C25K (running) question..



  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I can't answer the distance question, but I can say that outside is harder. When you run on the road, you get much more resistance than a moving belt under your feet. Make sure you up the incline on the treadmill to 1 or 2 in order to counterbalance this.

    Personally the treadmill is "harder" for me in the sense that it bores me and I'm less likely to run as far than if I were out on the road. But asphalt is much more hard on your body in terms of impact, so for a newbie, I would alternate between road and asphalt so the tendons and muscles of your joints can acclimate. Do this for several months. When you can, run off road like on dirt trails because it is not as hard on your joints and will strengthen your lower leg muscles more because of the slightly uneven terrain. Just don't go to a trail where you could roll your ankle. Do some core exersizes and weight training specific to running, and see yourself improve much faster.

    I am a runner and am very injury prone so I have done a lot of reading in this area. While I am not an expert, feel free to add me and I can try and answer other questions for you or point you in the direction of some really great websites.

    Good luck and happy running!!!

    Whoops!! When I said alternate between road and asphalt, I meant alternate between treadmill and asphalt(road). Sorry for the confusion!
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    I am on W5D1 today. I have been consistant about completing 2 miles or more in 30 minutes (including warm up, intervals, cool down) You need to go at the pace you are most comfortable with. I jog at a 3.5-3.8. Not fast at all. That is what my body can handle.

    However, do not run on the treadmill. Continue running on pavement. The goal of this program is to get you off the couch and running a 5k. Running on the treadmill is TOTALLY different than running on pavement. The treadmill pulls you. When you run on pavement, you are working the muscles in your legs, which makes it harder.

    Just remember, there are no 5k races on treadmills! :)

    Good luck

    No wonder I feel the world going round and round around me when I jog at 4.1 and walk at 3.2... Not to mention I am on week 1 Day 2....:embarassed:
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    outside is so much harder!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I really love running outside and actually prefer that. You will get more distance towards the end. The program is set up in such a way that it allows you to build up strength first and endurance second. I am on Week 6 day 3. Once you get to where you can run for longer periods of time (EX: Week 5 day 3) then you can start building your distance such as weeks 7, 8, and 9
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    I completed the C25K program this summer-- great job getting this far! Week 5 Day 3 is when I had my mental "click" because it jumps to running for 20 minutes straight and I was amazed at myself when I could do it! I would say don't worry too much about speed or distance at first. I decided to focus on endurance first and my speed and distance got better automatically. I also found that I like running on a track or on the road so much better than a treadmill! Personally, I don't get any satisfaction from running on a treadmill because I feel like I'm not even moving but I'm working so much harder than I do outside! I haven't found that running on pavement is any harder than a treadmill if you're talking impact. Keep going and experimenting and do what works best for you!
  • Eatone1
    Eatone1 Posts: 105 Member
    I just finished week 6 today and I've done the entire program outside. I used to be a gym junkie a few years back and would run run run like crazy on the treadmill. I have decided that outside is WAY harder. I don't focus on distance, I just focus on time. Good luck!
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks everyone........I appreciate all of the input
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Thanks everyone..I guess I should look at it like this. A few weeks ago, back at week 1 I could barely run 60 seconds straight without feeling like i was going to die!! Today I ran 2 eight minute intervals without stopping and while, yes, it is tough..I don;t feel so much like dying when I am running now. :) Let's see what week 5:3 (Saturday) brings with a 20 minute straight run....

    I'm doing W5D3 tomorrow too! A bit nervous, but I think I'll be able to do it. I did 15 minutes of running on Monday, so it can't be too much worse, right?

    Edited to add: I run 95% of the time on a treadmill. I have two little girls, so I don't have as much opportunity to run outside as I would like. In fact, have yet to run outside. I'm thinking I'll make hubby watch them for an hour on sunday so I can try it out if I do make the 20 tomorrow, as a reward for being a rockstar ;)
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    See..That is my problem..i have 3 daughters and a job so by the time I can even think about working out sometimes is 10-11 at night and 1. running my neighborhood would kill me (lol) and 2. I'm not too keen on getting out ALONE that late at night somewhere and running.

    I decided..if i can get out of here today to run I will do week 5 day 2 again just for the shorter intervals and then Monday go do Day 3. It'll throw my days off just a bit but that is ok. Otherwise, it will be the treadmill here again today and then out tomorrow too to see how well I can do.

    Keep me posted on how you are doing!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I got myself so worked up last night worrying about whether or not I could do the 20 minute interval, I finally threw up my hands, went and changed into running clothes and just hopped on the treadmill. And guess what? I did it. A full 20 minutes of running. Slow running, but hey, I'll take it. You can do it, for sure. Just focus on something else, instead of watching the clock. Give it a try, the pleasure you feel from doing something like that is insane. I think I grinned the rest of the night.
    I'm still heading to the gym this morning, and I just might push for 20 minutes again :) Now that I know I can do that, nothing can stop me.
  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    I kind of skimmed the rest of the responses but figured I'd put my two sense in.

    I've NEVER been a runner. Never thought I could do it. I signed up for a 5k a couple years ago and did the majority of my training on a treadmill. Mostly because I worked out around 11 PM.

    It is a little harder to run outside, but I find that because it's not as boring I am more invigorated and able to run further and faster. If you have bad knees I've heard the pavement can be a little more painful.

    I've also heard you should ever so slightly raise the incline of your treadmill to mimic what it's like running on pavement, but I never did that.

    Don't worry about time because on race day you'll be so excited and the energy of everyone there will really push you. I ran the 5k more than 5 minutes faster than my training time and that was even counting stopping to pick up my friend who slipped and fell!
  • shanmont
    shanmont Posts: 66 Member
    Just got of of the treadmill...after the first 10 mins, I slowed from 3.7 to 3.5 and power walked for 2 mins. Then at the last minute and a half or so the same thing. i had a terrible pain in my side, but did get through it without stopping.

    I am going to take it as a "marker" to where i stand now and it looks like week 6 is similar this week with a 25 minute run on day 3. My plan this week is to do 45 minutes to an hour of power walking on the off days of c25k.
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for posting this topic. I'm on week six now and plan to run my 5K on Nov. 5. So far I have done all treadmill except one day on the indoor track. These comments have inspired me to train outside a few times in these last few weeks. My only advice is keep at it! This has been an amazing journey, and I am very thankful for it. Good luck to you in your upcoming race!
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