes in your diet and lifestyle. You can give yourself the massage so it tends to be relatively easy. Massage your thighs while watching tv!Cellulite is mainly caused by a bad diet and lack of exercise, we need to be sure our diet is good and supporting our skin, and we need to get our body moving. Even walking does our skin a power of good because it gets the circulation going so that we can eliminate toxins!

I know exercise is like a swear word to many of us, but we have to do it, we need this body of ours in peak condition, it carries us around all day we owe it care, it is no good complaining about how it looks if we don't show it care right?

So find some form of exercise that you will enjoy, if you enjoy it you will stick with it, especially when you start to see results. If you don't like the outdoors how about dancing? Dance around your living room, have fun! If you don't get your body moving you simply have no chance of beating the cellulite!

You may not want to hear this, but running is shown to be the best exercise for banishing cellulite, and believe it or not, it is the most popular exercise!

We need to include foods in our diet that help to flush out the toxins and waste that make our skin look tired and lumpy! Fruits are the answer, they are full to the brim with goodness and they are antioxidant - perfect!

Apples and Pears - these two fruits both have a gentle laxative and diuretic effect, they help us flush the toxins, waste and any excess water. These two fruits act like an intestinal broom, sweeping out any rubbish and keeping our internal organs clean and healthy.

Beautiful Berries - any kind of berries are wonderful powerful little beauties that are perfect for beating cellulite, they are rich in anti-oxidising agents that can help fight the harmful effects of free radicals. Other antioxidants - oranges, apples, spinach, grapes, fennel, carrots - any bright coloured fruit or vegetable.

Water - water is essential I cannot stress enough how drinking lots of water will improve your skin amongst many other things. As you include high levels of fruit and vegetables in your diet, your body begins to cleanse itself and water will help us flush it. Add some lemon to your water - it not only tastes good but again, helps the flushing. Hot water is especially good in the morning, include your lemon. If you want cold water later, try adding frozen berries instead of ice. I noticed after drinking 100oz of water per day, my cellulite has pretty much DISAPPEARED. It WORKS! :) When I lost 35lbs, it wasnt easy. It took a lot of hard work! But it paid off and I love my bikini body!


  • wagner78
    wagner78 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for posting this, very interesting and helpful! :smile:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't know all the theories and science behind but when I lost my 10 pounds, they are less noticeble on my thighs. Guess it has something to do with fat layer???
  • MaryAnneGretaHeidi
    When I did a detox it raised certain levels in my liver that my doctor needed to rule out wasn't another problem... So it scared me a little. I like everything else you mentioned, but question if home detox systems are good for everyone
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I completely agree with everything you said. Great post!