Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi All!

    Dr's appt went great, the baby is growing normally and the heartbeat was astounding. The sonogram was great he even took a peek at what it might be and quoting the dr's words: There is nothing sticking out, you draw your own conclusions" So my conclusion is it is a Girl!!!! :love:

    Now should I be doubtful if the sonogram was so clear, but the Dr didn't Say" It's a girl? My friend says Dr's can be sued over mal information. Well I think i will go with what I saw.

    My mom has already announced she will be getting the bassinet & i did use one with my son, they are perfect when the lil ones are newborn.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Lunarokra - YAY. Hopefully you get your girl!!!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Rayna ~ As far as baby showers go, my sister is throwing me one on Jan 14th & my sister in laws are throwing me one sometime either the end of Jan or beginning of February. (My due date is March 8th). I didn't want one too close to the due date.....just in case. And it gives ya time to get everything you need, etc. Not to mention not feeling like a complete whale ;)

    Oh, and as for the chiropractor, my doctor said it's fine to go as long as they know you're pregnant, of course. I think I might try getting in this next week for the first time since being pregnant.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Rayna - With my first child, I had a few baby showers and it's all before the baby arrival. Agree with H-82, not too close to your due day, just in case.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    My sister is planning my baby shower.....a little too early if you ask me, but she wants to do it and Nov. 6th works for everyone so that's the day. Seems early, but at least I'll have plenty of time to get ready for baby's arrival. My baby shower for my son was 6 weeks before he arrived and was planned for 9 weeks before. He came early. I know a lot of people wait until baby's born, but if you do it before you can get everything you need that you don't get as gifts. I liked that, because I am one to plan and have everything organized!!!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    My sister is planning my baby shower.....a little too early if you ask me, but she wants to do it and Nov. 6th works for everyone so that's the day. Seems early, but at least I'll have plenty of time to get ready for baby's arrival. My baby shower for my son was 6 weeks before he arrived and was planned for 9 weeks before. He came early. I know a lot of people wait until baby's born, but if you do it before you can get everything you need that you don't get as gifts. I liked that, because I am one to plan and have everything organized!!!!

    That makes sense to me, especially since December and January are such busy months for people. I was wondering if Nov was too early because I'll only be 6 months but I don't want to have it in February because I'm due February 23 ;)
    I think my mom and sister are going to plan it for me but neither have said anything...awkward lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Rayna did you read "The Happiest Baby on the Block"? I really recommend that book but it is where I heard about the "fourth trimester".

    Ashley I wouldn't use a used breast pump from a stranger if I thought for one minute there was any way the milk could be contaminated. But if you've never seen a breast pump it is a closed unit and none of the milk even comes near the actual pump, it is all in the tubing (which is pretty cheap to buy or like most hospitals supply the tubing/breast shields). Can't wait to see pics of the mural! :)

    babeed cute idea for costumes! :) And I wasn't going to buy a separate bassinet before we were gifted the arms reach one. I was going to just get a pack n play with the bassinet/changing table combination and use that as her bassinet until we transitioned her to the bed.

    Brenda so happy to hear your appt went well! Girls tend to be the trend these days! lol :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm pretty sure the baby has dropped because my pelvis feels like it is now going to break in half and I can actually breath again! My rib pain is not so bad and has gone back to a mild ache (which I can totally handle). Downside is now I have to really pee often (like the first trimester again).

    Al and I are going to the Homecoming parade this morning for the University that I graduated from. It is the first time I've ever gone and I'm pretty excited. I want to start being more active in my community with Charlee coming. It is very important to me to raise your child with a sense of community. With me growing up as a military brat I never felt that except with the military itself (which is forever changing and moving). Now that we know we will be living here for many many years I want her to feel like she is a part of something here. So...therefore we get up at 6am (hence the reason I've never gone to the homecoming parade before) to get ready to go to the parade at 8!

