Stretch Marks?



  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I would second the Bio Oil! Plus it smells lovely.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ya know...i have a few stretch marks on my love handle areas..but they are sooo faint...i don't get what all the whoohaa is about...i kind of like mine lol i say embrace them :-) love your body :-)

    i have forgotten all about mine i just wanna loose the weigth and be healthy and fit again! :drinker:

    Ladies this was a bit silly, when you only have a few in an area it is absolutely not the same thing as being pickled in very deep, wide bad ones, it's very well for people who don't have them badly to say "Embrace them", they can bring a lot of very real problems for people and the way they feel about their bodies, and this in turn effects their confidence. Speaking from personal experience I hid myself from everyone from when I had my son, I looked like I'd been attacked and had knife wounds. I was 18 years old and felt like my body was ruined forever, I loved my son of course and wouldn't change it ont he one hand but on the other I was devastated. The love for my body again tok a very long time.

    i am also covered i would imagine i have a few more than you! after 3 large babies,and was nearly 400lbs!
    i have them tummy all over,back,arms (down to elbows) boobs,legs(down to just past knees)basically most places other than the face and they are not light hardley can see ones either! so i do know what i am talking about :)
    i was just agreeing saying you should love your body and take it what it gives you!
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I say embrace them!!! When I was preggo with my kids, mine got so bad, and were so deep that they were cracking and seeping! They started with my first, and by my third, the skin was so thin, they were scabbing (NOT from itching, trust me I asked). Something out of x-files, seriously!!! LOL But oh well, you know?! If your going to spend all this time getting healthy, why not embrace the efforts you have made to better yourself, and not focus on yet another inperfection?! It's a glass half full kind of thing!!! btw, vitamin E does help them to heal up and be less red looking. . . but for those who say they feel they have to hide because theirs is worse than others, well that is fine if they want to do that, but mine were the worst I have seen, and I wear them proudly! :D
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I say embrace them!!! When I was preggo with my kids, mine got so bad, and were so deep that they were cracking and seeping! They started with my first, and by my third, the skin was so thin, they were scabbing (NOT from itching, trust me I asked). Something out of x-files, seriously!!! LOL But oh well, you know?! If your going to spend all this time getting healthy, why not embrace the efforts you have made to better yourself, and not focus on yet another inperfection?! It's a glass half full kind of thing!!! btw, vitamin E does help them to heal up and be less red looking. . . but for those who say they feel they have to hide because theirs is worse than others, well that is fine if they want to do that, but mine were the worst I have seen, and I wear them proudly! :D

    GOOD on you
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    That's how i think of mine :-)
    you know, I have heard worries about stretch marks as well. and trust me, I have my fair share. As you get thinner though, why not think of them as progression marks? ' look at me, look at how far I have come, and here are my abs and my scars to show it.'
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    hey :-) the lady who posted the question did not say she was "pickled in very deep" with "wide bad ones" don't say my comment was "silly" and then the next second say "it's very well for people who don't have them badly to say 'Embrace them'"....but anyway...good luck with your battle with your stretch marks...If i hear of a cream i'll let ya know. ;-)
  • jpd10905
    Never tried it but I heard this stuff called Bio-Oil works wonders.

    Bio oil is great! I use it. It helps. The marks are lighter and less defined. My skin tone is better too.

    But if you have lost a significant amount of weight, they never go away. I'm having reconstructive surgery in December to get rid of extra skin and give me a flat tummy! The doctor is taking a lot of those stretch marks with him.

    Good luck!
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    When you are unlucky enough to get a lot of stretch marks like during pregnancy the skin stretches and ladders your skin like a pair of tights, this is permanent. They start off red and sore looking and can be thin or very wide, most people that get them will have a mixture, the ones that develop on the thighs, arms and boobs are often thinner than those on the belly. If you imagine then everything going back into place, it can't because the stretch marks (if you have a lot) has made the area bigger and the taughtness of the skin go. I have a lot of stretch marks like above everywhere, this was due to my 10llb son lol! He is now 27 and mine are like has been said above faint and silver, the ones on my boobs and thighs are not noticable really but on my belly they still are but are pale and faded so they're are just lines. I spent a lot of time trying to do something about tightening that area where initially I had a terrible apron, and then wrinkly skin, the medical profession said my only option was surgery and the gym trainer said it would never go. Not one to give up, I found a solution, I started bodybuilding and doing specific lower ab exercises after doing a shed load of research, I dropped my body fat down to a minimum, and except for a little line my stomach was better than it was when I was 16! This in turn made the stretch marks look so much better because they weren't sagging. In order to pull in excess skin you must use heavy weights and drop body fat not muscle!

    Good Luck :) xx

    I like this approach :D

    After having 3 babies my skin is "laddered" with a mixture of thick and thin stretchmarks. Some are as wide as my index finger!! The stretchmarks themselves don't bother me so much, its the sagging and wrinkly look i hate. If they would just tighten up a little then they would be fine.

