The scale hasn't budged in 2 weeks?

Ever since last Saturday, I've been 189.6. I even tried experimenting and weighing myself at different times of the day to see how my weight changed during the day. Nothing. I was still 189.6 in the morning, before and after dinner, and before I went to bed.

Just this morning, when I weighed myself I was 190.4! I don't see how I could've gained weight. I doubt my food diary was off by so much that I didn't know I was going over my calories. I had also been watching my sodium intake for the past week because I thought it was water retention. No change. Do you think my body's getting used to this calorie restriction? Should I go over my calories for a day to throw it off?


  • I'm in the same boat you are in, it seems like I just can't lose no matter what I do. Guess I have to learn to just be patient and keep keeping o:smile: n
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I'm thinking that might work...I have hit a plateau for the past 2 months and I thinks its because I need to increase my cal intake!!!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Don't be discouraged .. You may be having a mini plateau. It sure can make you crazy.. Try to stay away from the scale for a while.. Believe me I know it's hard I'm always weighing myself.. DRIVES ME NUTS !! Before you know it you'll have a 2-3 lbs. LOSS..
    Good luck !!

  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    just took a little peak at your diary, you're not logging if you're drinking water so it's hard to know if you're getting enough of that but also, you're diary is almost identical every day, same thing for breakfast, nearly same calories deficit every day, within 50 cals so yah, it's possible that your body might be getting used to what you're doing and staying put, I wouldn't necessarily go OVER your calories but maybe get a little closer to your MFP target, since most days it looks like you're 250 - 300 cals UNDER it already, also, remember if you're exercising to eat back some of your exercise calories cuz that can help too. feel free to add me if you want and we can chat a bit more.
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    After my scale started jumping all over the place, I started to trust more in measurements than the scale. Have you been losing inches at all?
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had a plateau for about a month during August/September. I recalculated how quickly I wanted to lose weight from 1 lb a week to 1/2 lb a week and lost 3 pounds over the next two weeks. I suggest upping your calories slightly for a week or so and see what happens.

    Don't worry about the supposed 1 lb weight gain. Our bodies fluctuate from day to day. Could be water weight, could be bowel retention. I never believe any gain is real - up or down - until I see it for 3 days running. And, if scale watching is driving you crazy, I agree with valarie1972- don't weigh yourself for a week - but definitely keep track of your calories on MFP during that period!
  • just took a little peak at your diary, you're not logging if you're drinking water so it's hard to know if you're getting enough of that but also, you're diary is almost identical every day, same thing for breakfast, nearly same calories deficit every day, within 50 cals so yah, it's possible that your body might be getting used to what you're doing and staying put, I wouldn't necessarily go OVER your calories but maybe get a little closer to your MFP target, since most days it looks like you're 250 - 300 cals UNDER it already, also, remember if you're exercising to eat back some of your exercise calories cuz that can help too. feel free to add me if you want and we can chat a bit more.

    I drink about 2 bottles of water daily, but I mostly use the iPhone app and I never remember to log water.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I looked at your diary, do you drink any water? You might not drink enough, you are always under the suggested food, try eating as much as you are allowed and third experiment change the percentage of carbs and protein, I am doing way better when I intake protein and the the carbs are protein x 1.25 and the fat is protein x 0.5.
  • Babbs1977
    Babbs1977 Posts: 42 Member
    Start eating all of your exercise calories for the next two weeks. Your body may be in starvation mode because of how many calories your burning while exercising. A lot of people have results once they start eating all or most of those extra calories. :)
  • Maybe you're in need of a plateau breaker... try grapefruit with each meal, lots of raw green veggies and lean proteins. spinach and parsley are good too!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    it's possible that your body might be getting used to what you're doing and staying put, I wouldn't necessarily go OVER your calories but maybe get a little closer to your MFP target, since most days it looks like you're 250 - 300 cals UNDER it already, also, remember if you're exercising to eat back some of your exercise calories .
    This exactly, my body got use to the 300 or so cals left over and I stopped losing. Now that I am eating back about 95% of my exercise calories the scale is moving, it happened over night!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I've gone through "mini-plateaus" several times since starting MFP in March. It could be any number of things. It can be very frustrating but don't let it derail your progress so far ;)

    Try eating back all your exercise calories temporarily, drinking more water, try out a different exercise...trying something different can often shake things up--one of the things that helped me initially was drinking a lot more water than I had been and eating a lot more vegetables, both raw and cooked. Note: Before anyone calls me a hypocrite about the vegetable thing if they look at my diary, this is not a good week to check out my diary because I am carb loading and in maintenance mode for a half marathon tomorrow...

    Good luck!
  • My dietician told me I wasn't eating enough. Your body goes into starvation mode. It's hard to believe, but when I bumped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1300 I started losing again. I also reduced carbs and increased protein and am now showing steady loss.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I was stuck at 218 for a month, then spent a couple weeks dropping down to 211, and I've been stubbornly there for, let's see...yep, 2.5 weeks. It can become really frustrating, but I am really trying to focus on meeting my fitness goals and putting weight loss as a secondary, but nice, additive.
    I am trying to make an appointment with the sports nutrition clinic at my hospital, I'm hoping they can test my resting metabolic rate so I have a bit of a clearer idea where to go.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    Everyone experiences this at some point.
    Can you drink a gree tea during the day?
    Can you lift weights for 10 minutes extra or add 10 minutes of cardio
    Be patient... as long as it is not going up... then enjoy your progress!!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    My dietician told me I wasn't eating enough. Your body goes into starvation mode. It's hard to believe, but when I bumped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1300 I started losing again. I also reduced carbs and increased protein and am now showing steady loss.

    Thanks...yo just confirmed for me that I should increase my cal intake by about 200/day!!!
  • hjohns65
    hjohns65 Posts: 66 Member
    I just went through something similar to this to, my sw in feb was 210, this summer i was stuck at 199-195, finally got to 182, and stayed for several weeks, and it's still teasing me i'll get to 179 and think yes finally under the 180 mark and the next morning it will be back to 182.4 or something retarded! Don't give up, that's the part I have to keep telling myself, be your own Chuck Norris and kick your own a**! Just keep doing your work outs, and consuming your calories, and it will happen, when it does happen it just will, one day there'll be a loss!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    If you don't mined me asking what do you drink? You look like your doing good on calorie intake. What about portion size? Do you measure everything carefully? Not heaping measuring cup or spoons, I as.k because you can be con.suming more than you think
  • yevasdottir
    yevasdottir Posts: 23 Member
    Stuck scales syndrome happened to me. So I thought - &*£)"^$)%_ and carried on trying. And the following week, the "missing" amount had gone from the scales, as well as the latest week's one pound. It happens.
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member

    I drink about 2 bottles of water daily, but I mostly use the iPhone app and I never remember to log water.

    if you don't mind me asking, what size bottles? the "recommended" is at least 8 8oz glasses a day, works out to about a 2L bottle of soda worth of water. My personal trainer also told me that you should try to drink 1/2 your weight in ounces so if you weigh 200lbs, for instance, then you should try to drink at least the 64oz but try and aim for 100oz which is around 12 glasses I think. It could help...