    The chiro made me feel so much better and I am going to start seeing her weekly for the rest of the pregnancy. She said she will start doing acupuncture on me whenever I'd like to induce labor... It will only work if the baby is truly ready and labor is eminent. I'm figuring by the 39th week I will start if I haven't gone into labor before then :)

    Hope you all have an awesome day and continue to be fit and fabulous!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Heather - how exciting! You are getting there. :-)

    I think mine is a nocturnal baby. She click big when daylight is gone. I was sitting on couch with hubby last night watching a movie, and she won't stop kicking. I put a hand on where she kicked the most and definitely felt a big kick moving my hand. Hubby was able to feel a small kick before she decided to chill. I'm so excited. Lots of time I'm sitting or chilling, I'll seek for her kicking. :-)

    Today I'm working on my old kid's 4 yr birthday party invitation. Already finished cleaning up tons of dishes, which is not very exciting. Hoping to get a DVD workout today and need to make sure drinking a lot of water.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • millionsofpeaches
    Options far as lunches go, I usually take a salad with light dressing with some cottage cheese and wheat crackers or bread with a light yogurt. Then some fruit and granola bars for snacks. Otherwise I do turkey and cheese on whole wheat with baby carrots and a yogurt. Or leftovers, tuna, something like that. I keep lots of things on hand at home that are quick to grab and take to work. I don't have a lot of time in the mornings! Good luck!

    I thought lunch meat is on the "no no" list... because it could contain Listeria.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Grrrr last night I did nothing. I had run out of my antinausea medication and felt really sick all day. By the time I got home I had a pounding headache (picked up McDonalds on the way:grumble: ) ate then threw up, had a shower and drank some hot lemon water then went to bed. I have to work out tonight! Im going to walk on our treadmill her at the gym at lunch for 20-30 mins, then mabe a short run tionight. The weather here is cloudy,cold :frown: Makes me extra sleepy.

    My daughter is heading out to the cabin with her nana today, so Ill be worried the whole day untill they arrive safely. Luckily my inlaws are pretty young and nana has taking courses on driving on the track in her beemer. She also has her bike liscense and a harley and a duccatti...:glasses: ahh ya her Ducatti is specially sized for her cause shes so small....

    Anyways looking forward to the long weekend, Ill be absent from the site

    Goals this weekend
    drink lots or water
    walk lots
    go on one hike
    go on one short run!

    Happy turkey eating to my fellow canadians

    What nausea medication are you on? My nausea has picked up this past week... I substitute teach some days and I was literally having a hard time standing up. I tried B6 (recommended by doctor) and haven't seen any difference. I have also tried the Preggy pops. It is hard to function...
  • catintheshell

    i'm now 29 weeks along with a little girl, and using MFP to also keep track of my nutrients and such. so this was an awesome thread to find! i will definitely check in with you all now and again when i remember. :3
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies!

    Since the Constipation talk, I thought in my mind i am lucky i am not suffering, well guess what! I am having issues now :grumble: , so I stocked up on Benefiber & prune juice.

    Welcome cat in the shell!

    Heather- wow you are definitely getting there. :flowerforyou:

    Misti-Hope you are feeling better and hope you don't have to go through surgery.

    As for the babyshowers I agree that we'll all be due right after the holidays so baby shower planning needs to be around a feasible time i.e when we're not too broke! :laugh:

    My cousin's GF is due in Jan and my aunt will be throwing her shower in Nov. I think that's good time, as for me I'm sure my Mom will be planning it, since they live in Cali and I feel bad cause it'll be her birthday in Jan too.

    Regarding deli meats: I cook my deli meat & then I make my sandwiches, I also ask subway to heat up the turkey in the microwave for 2-3 mins.
  • batgirlrox
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadian's out there!

    Crib/Bassinet- I think I'm like the majority or people on here who plan to have a bassinet for the first few months.

    Baby Shower- I'm personally against baby showers before the baby is born, only because I work in the medical field and have seen how many time things go terribly wrong. One baby shower my Mom went to 2 months ago was for a lady who was 35 weeks, baby died at 39 weeks prior to labour/delivery. I couldn't stand having all that extra stuff, heaven forbid anything like that ever happened.

