Emotional eater...

So...I'm stressed with a touch of a broken heart...and where do you find me? At Sonic getting my Jr. Deluxe Cheeseburger (no mayo though) then on to McDonald's where I request an Apple Pie but end up getting not one, but TWO Sweet Potato pies (total wrong order...) but there were there and I ate them...now not only am I still stressed and my heart seems even more broken...now I'm disappointed in myself because I gave in. How do those of you who are emotional eaters handle your "emotions" in a better way?


  • I work out. Sometimes, that's all you can do if you're having a rough time. I tend to feel a lot better, can think clearly, and afterward, I don't try to convince myself to make terrible choices. While you can't change what's happening around you, you can change your own actions. I hope things are better for you, dear.
  • meccm
    meccm Posts: 2
    i look at your "pounds lost" and am in awe! How great! Then when I see your message, I still understand. I am also an emotional eater, usually when I'm mad. Now I realize that I'm punishing myself instead of saying what I want. Even if I just say it in my head, it can be ok. You are hurt and it sounds like you're not verbalizing it to a person, or sounding it out to yourself. When I'm sticking my head in the fridge, I try to go do something that makes me happy like listening to music, sewing or watching a favorite tv show (tivo is great for that!). Hope this helps you to know that you aren't alone. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work!
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    This Nicole does the same thing. I've tried writing in a journal when I've been so sad or heartbroken by something/someone. That help to also deal with whatever BS and to help me think thur what's going on. I hope that suggestion can help out somehow.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I strongly recommend two things:

    1. Do some form of cardio that is physical and very distracting. Mountain biking, racquet sports, kick boxing, dancing, whatever you're into. Just don't go for a walk or run. It's too easy to think when you're doing those. (mountain biking being my ultimate favorite for distracting workouts).

    2. Spend time with someone awesome (like me!). An awesome person will both distract you, and cheer you up.
  • I'm an emotional eater too. To the point where I didn't even realize I was doing it. "drive by snacking" as I was calling it. And, to be honest I still am. I just try to have carrot sticks for cucumber slices available at all times. But most of all, I found working out helped. Just did a little 15 min cardio, it was quick, and it calmed my head down quite a bit.
  • Clovisimo
    Clovisimo Posts: 7 Member
    I still give in to my emotional eating, but will do so with something better. First, I have at least one tall glass of water. It's amazing how much slower and less I eat when I have that feeling of "full". I used to chow down on a bag of Ruffles and container of onion dip. Now, I'll have some pita chips and hummus...and only one serving. I used to sit and eat half a quart of ice cream, but now I'll have a serving of frozen yogurt or light ice cream. I try to actually think about it, eat it slowly, and then take a short walk on the treadmill or outside, just to give some balance to it all.

    It's a very tough thing to "reprogram". I've been emotionally eating since I can remember. Only in the last month am I (and my husband) working to get control of it. I don't always win, though. But I've discovered that I can't "punish" myself for my slip-ups. I don't work out madly or skip meals the following day. That will only hurt me more. Sure, I've messed up my calorie count for the day and have set myself back, but I've got to understand that this is NOT the end of the world!! I try to remember how awful I feel, both physically and mentally, after eating "yucky" foods. For me, it's a mind game...trying to convince myself to really think before I do.

    I see you've made AMAZING progress and have lost a ton of weight already!! Don't let emotions take that away from you! Try to take control without making it seem like you're punishing or depriving yourself. It's a little give and take. You want some comfort, so take it!!! You deserve it!!! Just don't take it to such an extreme. Allow yourself a little latitude, but regain your composure and start the next day fresh =)
  • Luckiestmomever
    Luckiestmomever Posts: 44 Member
    It's a constant battle, one day at a time. Maybe with some extra walking this week you will still end the week within your range. :-)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I strongly recommend two things:

    1. Do some form of cardio that is physical and very distracting. Mountain biking, racquet sports, kick boxing, dancing, whatever you're into. Just don't go for a walk or run. It's too easy to think when you're doing those. (mountain biking being my ultimate favorite for distracting workouts).

