I'm always thinking of food all the time.

I'm always thinking of food all the time..Even if I don't feel hungry I just force myself to eat it. All honesty I really hate it..And think if I don't eat it..it might go off..Or if I leave it..someone will eat it..I need help to control my eating habits..dunno where to look. When comes to food..if i see heaps on a table or on my plate..I make damn sure never goes to waste.


  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Well, you're in the right place to deal with this. Just having to log every bite will make you think twice before you put it in your mouth.

    There's a saying on someone's page around here that goes something like : Leftover food goes to waste if you eat it or if you don't. It's a waste throwing it in the bin, and it's still a waste if you eat it when you don't need it. Your body does not thank you for treating it like a trash can!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I used to be on high carb diet and I used to feel the same way! Ever since I have been on low carb and high protein diet, I have stopped having the craving for food and have stopped thinking about the food. The results have been amazing too! I lost over 21 pounds.
  • yevasdottir
    yevasdottir Posts: 23 Member
    Me, too, I'm always thinking of food, all the time: or rather – it's my Inner Child that's doing it. She grew up in the immediate post-war years, when the UK still had rationing and she thinks she'd better eat what she can, when she can – because there might not be any more for a while . . .

    The thing is, if I were raising this child now, I would NOT force her to eat as much as you say you are forcing yourSELF to eat. Would you force your nearest-and-dearest to eat in this way? Would you force the person you love most in the world to overeat? Or would you give loving, caring advice – and accept when s/he didn't want to eat any more? If you would treat someone else in a loving and kindly way, how come you don't love yourself similarly?
  • Love your response, moushtie!! Our bodies are not trash cans!!! I need to remind myself of that more often.

    freeshia, I also don't like food to go to waste, and I'm pretty creative when it comes to finding ways to use everything before it goes off. But I know from experience that it's impossible to save everything! If it helps, have someone else throw out leftovers or old food...then you don't have to see it. And remember...if you leave it, and someone else eats it, you can always get/make more! I have a similar issue to this when I eat with my boyfriend...if we're sharing a meal, tapas or something that we'll both be eating, I get really anxious thinking I won't get to eat anything before he devours it all. I become uneasy when eating with him because he inhales everything, leaving me to feel like I have to do the same. I've found ways around it though...if we eat at home, we never eat family style. I plate everything equally before we even sit down. If I can't finish mine, he is welcome to it, and it prevents me from feeling that I have to eat like a snarling dog.

    There are always creative ways to trick ourselves around the issues we face, we just have to figure them out. I'm sure someone else has the same issue as you, hopefully he or she will see your post and share tricks.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    i think it was our parent's theory back then"clean your plate, there are starving children in Africa." It's hard to change the thought process, but I agree with the high protien, low carb. I crave less now, and I am just too full to eat the leftovers. I try to get all my carbs from fruit and vegetables, not breads and pastas.
  • I like the trash can one..thanx for that..But I try to eat of a smaller plate..but what happens half an hour later..im hungry again...Or if i eat food I really dont like taste like crap..I go for carbs.
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm the same way, I think of food 24/7 but it's all about will power. And that will get you to your goals faster than you can think.