Under my calorie goal, help

So, I need a little bit of advice and help on how to get back on track. I know that it is unhealthy an unsafe to go under 1200 calories but I seem to be struggling to get over 1000. My averages tend to be about 900 and I know that realistically this is not going my body any good. I had also been walking about an hour a night. I don't want my metabolism to slow down and then have it become harder to lose weight. I also don't want to continue to starve my body of what it needs. It's really only been about 3 weeks now that I have been under. So it's not too long, yet. When I first started MFP it was telling me that if every day was like today I'd be a certain weight by a certain day, at first it was going down a little but now it's going up. I definitely don't want to end up gaining weight. I also find myself really wanting to binge a lot, and I know that even if I only do it one day, it could be disastrous for my ultimate goals.

So I am wondering, have I "caught" myself in time before my metabolism starts slowing down? I don't think walking is that strenuous of an activity, I am not really burning that many calories and I have relatively sedentary lifestyle. I don't want to end up gaining anything that I've lost in the last couple weeks when I bump my calories up to 1200. Or is this unavoidable? Should I immediately just start eating 1200, or go slow and add 100 calories every day? I am also really unsure about how to get myself to actually eat 1200 calories. As logical it is that I need those calories, sometimes it's really scary to eat those calorie dense foods. So I don't know if there are any useful tips to get an extra quick calories. I also, do not have very much money to spend on groceries at all. I have a very tight budget.

Sorry I have a lot of questions. Any kind of advice would be helpful. Thanks.


  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Try adding foods like cheeses
    avacado , whey protein , nuts ect . To help boost up your calories, if i eat less than 1000 ,i find i become weak and can't excercise properly, and keeping a healthy balance is realy important for long term fat loss. =) Good luck
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi - I'm most interested in the replies here too. I have surprised myself by the amount I can eat (when making healthy choices) up to the 1200 calories a day - and I have had a couple of healthy snacks to make up the calories. I drink all the water each day. I am losing weight steadily (still early days - but it is the right trend) I pay attention to the proportion of carbs, protein, fat in the diet (55%, 15% and 30%) and try to get towards those..... variety is good - check out recipies. I keep a stock of tinned tomatoes, different beans, stock cubes then make up different "stews" and freeze portions..... Jacket spuds with tasty fillings, wholemeal rolls with nice fillings, homemade soups - its all quite affordable - and maybe spend less than when buying lots of naughty foods! Feel free to add me and check out each other's diary if you like! I'm only a few weeks into this - but I think it could be the best thing I have ever done (and I have failed with weightwatchers, slimming world, tescos diet and sainsburies!) but for me - I like to float my own boat and make my own choices! Good luck anyway - and I'm looking forward to reading more scientific replies! Lori
  • countinonme
    Peanut butter, dry peas or beans. These may help ya.. :bigsmile:
  • DesertSunsetRain
    I could try some peanut butter and/or nuts.

    I actually do not like cheese or avocado, and I definitely do not like cottage cheese (which seems to be another favorite diet food). I have tried to like avocados but it just isn't going to happen. I have never been a fan of cheese. So it kind of cuts out a lot of that stuff.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    Handfull of nuts, that 200 cals just there.