Are there any C-section mamas out there?



  • bayba792
    bayba792 Posts: 21 Member
    I have had two c-sections one was 7 years ago and the other 3 1/2 years ago. I also have numbness and pain sometimes but the doctors said that the pain is from scar tissue. I have lost all hope for the pouch, so I do plan on having a tummy tuck when I reach my goal.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    4 kids, two c-sections and I have the mini apron, it looks like a hanging fat pocket and I am thinking of trying smart lipo or laser lipo $1195.00 at sonobello and I will be awake the entire time. I don't mind having loose skin, but when I wear a bathing suit, I do not want a lump of fat sticking out.
  • VixenGddss5
    I am having a horrible time with the *watch out this is disgusting* dead saggy skin over the incision in my stomach/abdomen area .....My doctors have told me there is nothing that I can do to make it go away, or tighten it up/lose inches there, they told me my only result is surgery, in which I do NOT want!!! I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good excercises that have worked for them, or how you got rid of the "extra hanging skin".

    Hey there again . . . .
    Is anyone at or below their pre-pregnancy weight and having issues wearing their non-stretchy pants??? I've been lazy and haven't really put on my khakis or jeans yet. Just tried tonight since tomorrow I should look more presentable than yoga pants. I don't think my hips spread anymore, My "apron" isn't too bad anymore either, but I can't button a single pair! Any suggestions? I'm 10 to 15 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight and this is confusing me.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    2 babies here (3.5 and 18 months)- first was a c-section the second was natural. Gained 60lbs and 45lbs respectively. Both babies were big- just shy of 9lbs- and I gained a lot with both (60lbs and 45lbs respectively). I have the pouch and I hate it!!!!! I wish it would go away without surgery, but yeah I don't see my stomach looking like a 19 year old's ever again.
  • Iwillshyne
    2 C-SECTIONS here! Each pregnancy I gain 70 lbs and never really lost much weight afterwards. It's been a year since my son was born and my scar is itchy and I don't have much feeling (to the touch) on and around the area. But there are times when I have overexerted myself and have a sharp pain shoot through the area.
    I have excepted the fact that my tummy is ruined for life, meaning I may NEVER have abs of steel! Ha! Sounds defeatist , I know, and I'm ok with that. My goal is to lose as much belly fat as possible and be satisified with wearing my body magic under garment forever. I started 30 day shred this month and I do Taebo as well. I hope to have visible results!
    Best wishes to everyone!
    And congrats on all the babies both newborns and older!!
  • JeanWalker109
    I've had 2 c-sections myself & I honestly don't know if it will go away or not. I'm at the beginning of my weight loss journey, so I'll just have to wait & see. It's been a while since my c-sections (my youngest is 6 y/o), but I can't stand the perspiration issues. ANYWAY...that's a whole other topic. ROFL!

    I say don't give in to the surgery just yet. Wait 'til you get closer to goal & see if anything's changing.


  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    I have had 4 children, three of them by C-section and my stomach needs a lot of work too. I currently just walk and "run" on my treadmill, but am also looking for some workout to reduce the mommy tummy, lol.
  • brittmiles07
    I've had 2 sections, most recent was 21 months ago. Unfortunately, if it's loose skin, it's not going to go away without surgery. Your skin can only stretch so far before it loses the elasticity to bounce back. Everyone's skin is different, obviously, so keep working on it and you might see a good difference. I know that my stomach looks better than it did 16 lbs ago, but it's never going to be smooth like it was before. I can tell I'm losing fat in that area though, which is overall making it smaller.

    As for pain, I don't have any at all, nor have I had any since the actual healing period. I do have the numbness. It starts a couple inches below my navel and goes to below my scar. This is due to the nerves in that area being cut. You'll probably never have normal feeling there, since the nerves don't all heal back together.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Both my children were c-sections..the youngest is 3 months old. I hate the"apron" as I call it. I am hoping millions of situps and crunches will make it go away.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I had (1) C-section 17 years ago, and (1) baby naturally (8) years ago. I still have the pooch from the 17 year is going away so very slowly with all the weight I've been losing and plus I'm doing 30 Day Shred and seeing some results. I am also thinking of purchasing a body magic and putting some preparation H in that area because I heard from a good MFP friend who has 3 babys and lost over 150 pounds that is one way to beat saggy skin and she looks great! If all else fails my 40th b-day gift will be a tummy tuck, cause I am not having any more kids and would love to after 17 years see that freakin apron disappear, lol.
  • shannon_stallone
    I have exactly the same problem...Even when I was in the best shape of my life in April I still had it...Its hopeless without surgery I think :(
  • shannon_stallone
    And I had a c section in 2006 and 2009
  • doinit4tayzie
    Bump for later nd I feel ur pain. Ive had two Also and ugh my tummy!
  • beare78
    beare78 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my first baby naturally, then had a myomectomy 18 months later which necessitated a c-section for my second baby 11 weeks ago. For me pilates is the way to go. It does so much for overall core strength! I'm also a cardio addict, and really enjoy triathlon training. Between pilates twice a week and challenging myself to complete an Iron Man every month in training I hope to shed the baby weight and mom-pouch soon!
  • renee474
    renee474 Posts: 58 Member
    I have also had 2 c-sections. I gained a lot of weight with both pregnancies and it definitely shows in my lower abdomen. I am doing 30 Day Shred and have lost inches in all areas EXCEPT for my gut! I am afraid of "Insanity" but after I lose the weight, if I still have th gut I may have to give it a try.
    Also, my scar is numb but it never hurts (at least not after it healed for a few months). I had a c-section last December. Now I workout pretty hard sometimes but it doesn't hurt.
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Guy's,
    I had a c-sec 17 months ago (age 39...just!) I don't have the pouch, however my scar was extremely sensitive for about 14 months. It now feels like normal skin and the red/purple colour is starting to fade. It's only in the past few months that I feel I can truely get back into a fitness regime. I never anticipated how long and hard the recovery would be as I have always been healthy and very active. I actually gained weight after my c-sec as the recovery was quite rough. I felt my body went into shock for 5 - 6 months after the op. I didn't drop an ounce of fat until 6 months later, and then it came off in chunks....without much exercise or good eating. I developed some bad eating habits after the pregnancy...I became a sugar junky! That's all changing now.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I have the c-section apron and twin skin to boot! I'm finding it's getting better as I lose weight, but I despair at ever fitting into normal waist sizes again. With everything shifting downwards, I'm needing W sizing just for my twin skin, even if my waist is small!
  • NiennaMarie
    I had a section with my youngest and I feel all of your pain. I'm just hoping that lots of ab workouts will help. Then again, if I get to my goal I will still be the fittest, healthiest and slimmest I've ever been so I'm going to try not to worry about it too much.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Ive had 2 sections (21 months and 2.5 months ago) I had a really bad pouch but ive been doing 30ds (on day 21) and it is going, I no longer have the over hang at all, just need to finish toning up but the improvement is massive - I would really recommend it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have the same from my section, which was 6 years ago. I have done all the right exercises, lost the weight, lost the fat, but I don't think that area is ever going to be right. My best hope is to aim for good enough, considering.