Operation: Sexy Claus Week # 3 10.3.11



  • Tiffaniisdetermined
    Todays Question: Looking back on your journey and even now, what have you sacrificed to live a healthier lifestyle and to lose weight or get fit?
    I have sacrificed some family functions because I know all my family cook is fattening food. I have sacrificed going out to eat with the hubby. I have sacrificed money, because of the cost of healthy eating and exercise DVDs. Maybe it's time I give up cuz I have sacrificed way too much. Not just joking. I don't mind the sacrifices because I know it's going to pay off in the end. :blushing:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    :Looking back on your journey and even now, what have you sacrificed to live a healthier lifestyle and to lose weight or get fit?

    Wow, I guess the one biggest thing (well, big to me) is curbing down my coffee addiction. Now it isn't just regular coffee, I admittedly was a STARBUCKS, CARIBOU COFFEE Snob:laugh: ...sometimes to the point where I was getting 2 cups a day. And not just the straight dark or light roast....no Siree, I had to have the White Mocha's with whip cream or mint, or other syrupy concoction.

    Needless to say that addiction only served to add so much to waist line as well as thinning my pocket book. So, now I on occasion maybe once a week will treat myself to a small drink on a coffee date with my husband. It's actually now been more beneficial to the pocket and the waistline.:flowerforyou:
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My biggest sacrifice has been my TV time. And by that I mean "sitting on the couch watching TV stuffing my face" time. Do I miss it? Not one bit!!! I am amazed sometimes how I could always manage to find something to watch on TV, but complain at the same time that nothing good was on TV. And I would always say things like "I just don't have time to work out." I had two to three hours each day that I could have been moving my body, but found it easier to lounge on the couch in front of the glowing box. Other than that, I haven't really had to sacrifice too much. :smile:
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    ...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?
    Eating late at night.... we stay extremely busy and trying not to eat late...or getting home and being exhausted so eating some quick processed food or eating out...a lot of times we will grab something to eat on the way home from church and that is usually late...which just keeps a viscious cycle going...

    Todays Question: Looking back on your journey and even now, what have you sacrificed to live a healthier lifestyle and to lose weight or get fit? I get very little time w/ my family because of work and all the other things in life that get in the way....and I find that this is also one of those things, because of exercising etc... then also money...it is so much more expensive to eat healthy, no where near the coupons to eat healthy which causes us to dip way down into our pockets... :)

    I had a rough rough day yesterday, and ate as a bottomless pit... today's a new day...hoping the scales don't hate me monday for my stupidness!! ugh!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS

    High: I had 3 1!2 days off this week lol. So I caught up on some rest. Also, I was able to change my ticker finally...which was cool!

    Lows: In those days I haven't exercised, but today I will be doing some deep house cleaning, doing some Zumba and this weekend I plan on going to a boxing gym. I may end up joining just to break up the normal routine.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS

    My High this week is that I stayed on plan with my workouts and NO LATE NIGHT SNACKING ....Yeah Budday!!! Today I have officially lost all of the vacation weight I've gained. My Ticker WILL be moving next week! Holla!

    My Low...Not a bad low but a low...Doing my 5miles each day I didn't burn what I wanted to. My neighbor asked if she could join me during my walk/run and well it turned out to be all walk and no run but, we did get 5miles in. Looking to change that next week!

    Have a great day Everyone!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS

    Highs: Dragging myself to the gym on Tuesday even though I really didn't want to go (was happy I did). Scheduled to meet my cousin @ the Gym this afternoon.

    Lows: Didn't plan meals out, unorganized chaotic week - inconsistent logging of food.... AS A RESULT ... the scale has been yo-yo-ing. Trying to get my focus back today.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS

    My highs this week I lost 2lbs and I clean for the most part I was happy about my nutrition for the most part this week.

    My lows didn't really feel like working out I made myself do it but I don't think I went as hard as I could or should have. But overall I'm satisfied with this week.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    HIGHS: I bought some high protein foods, which is something I needed to do for a while now. I also worked out 3x so far this week.

    LOWS: Its the week before TOM and I am constantly starving, which in turn, means I've been snacking more this week. Luckily the scale is still ok so far. I've also slacked on workouts the past two days. Need to get back on track & not make it a habit!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Good Morning Everyone! Today is Friday already...can you believe it?! We have 3 more days before another weigh-in!

    So as will every Friday will be...HIGHS and LOWS

    Happy Friday y'all!!

    HIGHS: I have actually had a really great week! Since last Sunday, I've been doing a variation of the Daniel Fast with some friends at work. The part I changed for myself is that you are only supposed to have water, but I have been drinking herbal tea with honey, which you are not supposed to have either. But I figure the honey is still natural. It came fresh out of the bee hive, literally, given to me by a coworker. So I've been eating clean, if you will, and I have been consistent with my TurboFire workouts.

    LOWS: It's been cold here, and I have a real problem getting in my water when I'm cold. When it's cold I just doing like cold drinks or food for that matter. So I need to get my water in.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Highs: I have actually gotten my 8 cups of water everyday this week. Wow!! I have had a tough time with water. Before I joined MFP I barely got 2 cups of water a day with all the crappy drinks I was having instead.

    Lows: I didn't work out as much as I wanted. I skipped my workout on Wednesday and I can't workout today or tomorrow either. This weekend in Canada it is Thanksgiving and I have to go grocery shopping and baking tonight and then I have 10 people coming over tomorrow for dinner. I will try to get a workout on Sunday instead.

    Have a great weekend everyone!! (Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canucks!!)
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Highs: I've felt good about the stuff I've been putting in my body this week. And while it has been a very hectic week, I've managed to get some sort of activity in each day.

    Lows: I've gotten bored with my normal workout routine. I was doing a second round of P90X and started week 5. But my heart isn't in it. So I've been struggling with varying my workouts to keep me going. So far I've started adding Jillian's 30 Day Shred and I dusted off the running shoes and went for a couple of jog/walks. I'm hoping I get back into a grove, becaue I definitely do better when I have my workouts scheduled out for me in advance.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Highs: making the time to exercise

    Lows: getting sick and gaining weight...yeah I know its TOM but still seeing the scale hit 180 again after all this time was hard for me
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Tomorrow is last chance workout for all of us Monday weigh- in people :)

    After my discombobulated week, I'm hoping to maintain this week (which means I'll need to be 191.4 on Monday (was 192.2 this AM).

    Thinking of you all & hoping you are having a weight loss winning day!


    Amy :0)