GRRRRRRAAARRRGHHHH!!!!!!!! vent about mother in law..



  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Say no. Put your foot down. Someone else said it as well, if you let this happen, you are saying it's ok to treat you like that. She will continue to bully you into things. Nope. Make her go to HER home, and tell her to take her crap with her while she's on the way.

    She doesn't pay bills, she doesn't contribute to the home, she can go do that at her place and leave you two out of it.

    If you let this happen, you have no right to complain because at that point, YOU allowed it to happen. She is his step mother. She made the decision that she didn't want to drive with his father anymore for whatever reason, now she has to figure something out for herself. She calls you two children, but mooches off you two? Oh no. No no no.

    What are hubby's feelings on this?
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    In my opinion, I don't think you're over-reacting and I wouldn't change your plans about moving back to Florida if that's what the two of you truly want. It is not your responsibility to take care of your (husband's) step-mom and if she does move in with you, I would firmly set out the boundaries of her residency -- i.e.: paying part of the rent/groceries, no smoking in the house and, most importantly, that it is a temporary arrangement until she/they can get a place of their own. I wouldn't just let them do as they please and take advantage of your generosity or they will have no desire to get their own place. It may be uncomfortable for you and/or your husband to speak your mind about these issues but remember all healthy relationships have boundaries. Good luck to you.

    TEMPORARY,set a date, too.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Well, you could always start to have wild sex in your living room and see if that drives her out! :bigsmile:
    Karma has a way of getting back at everyone. We all never know when it could be US that need some help from family. Make her feel welcome to your home while she goes thru this painful period in her life. Show some love and compassion, for awhile. Anything beyond a few months is stretching it a bit though. Just as fighting and being rude to each other has a way of escalating, so too does good manners and hospitality. Include her in the plan to move to Florida and let her know your home will be going on the market soon and it positively CAN NOT smell like smoke to potential buyers. Lots of homes in Florida have great arrangements for company to stay over and are designed with a center public area and two separate private for you and husband, one for guests.
    She most likely won't want to make the move with you..
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    Well, you could always start to have wild sex in your living room and see if that drives her out! :bigsmile:
    Karma has a way of getting back at everyone. We all never know when it could be US that need some help from family. Make her feel welcome to your home while she goes thru this painful period in her life. Show some love and compassion, for awhile. Anything beyond a few months is stretching it a bit though. Just as fighting and being rude to each other has a way of escalating, so too does good manners and hospitality. Include her in the plan to move to Florida and let her know your home will be going on the market soon and it positively CAN NOT smell like smoke to potential buyers. Lots of homes in Florida have great arrangements for company to stay over and are designed with a center public area and two separate private for you and husband, one for guests.
    She most likely won't want to make the move with you..

    lmao we're originally from florida.. lol so is she. and there is no way in hell she and his father are moving in with us when we move to florida. lol