    I've missed my work outs the past couple of days due to some onset of morning sickness/dizziness bouts. I almost passed out in Church this weekend which I wasn't too excited about. I haven't actually puked yet but have come pretty darn close. I am heading to Vegas on Tuesday for my younger sister's 21st birthday (that was my present to her before I found out I was expecting) so I'm sure I will make up the exercise walking around there. I'm still losing weight although not sure why. I'm now down 7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I haven't lost my appetite or changed too much of my diet so I don't know what's happening. I really wish I could get into my doctor sooner to ask but he's on holidays most of October so I don't get in to see him until Oct 24th.

    My husband and I told both my sister and husband's family that we were expecting this weekend. That was sure fun and exciting. My FIL was a little miffed that we told him when there were other people around and he had to be quiet about it and could scream and jump through the house though (He's VERY emotional)hehe. He made up for it by coming over the next day to do his dance of joy for us. I'm not sure I'm ready for the lecture from my parents (even though I'm a married grown adult) so we haven't told them yet. I think they forget sometimes I'm not 10 anymore ;). Anyways hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I actually found the full skeleton suit, but since your posting I might just do the shirt. My job dresses up so this will be cute.

    Not sure if you ladies know, but all breast pumps are 20% off at Babies R' Us this weekend! :) That makes the Medela one I want only $240!! Part of me hates buying expensive things before family has a chance (that sounds terrible I know lol), but I just don't see anyone purchasing us a breast pump as a gift. I think people would rather buy "fun" gifts. lol Anyways, they're having a lot of stuff on sale....formula, diapers, sleepers, monitors, etc.

    As for the question regarding bassinet sleeping or crib sleeping at first...I'm not sure yet. Part of me wants to say I'll put the baby in the crib from the beginning, but another part of me thinks I'll want to use a bassinet by our bed for the first few months. A friend has offered to sale me hers (only used since end of June) for $30 so I guess even if we only used it a few months we'd get our money's worth and if we decide not to use it then we could just put it on Craigslist. It's just hard because Eric is aircrew and flies up front with the pilots on the plane so I want to allow him as much sleep as possible at night. The baby crying on the monitor probably would barely wake him (he barely wakes to his alarm sometimes lol) so I'm not too worried about that. I'm anxious to hear what others are planning on doing.

    Also, as for furniture...check Amazon. You can join Amazon Mom and you get Prime free for a while and for every $25 you spend in the baby department they will extend your Prime membership for a month, up to a year. I'm not sure if it costs after that and, if so, how much. They're prices are cheaper than Babies R' Us and Target on most of the same brands. Same goes for diapers and most of their products. And you get free shipping on a lot of stuff if you spend over $25. I love Amazon!! We have their credit card and use it for everything (gas, groceries, etc) and will use the points we earn to purchase diapers most likely.

    I'm the same way with the gym right now. I was alternating running on the treadmill at the gym and running outside at home, but now that I've gotten better at running outside I think I enjoy that better. At least while the weather is nice. It's been 68-72 and sunny all week. I love it! Although, yesterday I only walked the dogs because my legs were pretty tired and I was feeling achy in my uterus/lower abdomen area. I DO want to start more strength training though. I feel like my arms are getting flabbier and I had nice arms before. I miss lifting heavy. I know I can't lift heavy now, but at least doing something will make me feel better. I need to look into the Tracy Anderson workouts you all speak of. It's obviously great because, Heather, your arms look fantastic!!! :)

    Do any of you beautiful ladies have any plans on Halloween costumes for yourselves? Or do you plan on dressing up at all? Etsy has a cute t-shirt with a skeleton rib cage and a skeleton baby on the belly part (sounds demented, but it's actually cute lol) that I'd like to get, but it's about $25 and I hate to pay that much for a shirt I'll wear once.