    2. Spend time with someone awesome (like me!). An awesome person will both distract you, and cheer you up.

    #2 would probably work, especially if it's someone you can talk to bout what's bothering you. Even if you can't, it's good way of distracting yourself from it.

    Last time I was very emotional I ended up biking to Walmart at 2am and walking around. Probably not the best idea ever, but I got away from what was bothering me and was able to calm down a bit.
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you all! I call you guys my MFP family!!! I don't even call my FB friends that!!! ;) Everyones encouragement really helped me do something I've needed to do for awhile now. It was soooooo hard but I did it and I did it without a spoon in my hand (nor a fork for you smart a$$s out there!) Actually no food was involved and that right there was so powerful to me. I do journal every day-sometimes I finds it makes it worse because I'm just sitting and talking about it over and over and nothing is getting acomplished with it. I wasn't physically able to go to the gym today-today has been a hard day physically as well. (I have Crohns for those who aren't on my list & aware) I managed to keep all the bad food I ate down but the other food from earlier not so much. I should probably go weigh bc I'm pretty sure I just lost 176 extra lbs...if you get what I'm saying. :cry: Tomorrow is a new day...and God has that one planned for me, it's just up to me to get up and get after it.
    Thank you all!!! Also-send me a friends request! I will add and I'll try to get to adding you all too.
  • ashheartshawaii
    ashheartshawaii Posts: 18 Member
    I totally relate to the emotional eating thing.... I think most people can, at least on some level. When my weight was higher, I used to head for the nearest drive-thru when I was upset. Now, I tend to exercise it out. Walking/running always gives me time to think about whatever's bothering me and allows me to work toward my goals at the same time. Food isn't going to "fix" whatever's wrong, but taking good care of ourselves and making positive changes will.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    I strongly recommend two things:

    1. Do some form of cardio that is physical and very distracting. Mountain biking, racquet sports, kick boxing, dancing, whatever you're into. Just don't go for a walk or run. It's too easy to think when you're doing those. (mountain biking being my ultimate favorite for distracting workouts).

    2. Spend time with someone awesome (like me!). An awesome person will both distract you, and cheer you up.

    #1 is a great idea - I tend to run, but yes that does give me thinking time!!

    Another suggestion is to 'de-clutter' your wardrobe of anything ill-fitting, too big or what you haven't worn recently - it will reassess how far you've come, how great you now look and that 'high' will last longer!! Plus if you give your clothes to charity - another bonus!!

    Tomorrow is a new day - forget the past!!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    When husband died after 35 years of marriage I hit the bottle big time. It was the worst time of my life. After a month of that I took up walking and swimming to get me out the house. My husband has been dead six years now and I have now got my life under control and had my new partner for three years. Exercise gives gives you thinking time to sort your life out and get your head straight.
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    :-O bad girl! but forgive yourself and do better tomorrow....when you feel sad allow yourself to feel sad, try to express your emotions in a healthier way...if you need to cry then cry...starting a habit of emotional eating is not what you want to do not just because it's unhealthy but because its a HARD habit to break....I'd say...when you feel emotional or sad....walk outside...get some sunshine...feel the wind...breathe...they say that cravings and such only last 15 minutes...so if you can last 15 minutes and let those cravings pass you by you'll feel all the better for it....also...keep up with your food journal daily...once you start getting those numbers in your head and communicating with your MFPs you'll find motivation and encouragement. Stay strong...just remember that you can eat anything you want....just keep it in moderation. But allow yourself to deal with your emotional issues....feelings aren't bad....work through them and try to find some happiness :-) good luck with your goals

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  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 236 Member
    we all have bad days...try not to beat yourself up to badly. But I agree in finding something to occupy your time to help clear your head. I hope you are feeling better today!! Hang in there dear!!