Yikes . .. I think I need a community of friends to help me

Hi! I'm trying to get started with this dieting thing. I'm afraid to be a failure. I really need support and a kick in the butt. So if anyone wants to help me out, I would sure appreciate it.


  • I would love to be a source of encouragement for you. I'm definitely in need of encouragement too! Friend me if you wish.
  • ajm07
    ajm07 Posts: 32 Member
    Are you here to lose weight? (Most are, but not everyone). Tell us what you are here for and I'm sure we can lend some support.

    Just dive in and start logging everything you eat, that's my advice. It's pretty easy whether your using the web interface or the phone app. Once you have to see a list of what you eat, you automatically take the first steps to make the list a little healthier :)
  • tiffany1851
    tiffany1851 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome! I would be happy to help support you also! Friend me if you like.
  • Maggs_2011
    Maggs_2011 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! im more than happy to help you! Lets be friends.....