    We're driving down to South Carolina next weekend to stay with my MIL and I can't wait!!! I love it down there and we haven't seen them since November of last year. His Mumzy (great-grandmother) turned 100 last month and this is kind of the celebration party for her. It's a "Beer, Burgers, and Blue Jeans" party so it should be fun. lol All the women are true southern belles so it's always fun to listen to them talk and see how proper they act. lol I was raised in the country in the Midwest, but don't really have an accent so I love hearing them talk. :)
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi ladies, so I bought a support belt on Friday and went for a four mile walk in Saturday and it helped me tremendously. I could've kept going but want to save my energy for Nike this Sunday. So thank you all for the input and support.

    Rayna, as far as the baby shower, I do believe in them for your first baby, before baby is born. I had one for my first and don't necessarily want one for this one since it's my second. I've had several people in my family want to throw me one so I've decided to only have a diaper bash so I won't hurt their feelings.

    For the crib/bassinet question, I will be using a bassinet for the first few months that I purchased on Craigslist, then will put baby in his own room and crib.

    Babeed, I'm from Dallas, and am excited about the fair!!! Was not aware you are from here. :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member

    Do any of you beautiful ladies have any plans on Halloween costumes for yourselves? Or do you plan on dressing up at all? Etsy has a cute t-shirt with a skeleton rib cage and a skeleton baby on the belly part (sounds demented, but it's actually cute lol) that I'd like to get, but it's about $25 and I hate to pay that much for a shirt I'll wear once.


    I saw the same skeleton style shirt for sale on ebay for $10 if you are willing to do short sleeves.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Hi, I am new to the group as I just found out that we are expecting. I am abuot 6 weeks along and would love to be part of a support preggers group on MFP. My first pregnancy I gained over 100 pounds. This go round I am going to be active and healthy.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well...I got in ZERO exercise this weekend...I feel like such a loser! But, in my defense I think I'm getting sick, which really sucks! My throat is on fire and I've had a horrible headache and stuffy sinuses the past few days! Going to do some yoga tonight and maybe go for a walk.

    As far as a bassinet, I am planning to use on this go round only because the baby and my daughter will be sharing a room. So, for the first few months I will have the baby sleep at night in our room in the bassinet and nap in the crib during the day. Then when a routine is established (and I'm not worried about the baby waking up Kadence a million times at night) we will switch to the crib. With Kadence, she slept in the crib since day 1. And she did wonderfully!

    Well...need to start on some work. Have a great day ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies. First to follow up:
    My SIL is throwing us a couples shower the 1st Saturday in December (due date is 1/25) and my girlfriends will be a brunch party that following weekend on a Sunday, so we will be about 6-8 weeks out. We're cutting it a little close, but with the holidays around its tough to schedule.
    Millionsofpeaches - I eat lunch meat after it is warmed. Many women eat it their entire pregnancy. In the US your chances of getting listeria from lunch meat are pretty minimal, but I figure warming up lunch meat can't hurt anything so I do that when I have it. I have eaten it cold a handful of times too.
    Atomdraco - I feel the same way about the baby - she moves at night. Typically when I wake up to pee (that has come back) I can feel her kicking as I fall back asleep. And she is most active at night as we're settling in on the couch to veg.
    Heather - I'm glad your'e more comfortable and it seems she has dropped! Moving right along! How exciting.

    As for me, we had a busy weekend as usual. Hung out with some friends and enjoyed the great weather. There was a festival up the street so we walked around there and a couple antique shops after Saturday morning coffee. I painted for hours yesterday in the nursery. I got the ceiling done and probably about a third of the mural. It is looke really cute but is very tedious. If I can figure out how, I'll post pics when its done.

    I have a busy week and weekend this week. My husband's birthday is Sunday as is our anniversary so we have dinner Friday and party Saturday. I am going to shoot for working out 4 times this week. I may do yoga tonight and Wednesday and try to run one day and get some strength in and some walking I'm sure. Other than that I just want to eat a little better this week. I am staying within my calories, but I feel some of my choices have not been great. I had a really salty philly cheese steak and fried okra Saturday night and just felt yucky Sunday morning. My weight gain is still steady - 2 pounds last week (I have gained either 1.5 or 2 for the last 5 weeks total of 14.5). I just hope it levels off at some point!

    Hope you all have a great week!