Ex-smokers who became runners...



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I started C25K two weeks after I quit smoking and one month ago I completed it. I still run and I have exercise induce asthma that has settled down a lot.

    You might just be pushing yourself too hard. Go at a speed that comfortable for you, that you can maintain. Don't be afraid to redo a week a couple times if the next one up is not manageable.
  • KaySera
    KaySera Posts: 45 Member
    I smoked for 42years (do the maths!) and I stopped on a whim 104 days ago (but who's counting!!).

    Within a couple of weeks I had so much excess energy that I started jogging, very slowly, but jogging. To keep my mind off smoking, I was looking for fitness, healthy recipes etc websites and came across MFP.

    I've saved over £400 (about $600?). With the money I've saved, I bought myself a GOOD pair of running shoes, jogging tops and trousers, etc. I'm now jogging 3miles, 3 times a week at 11min miles - all in the space of 3 and a half months. I've LOST 10lbs (thanks MFP!) and I've now joined our local running club. Amongst other items, I've bought an HRM today, so I'm looking forward to trying it out on my next run.

    Stop smoking - start running - I wish I'd done it sooner! Take each day at a time and when you fancy a cigarette, remember what made you stop in the first place. Good luck!
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    I used to smoke 1/2 to a 1 pack a day for many years. I quit almost 4 years ago, and I will be running in a half marathon next sunday. I run 30 - 35 miles a week. I also developed asthma from smoking which hasn't been an issue for me at all - I mean no signs at all! But in all fairness, I think cleaning up my diet and adding more healthy fats to it has helped in that area almost as much as the not smoking. But yes it's possible - good luck and keep at it!
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I smoked atleast a pack a day for 8 years. I quit about 3 years ago. I've now run over 20 races including 6 Half Marathons, my PR for a Half is 1hr 42 mins. You can totally do it!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I'm an ex-smoker... quit 5 years ago after smoking for 15 years about a pack a day. I run or as you stated jog and yes it is possible! Mind over matter. For me I just get lost and tune everything out and I go and then when I think I can't go anymore I say to myself something that I heard from another MFP'er "what if my mother's life depended on me going five more minutes"......so I keep going always finding the strength and staminia. It is possible!
  • gleechick609
    My running partner is an ex smoker (as of 3 years now) and she goes very slow. Its not about how fast you go, it's about finishing the race! (in my opinion)
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Slow down...literally. Don't concentrate on speed. Build your endurance first. And what do you mean, no progress? If you can make it to week 2 of C25K, you've already seen progress! Week 2 is awesome progress!

    I started C25K about 6 months ago, but was put off by an injury for some time. Been doing it again earnestly now. At week 1 while running for 60 seconds, I thought I would die. I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams being about to run for 90 seconds on week 2. But now? I start week 9 today. I'm leaving for my run in just a little bit and I'll be running for 30 minutes - an unreachable goal, if I thought about it at week 1. But it happens, bit by identifiable bit. The only way you won't see progress is if you don't try.

    I run very slow, as I was told to by an experienced runner. I'm at about a 16:00 mile, or just under 4 mph. Don't worry about speed for now! Do the C25K. It works!

    (I quit smoking in 2008, btw.)
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I used to smoke a pack of CAMELS a day. I quit cold turkey 4 years ago after getting bronchitis for the 3rd time in a year.

    I have been running steadily for the past 2.5 years and I recently ran a 10k!

    Like anything else, it came with a lot of work, training and re-training your body/mind.

    I did yoga for a while to concentrate on breathing.

    Also, you may be running too fast in general to catch your breath. Running is about pushing yourself but more so on an endurance level. When I run, I always run at comfortable pace where I can "talk". If I'm alone, I usually mouth the words to songs to keep myself in check.

    Good luck and congrats on your healthy choice to quit!

    Good suggestion. I like to mouth the words when I'm running too to help me stay at a good pace.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I smoked 1 1/2-2 packs a day for 34 years. I finally decided to quit and lose weight all at once (why not?). I"m a little crazy like that :laugh: .

    Within a year, I was completely off my asthma meds and inhaler. I lost 15 pounds and then plateaud. After a months long plateau, I decided to give running a shot, even though I couldn't run next door and hadn't done any running since the track team in high school.

    Slowly, I've been increasing distance and lessening my walk breaks. I can do 5k now, with walk breaks (speed walking), but I generally do 2.5 miles 3-4 times a week. Also, I lost another 28 pounds and two sizes since I started running.

