Extreme Couponing



  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    In my area, it would be impossible to do what they do on that show! We have one store that will double coupons and it will only be up to a .50 cent one! This particular store also has the highest prices in town, so anything saved by using coupons would be offset by that. I don't know of any store that would double a .75 cent coupon for instance! I think that this show is just done for the drama and it would be literally impossible for most people to accomplish what these people supposedly do! Some of the people I have seen on this show break every coupon and store policy imagineable! There are some stores that are now limiting the number of coupons that can be used on one product because of this show! I'm not saying that you can't save money with coupons, because I use them and save money all the time, but come on; $1,000 worth of groceries for $25?!! It anin't gonna happen where I come from!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have a friend who does it. Her and her husband and two kids (family of 4) spend only 280 a month. It's kinda nuts. That said, I'm not sure the food they are buying is very quality.
  • I love that show! In order to save the way they do you really have to tailor all your meals to the coupons that you get. Also if you watch the show alot of things that they buy alot of you want really use everyday. I print coupons off websites like grocery coupon network.com, coupons.com, and shop at home.com. I also get coupons out of my sunday paper, the best one usually comes at the beginning of the month. Also check your grocery website for additional coupons and go to some of your favorite products website and sign up for them to send you coupons in the mail. I dont know about saving as much as they do on that show but you can save a few dollars and sometimes even get some stuff for free.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Do you guys have 100% money back on first purchase or 100% money back if not satisfied bargains?

    Last year I joined a forum that was tracking those and spent a lot of time hunting bargains in various shops, cutting out bar codes and sending them to the manufacturers to get my money back. While it was very interesting for laundry/beauty/cleaning products, food consisted mostly of sweets/chocolates/sauces...

    It was fun while it lasted, though. I took it as a hobby! Then I grew bored and found another obsession (I have the attention span of a fruit fly)
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
  • I'm a couponer. I get the sunday paper, and print online coupons.. but to be honest. You only need so much stuff. I keep about a year's worth of shampoo, about six tubes of toothpaste in my stockpile cupboard, etc. I find coupons for healthy products, such as produce, milk, and meats are usually very rare. To get the best deals on these items you have to keep an eye on the grocery store circulars and find the rock bottom price and buy accordingly. I have a mexican market not far from me that sells produce at least 50% cheaper than the big chain stores. For all the other items, you wait for a sale to use your "hopefully" high-value coupon, or play the drugstore game for +UPs, Extracare bucks or Register Rewards.

    I could go on and on.. It's a fun hobby, but extreme couponing has made it hard for regular coupon clippers to get the deals they used to. The shelves tend to clear out on the first day. I recommend finding a coupon blog in your area or state. That's how I started out.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I definatly understand living on a budget, there have been times I didnt have a job and we ate just as cheap as we possibly could, our health suffered we didnt feel as good and put on weight, but we ate and that was what was important then, HOWEVER now that I can afford food I dont shortcut my own health by buying the cheapest lowest quality food available, all of the food Ive seen on that show has very low quality ingredients and as someone mentioned earlier is not nutritious, so my view is if youre strapped for money yea definatly go for it, youll save money, however if you have money for cable tv or other luxuries put your health first and buy good food to fuel your body
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I'm a couponer. I get the sunday paper, and print online coupons.. but to be honest. You only need so much stuff. I keep about a year's worth of shampoo, about six tubes of toothpaste in my stockpile cupboard, etc. I find coupons for healthy products, such as produce, milk, and meats are usually very rare. To get the best deals on these items you have to keep an eye on the grocery store circulars and find the rock bottom price and buy accordingly. I have a mexican market not far from me that sells produce at least 50% cheaper than the big chain stores. For all the other items, you wait for a sale to use your "hopefully" high-value coupon, or play the drugstore came for UPs, Extracare bucks or Register Rewards.

