teen looking for weight loss buddy(:

:happy: hey guys! im new to this. im a teenager and im just looking to lose around 6 pounds(:
i've been working for a while but i can't seem to do it! i was wondering if there were any other teens out there who wanted to be my weight loss buddy so we can motivate each other and work together! it will really help me.

thanks for taking the time to read this!


  • nomorearmflab
    I juuuust got out of the teen bracket but I would still be willing to be your friend if you wanted one!
  • sunrisestarter
    yes please! lets help eachother(:
  • countinonme
    Guess my teen days are long gone, but I'll lend you a hand where I can... (45 yrs...)
  • dancinonwater
    dancinonwater Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I actually just searched "teens" in the forum, looking for the same thing! I am a teen and looking to lose about 20lbs. Its kinda weird, though, 20 sounds like a huge number because Im very skilled at hiding it. Lol anyway, friend me and hopefully we can help motivate each other! Are there any specific reasons that you're trying to lose weight? For me, its obviously so that i can look hot in a bikini and be able to pull of anything because, but also because I want to be a slim and fit adult, and i know that the bad eating habits i have now will continue, and I am a dancer and want to feel comfortable in my own skin on stage in a leotard. My wake up call was really just looking in the mirror and wondering what happened to that beautiful, thin, muscular girl that bikinis loved. And also looking at a few really thin girls i know and missing that. I want to be able to see my body and know that i look sexy, that i am beautiful.
  • If you go to tumblr and make an account theres a ton of weight loss blogs! My account is www.iwontstopuntilimtiny.tumblr.com if you message me i'll help you get started :) i have found a ton of motivation and support there!