Grad Student with about 100 lbs to lose!

LIke it says in the tittle, I'm a grad student in engineering, so things get a little stressful... And when I get stressed, I EAT.

I've got about 100 pounds left to lose, I've already lost about 40 lbs using different methods, but now I'm ready to get rid of the rest!


  • LillysGranny
    I'm a student, too, and I eat when I'm stressed. One thing I've found for when I just can't shake the munchies is plain airpopped popcorn. Once your tastebuds quit looking for butter and salt, it really has a good flavor, and I can munch for a long, long, time on a couple of hundred calories worth.

    You're off to a good start. Good luck!
  • damecaite42
    damecaite42 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! Having been a grad student myself, I know how hard it can be to eat healthy meals and make time to exercise. In fact, I know I put on a fair amount of weight during grad school. :p Congrats on losing the 40 pounds- that is a big accomplishment! I've only been on this site for about a week, having lost most of my weight through another program, but I've already found it to be tremendously helpful in really keeping me accountable for the nutritional content of the food I put in my mouth. I hope you find it helpful, too! Keep up the great work! :)

  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I second the air popped popcorn, and I also munch on Popchips when I'm hankering for chips and nothing else will do!
  • Korrinn
    Korrinn Posts: 24
    It's funny you're all mentioning popcorn, last night I found something online to make popcorn in a brown paper bag in the microwave with no oil. I had been trying to make popcorn on the stove and for some reason it came out a little stale tasting. But last night I used an old panera bag and put a tablespoon or two in and put it in the microwave for about 2 min.

    It was perfectly popped! I sprayed a little pam on it and then add a scoshe of salt and it was amazing. I'm going to the grocery store this afternoon to stock up on brown paper bags!

    Thanks for all the support guys!
  • sarah829522
    Great job on your first 40 lb loss!

    I'm glad you're here. I can say that you'll definitely get the support, encouragement and even a good kick in the pants when warranted here. Everyone here is great!

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm a grad student too and have 100+ lbs to lose. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I work on a helpdesk where I take inbound calls for 8 and 12 hour shifts and get the munchies ALL the freaking time. I've switched from stuff out of the weight loss killer(vending machine) to grapes and apples and grape tomatoes(don't really like regular tomatoes but these taste a little sweeter to me). These you can eat a lot of because they are insanely low in calories and since they are mostly water they will fill you up pretty quickly and are satisfying. Also get some workout straps and get a good pair of walking or running shoes. You can take these anywhere and do a little activity while your studying or writing your paper. Any movement is better than no movement. Friend me if you'd like. We all need support.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Welcome! I totally understand! I lost about 100 lbs during my 2nd year of law school at night and working full time during the day. It took a lot of scheduling to get in workouts. My suggestion would be to make sure you have the right kind of snacks available when you feel the munchies coming on. I would cut up a bunch of veggies and prepare salads on Sunday evening so that I would have them for the week ahead. It took all of about 20 minutes and it made a huge difference when I wanted a snack. I also found that exercise was a great stress reliever. I trained for and ran 2 half-marathons and 1 full-marathon while studying. You can do it. I gained a lot of weight back because I couldn't workout as hard (stupid injury and new baby). Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    HI KORRI! Welcome my dear friend! *hugs*