I want to join Navy, nees to lose weight!

Hello, im nicole, i joined this site because i have it on my ipod and i wanted to check it out. im 180 lbs right now and i have to get down to at least 145 lbs. I need to lose this weight because i want to join Navy, and thats the max weight reqiurment. I work at a hair salon and I have a very up and down schedule at work and its never the same everyday, which makes it hard to plan meals, and if we get busy i cant leave the floor to eat till were slower, which makes it very hard to get meals in. if any one has any advice and could help me i would really appreciate, thanks :)


  • princesshaylo
    princesshaylo Posts: 18 Member
    Hey girl!!! Congrats on wanting to become a part of the worlds greatest Navy :) I am a Navy Officer, I love it but I too have a constant battle with weight. Keep in mind if you can't get your weight down to the 145 at long as your body fat is less than 33% you are good to go. They do this through a tape test where they measure your neck, waste and hip ratio. I understand about your schedule I am a RN and do 12 hour night shifts hence a lot of the time I don't even have time to sit and eat. What works for me is planning my meals throughout the week on my days off and I always pack my lunch. Keep almonds and other healthy finger foods at close reach at your workstation. My best advice is to cut down to eating 1200 calories a day ( more if you exercise that day). I do very well on a low carb diet keeping my net carbs below 70 grams per day and get most of my carbs through fruits and veggies. Avoid white carbs!! Remember the Navy has the Physical Readiness Test ( PRT) every six months including 1.5 mile run, sit ups and pushups so keeping a consistent workout routine is very important nothing sucks more than stressing before a PRT. I would be happy to help you with any other questions you have about the Navy the recruiter is not always the best resource lol. I have been in 3 years and enjoy being a mentor for new sailors :)
  • nicolehale523
    Thanks for the advice, Ive do pack my lunch and try to plan ahead, but if we get busy, the boss doesnt let us leave the floor to do anything, even when im hungry and need to eat and my food just sits in the fridge, shes suppose to leave soon so hopefully ill be able to work it out better. the whole six meals a day just doesnt work for me, i wanna do the nutrisystem thing but its so exspensive, i think i just get discouraged easily. My recruiter was pretty upfront and i told him i didnt like to get a run around, but he told me he couldnt help me with pt and stuff like that till i go through meps, but i peole say their recruiter did and it just makes wonder, i really want to join but it just seems like its stupid little things that get in my way.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    You're here! First goal completed! Now let's get to work :) Good luck with your journey!
  • princesshaylo
    princesshaylo Posts: 18 Member
    So I understand where your recruiter is coming from about being hesitant to offer you physical fitness advice before you go to MEPS. MEPS is where you will recieve your first initial physical screening through the military. I am sure he doesn't want to offer you advice that could potentially be hurtful to you and come back onto him. For fitness advice check out this website http://www.navy-prt.com/ this will give you training plans to help you reach Navy fitness standards. As far as nutrition goes nutrisystem is nice cause it plans out meals for you but on this plan you still have to buy your own fruits and veggies. Sooo it will save you much $$$ to put yourself on a 1200-1500 calorie diet get all your carbs from fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains. Get your protein from lean meats and chicken. PLUS DONT GIVE UP :) entering the miliatry is a lot of work and BS at first but you can do it
  • Dancergrrl87
    Hey there, I'm losing weight to join the Navy too! How's your progress going?
  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    First of all, welcome! I feel your pain with the work schedule and meal-planning. I'm a nurse and have never had the luxury of PLANNING any mealtime! You just have to get it while you can, right? :) What I do is I make sure I have a good source of protein and fiber with each meal - that way it will "hold you over" a little longer if needed. I also pack small snacks that I can consume in 3-5 min to tide me over until lunchtime. I often pack Greek Yogurt, raw almonds, string cheese, or apple slices. My latest favorites are the Cliff Minibars - they're only 100 calories each and have 4g of protein. The chocolate brownie ones are awesome, by the way! You want to have things easily accessible so that when you DO get a chance to eat and are starving, you don't make poor choices based on convienience. I always pack my lunch and snacks the night before. The little bit of effort in the preparation is totally worth it! Good luck!
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Congrats at looking at joing the Navy! I am prior Army and have worked many many times with the Navy and have some great Navy friends! I understand the struggles. I am in the process of trying to go back into the Army Reserves and that is how I joined this site. I am currenlty over wait to enter at prior service standards. I just took a tape test today and made it right at my allowable body fat% and I would like to be down just a bit more to be safe when I go to MEPS. Feel free to add me!