    If I can do it, anyone can do it!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for all the great answers! Wow! I guess it is definitely possible! Now I'm excited to get started again :)
  • SweetP88
    I have to sheepishly admit that I still smoke.....and run!! I have smoked for 18 years but it does not seem to hinder my running or breathing while I run. I have just completed my personal best time for a half marathon in 1:55:21. Sometimes I wonder if I would be faster without smoking but I realize that for me I have to conquer one demon at a time....smoking is next on my list!!
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    To all the people on this thread that has quit smoking....MORE POWER TO YOU AND CONGRATS. For those that haven't....THERE'S NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW. I watched my father and one of my uncles literally smoke themselves to death. My dad, 13 strokes, 4 heart attacks in 5 years....and would walk outside while a patient in the hospital for those events, to have a smoke. My uncle would TURN OFF HIS OXYGEN that he had to use 24/7, to light up a smoke. His excuse? I'm already gonna die from them, might as well enjoy them until I do.
    Quit now, so your friends and loved ones don't have to watch you smoke yourself to death.
  • Nolynoelia20
    U def can.. I quit almost 5 months ago! (after smoking for at least 5-6 yrs)
    Good luck im on week 8 of C25K now
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i am 37, smoked half a pack a day for most of the last 23 years, i have finished 11 marathons, a couple of them under three & a half hours and done dozens of other races.

    go to a doctor and make sure there is nothing wrong that is constricting your breathing and also to remove the doubt from your mind since that doubt is much harder to overcome than being out of shape.

    try to find a running club or a meet up group to run with, that will do wonders for your mental state of mind and push you to go farther and farther.
  • jernigan51
    I finished C25K a few weeks ago and my first 5k this past weekend, and I still smoke. I've cut back, but I know I'd be better off if I quit completely. But yes, it can be done! Good luck!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Is it possible? I'm coming up on my two year anniversary of quitting and I still can't run 5 mph for longer than two minutes without feeling like my lungs are going to explode. And that's not even running...it's jogging. I've tried C25K (a couple times), but I'll go for a week or two, and not see much progress -- or see a squirrel and get sidetracked -- and stop.

    My inner voice is very negative...telling I can't, I never have and never will, blah, blah, blah, but I'm not sure if it's truth or bullsh*t.

    So all you ex-smokers who now run...will you chime in and tell me it's possible? Can you please tell me that the only thing stopping me is me, and not the almost 20 years of smoking? Maybe then I'll believe it.
    Firstly, I already like you because you get sidetracked by squirrels. It's nice to see kindred spirits.

    Did you really quit C25K because of distractions? Or because you got winded? Because as someone stated, you can repeat weeks. My knees got really sore during week 3, so I skipped my 3rd run day for that week, then started over the following week (repeated week 3). It's been much easier on me.

    I was a long-time smoker. I put lots of crap in my body (smoked, snorted, huffed, dissolved, shot, drank, etc.) but don't much anymore. I got really winded during runs, but can tell it's getting easier. C25K is great because of how is steadily ramps you up, building endurance, stamina, muscle and joint strength.

    C25K isn't the only program, either. There are others out there, just that this one is popular. Have you tried the C25K podcasts? They have downloadable (free) podcasts that are great for the first few weeks - the interval stuff - because they tell you when to walk, when to run on the podcast. You don't have to monitor your watch. It also seems to go by faster.

    Anyway, you can do it.

    It is possible. The only thing stopping you is you.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    As cheesy as this sounds, anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I smoked 2 packs AND chewed tobacco. So I had a constant stream of nicotine for almost 26 year. I will be a miracle if I don't get cancer. On Jan 1st 2012, I will have been nicotine free for 2 years. I was a hiker during and after that time but shortly after quitting I ended up having open hear surgery to fix a mitral valve in my heart. I spent the next year and a half getting myself back on track.

    My full story can be read here:


    So, yes, anything can be done no matter what the challenge is. You may not be able to do it as fast as you want it to happen, but you can do it if you stick to it and never give up on yourself or your goals.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I quit smoking on July 28. I started running (c25k) BECAUSE I quit smoking in an attempt to kickstart my metabolism and not gain or plateau. I've kinda failed on the not plateauing part. Yes, my lungs do hurt. But I just keep trying and I'm getting stronger and stronger.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Editing posts doesn't work so well on my phone.

    I wanted to add that I smoked for 26 years. Like Kenneth, I contaminated my body will all sorts of ellicit substances. I'm now on week 7 (second time on this week) of c25k. It most certainly can be done. If you need to repeat, do so. It's not a race. Squirrel!
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    20 a day smoker for 22 years and still smoking.

    I went for my first 6k run in 20 years a month ago and ran (well, jogged) 2 miles and then jogged/walked the rest. A month later I'm doing 6k on a hilly route with no problems.

    So I'd say it's definitely possible. While smoking is undoubtedly bad for your HEALTH (cancers, heart disease etc) I think its effect on FITNESS is exaggerated - when I cycle I can keep up with my non-smoking friends no problem and you'd be amazed at how many pro-athletes smoke (at least 4 of the current England football team, that I know of - quite possibly more). While all people are different (I've never had a smoker's cough, for example - ever), I think someone who is 50lbs overweight and doesn't smoke will have a far tougher time trying to start a fitness regime than someone who is 20lbs overweight and smokes.

    That's my experience, anyway. That said, the health dangers of smoking are obviously greater than being a bit tubby, but you shouldn't think that you can't do a run just because you smoked. Especially if you quit a fair while ago!