    I will defo try to get my body fat low and muscle up to improve their look!
    Thanks x
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    ya know...i have a few stretch marks on my love handle areas..but they are sooo faint...i don't get what all the whoohaa is about...i kind of like mine lol i say embrace them :-) love your body :-)

    Having a few is normal....looking like you've been mauled by a tiger is different, lol. I have road maps covering my stomach from pregnancy. Some loose skin as well...I'm saving up for a tummy tuck. While it won't get rid of the marks...being able to wear a bikini again would be wonderful. Trust me...if you want to see some 'mommy scars' go to to see where I'm coming from.

    That site is cool :) Mine are much worse than the pics on there tho!

    I guess we all stretch differently! Good thing is, it makes you realise you are not the only one :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    i am also covered i would imagine i have a few more than you! after 3 large babies,and was nearly 400lbs!
    i have them tummy all over,back,arms (down to elbows) boobs,legs(down to just past knees)basically most places other than the face and they are not light hardley can see ones either! so i do know what i am talking about :)
    i was just agreeing saying you should love your body and take it what it gives you!

    You're a woman. Try being a man covered in them to your extent (arms down to elbows, legs, etc). Love my body? Hmm, can never see that happening tbh for me.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Mine have improved as I have lost weight. My tummy is just about an ok shape (though with the stretch marks it's still soft and flabby), and because of that it doesn't look too awful. Just a bit wrinkly. I do have really really bad ones, though. I mean, there isn't a quarter of a square inch on my abdomen that isn't covered in them. I have a few on my hips, but I couldn't care less about those. The ones I mind are the ones that make my entire torso look like the skin is sagging off it. Which I suppose it is!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I must be abnormal, because bio-oil did absolutely nothing for me at all. I used it for 8 months daily and didn't notice anything at all, apart from the hole in my bank balance.
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    I must be abnormal, because bio-oil did absolutely nothing for me at all. I used it for 8 months daily and didn't notice anything at all, apart from the hole in my bank balance.

    NO! It didnt work for me either! I used it for a full year! I guess it depends on how bad the stretchmarks are! In fact, i have tried everything, acid skin peels the lot. Nothing made a difference! I guess we just need to live with them. :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I must be abnormal, because bio-oil did absolutely nothing for me at all. I used it for 8 months daily and didn't notice anything at all, apart from the hole in my bank balance.

    NO! It didnt work for me either! I used it for a full year! I guess it depends on how bad the stretchmarks are! In fact, i have tried everything, acid skin peels the lot. Nothing made a difference! I guess we just need to live with them. :)

    Probably. Mine were so bad when I was pregnant the skin was completely transparent. It's like tissue paper.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i am also covered i would imagine i have a few more than you! after 3 large babies,and was nearly 400lbs!
    i have them tummy all over,back,arms (down to elbows) boobs,legs(down to just past knees)basically most places other than the face and they are not light hardley can see ones either! so i do know what i am talking about :)
    i was just agreeing saying you should love your body and take it what it gives you!

    You're a woman. Try being a man covered in them to your extent (arms down to elbows, legs, etc). Love my body? Hmm, can never see that happening tbh for me.

    no you miss my point totally!! lol
    i'm not saying i love them or the baggy skin that you get after you loose weight! :sad: (that's my own fault):blushing: i am saying look to your body on the inside get away from the weight and look side of things and move on to the fitness and health side of things! :drinker:
    it puts you in a much better mind set and you will not worry about the"nasty" side effects so much it's almost like you forget them totally! belive it or not...:huh:
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    good question???? the extra skin
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    ya know...i have a few stretch marks on my love handle areas..but they are sooo faint...i don't get what all the whoohaa is about...i kind of like mine lol i say embrace them :-) love your body :-)

    Having a few is normal....looking like you've been mauled by a tiger is different, lol. I have road maps covering my stomach from pregnancy. Some loose skin as well...I'm saving up for a tummy tuck. While it won't get rid of the marks...being able to wear a bikini again would be wonderful. Trust me...if you want to see some 'mommy scars' go to to see where I'm coming from.

    That site is cool :) Mine are much worse than the pics on there tho!

    I guess we all stretch differently! Good thing is, it makes you realise you are not the only one :)

    I stretched really bad. I make some of the women on there look like super models. I went from looking like Jillian Michaels without the tan to feeling horrid about myself because of the marks and skin. I wish I had the self confidence some of the women on here display. After coming out of an abusive relationship where those marks were a torment becuase I was called ugly, fat, disgusting....and other nasty words for the entire time my daughter has been alive...I just can't live with those marks. 8 years is a long time to be called names...I'm not sure if I'll ever accept myself because of the abuse. I know I'm beautiful in other ways but I always feel like any man I may meet now will react the same way my ex-husband did. I know this is a personal struggle for me and not something most of you ladies have to deal with...but being 26, single, single mom to an almost 8 year old, recovered ED, and body image is the only way to go to make me feel better about myself. If you and your partner/SO are happy...all the best to you! For those of us out there looking for love and being judged on how we look...these 'small imperfections'...are far from being small.
  • Dancergrrl87
    Aww sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'm going to add you as a friend, okay? We have similarities there, I was in several abusive relationships and was always embarrassed about my stretch marks too.