Skinny for Santa Challenge.

Hey everyone!

Well it is coming up to that anxious part of the year, where you go and see all your relatives and they all look brilliant because they've lost all this weight. (Or are those awful third cousins who inherited all the skinny genes and aren't afraid to wear them. :sick: )

This year, I've decided I want to be that relative, the one who is looking significantly slimmer by Christmas day. I want to look reasonable in my Christmas dress!

I was thinking of getting a small group together (5-25 people?) to support one another, I will post a table with everyone's loss every week and we can all encourage one another.

So here it goes!

The Objective:
- Lose the most amount of weight possible by Christmas Day. (Make other relatives jealous.) :wink:
- Drink 2.5-2 litres (8 glasses) of water a day.
- Have a minimum of three 30 minute work outs a week. Even if it is just a casual walk.
- Weigh in on Friday and I'll message everyone for their totals to update the table.

So! Does anyone want to join me?

Just post your starting weight for the challenge and how many pounds or kilos you would like to drop by Christmas :) Also it would be helpful to know if their is a majority of what system of measurement you would like to use: Kilo or Pound?

So! I'm Sarah.

Starting weight: 83.2 kilos. (183.4 pounds)
Goal weight by Christmas: 75.2 kilos. (165.7 pounds)
Loss of: 8.2 kilos. (18 pounds)


  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    Count me in!!

    I'm Jen and my starting weight is 224. I would prefer to use pounds. Yippee we can do this! Would be so excited to be 200 by christmas!
  • Brilliant! I am making up the table now :)
  • OOhh Im in!!!!! please!!

    Current weight 243 lbs
    Goal by xmas 200 lbs

    Im Jason by the way!!

  • I would love to be a part of this group.

    My name is Kristin.

    Starting weight: 233 pounds
    Goal weight by Christmas: 199 pounds
    Loss of: 34 pounds
  • Hey, I would love to join in on this group. I'm Miguel by the way. I weighed in at 225.3 this morning. I would like to get down to 200 by Christmas. I prefer pounds BTW LOL.
  • Hi Jason, Kristin and Miguel!

    Looks like pounds is the winner!
  • nicolecline06
    nicolecline06 Posts: 3 Member
    I would LOVE to join ! I'm Nicole , starting weight is 184.0 , I would prefer to use LBS My goal by Christmas is 160 :) If anyone would like to friend request me feel free to do so ! Just let me know you are part of the Skinny for Santa Challenge :)
  • dclark432
    dclark432 Posts: 18 Member
    I would like to participate too.
  • brittg7
    brittg7 Posts: 146 Member
    im brittney and i would like to join but i dont have a scale and only weigh in like once a month but would love to join in if possible...i do most of my stuff my measurements but the scale is important too

    153lb (8/17) new weight will be taken on 10/15
    goal is 147lb

    please let me know if i can join in even if i do not do a regular weigh in....
  • Welcome Nicole :) Looking forward to seeing everyone's success! And Christmas photos :P

    Hey Britt! No worries :) If you'd like you can give me a measurement to track instead! Maybe waist or something :)
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I am in Ill weigh in tomorrow.
  • This sounds fun! It will also encourage me to get back on my wii. I've always wanted to join a group. My name is Jean, but you can call me Garry if you like.

    Starting weight: 180 pounds
    Goal weight by Christmas: 165 pounds
    Loss of: 15
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Count me in! My name is Gina.

    Current weight: 147 lbs
    Goal weight by Christmas: 137 lbs
    Pound loss goal: 10 lbs
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    I'll join you guys
    Starting weight: 137 pounds
    Goal weight by Christmas: 127 pounds
    Loss of: 10 pounds
  • mth226
    mth226 Posts: 7
    I would also like to join, my name is Terry

    Starting Weight 194
    Goal Weight 175 by Christmas
    Total Loss 19 lbs
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    i want to join. my name is raquel. :)
  • No worries! It's great to see everyone :)

    Well, You don't have to worry about posting your weightloss here on Fridays. I will message each of you and ask on Friday and then update the table.

    When I message you, I will message you the link for this thread so you don't have to find it yourself.
    The link to the table that will be updated by the following morning.
    I'll post here every time I complete the updated table so you can all have a look :)
  • Hi I want in hope its not to late to join! My name is April and my starting weight 220 and all I for Christmas is my weight to be at 200 pounds! :smile:
  • Hey April!

    Nope! Not too late!

    Now if any of you feel like I am hassling you or anything, making your experience awful by asking your weight... Just let me know and I'll back off and let you message me.
  • Alright! I'm off to school everyone! I can see us having about another 9 or 10 people join and then we are good to go!

    See you after <3