    I could go on and on.. It's a fun hobby, but extreme couponing has made it hard for regular coupon clippers to get the deals they used to. The shelves tend to clear out on the first day. I recommend finding a coupon blog in your area or state. That's how I started out.

    yes if you can find an ethnic market they usually have very cheap produce, a good option also
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I do some couponing and have bought stuff like 6 toothpastes for 1 buck, 6 boxes of kleenex for 2 bucks, etc. I coupon at Walgreens and get my stuff there. Like others said, get Sunday paper, cut out coupons.

    Like others I haven't bought deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste in months. When I find a good deal I make sure to buy as much as possible (without spending that much) to last me as long as possible.
    This is a great website and I recommend it for starters.


  • I love Collin!!
  • Tinybus2
    Tinybus2 Posts: 5 Member
    I enjoy the store but understand I will never be able to shop like they do, no double or tripling coupons in our area. I am a couponer but not too extreme :) I watch for the sales and pair them up with my coupons to save! Let me warn you...It is very additive to save money! I have saved as much as 50% on my purchases which I consider awesome! The way I look at it...if I can keep a few bucks...why not, better in my pocket instead of the stores!!! I encourage you to check out couponmom.com...she does all the work for you as for planning your shopping trips...print your list, just clip your coupons and enjoy the trip!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • amy_marie
    amy_marie Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback, it really helps a lot! I have another question, have any of you ever tried Walmart online? Some of the things I am wanting to stock up on are cheaper at Walmart, and I don't like waiting in the long lines, so this seems like a great solution. Any thoughts?
  • Tinybus2
    Tinybus2 Posts: 5 Member
    On-line shopping, I don't know if you would have as big savings as you will using coupons at the store...if you do, please post your success...
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The only thing that sucks is that most of the deals aren't on very nutritional foods. It's mostly stuff like pop, chips and cookie.

    I agree. I clip Sunday paper coupons but being that I don't buy much candy or processed food, I usually end up with coupons for cleaning products, toilet paper, etc. and nothing for food. That show drives me nuts because really, what are you doing with 82 bottles of barbecue sauce, 98 bottles of antacid, and 165 containers of Tic Tacs? It seems that most of these people are not donating their "hauls." Also, I think a lot of those people are basically hoarders...just organized hoarders.

    I do like to watch the show for its train wreck quality. The worst was one woman who blew out her child's bedroom and an entire bathroom with her hoard of toilet paper.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Has anyone ever seen this show? I have not, but I have heard a lot about it! I want to look into this, because I want to save as much as I can. What do yall think? Any tips or advice? Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:

    It would not be possible for me to extreme coupon because there is seldom anything that I buy that has the ability to even have a coupon.

    I don't use the typical paper products, shampoos, soaps, and definitely not the processed foods.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    wouldnt it be cheaper just to buy generic stuff??? I dont understand the coupons are just for name brand stuff. So instead of spending 2:50 fro some name brand shampoo you get it for 1 instead?? Y not just guy the generic stuff? We do all realize that most generic stuff is produced by the same plants as the name brand? Most of the time you are just paying for the brand and not quality. There are exceptions like soda, nuts, oatmeal and others, but save the coupon clipping and such and buy generic. Buying online is great too. I can buy 2 boxes of diapers for 27bucks on amazon, name brand and everything.

    Some of these people I saw on one episode were living in nice houses. Ummm, ooook. So why not downsize? Ditch the fancy cars and get some real food in that house. A case of boxed hamburger helper just wouldnt cut it for me. You save so much money by cooking real food.
  • amy_marie
    amy_marie Posts: 130 Member
    I agree, I buy generic whenever I can.

    I just recently tried out Walmart.com, and I love it! It is like all the low price goods of Walmart without the hassle of the long lines! And I got it shipped to my house, it was very fast shipping. Some items you could probably get cheaper at Walgreens, if they are having a sale, but Walmart online was pretty cheap. Plus, I saved gas and time because I got to order online. I think this is going to be what I will do from now on.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    OMG I just typed this whole long response and I think it got lost b/c the thread was being moved at the same time I was editting. *ugh*
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    OMG I just typed this whole long response and I think it got lost b/c the thread was being moved at the same time I was editting. *ugh*

    Same thing just happened to me! :mad: