Not enjoying food anymore...?



  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    i feel u. there will be times when u'll eat and just not feel satisfied. i have those moments too. one way to get a satisfying light through out the day and treat urself to a nice fulfilling dinner meal, with something that sticks to ur ribs as the country folks say :smile:

    ps make sure u stay within ur calorie goal :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I really just changed my eating habits while tracking my calories, in an effort to both lose weight and get healthier. I'm eating far less processed food now than I did before, and my tastes have really changed. Now I love fresh fruit, for instance, and before I was just so-so about it. Once I hit my goal weight (back in early July) I stopped logging calories to see if I had TRULY learned to eat the right choices. Yep, I've maintained, and even lost some more inadvertently. I find that now I have to make it a point to add in more healthy calories during the day. Crazy, huh? And I still absolutely enjoy food, maybe even more than I did before. I'm meeting friends at Red Lobster for lunch later and I already know that I'm getting the grilled shrimp skewers with broccoli. If I really wanted a big ol' platter of fried food I would get it, I guess, but that's the point -- I just don't want it anymore. Life is good. :-)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    my fitness pal app on my phone So can i just go thru and scan bar codes of stuff i ate

    You can do that!!? I have it on my Windows 7 phone, but I see no barcode scanner thingy. It must be a different version for a different phone maybe?

    check the little blue button next to where you search for a food.

    I know its definitely on the iPhone but not sure if it made it to other phone apps yet...
    My phone is a samsung galaxy and its power by anroid so if you have the app from the anroid maket it should be able to do it to
  • iElliie
    iElliie Posts: 23 Member
    I think of it in a whole different way. I love eating what I eat... Though I wish I could have that delicious cheesy pizza I tell myself that what I eat is so much better. No one should have a mind set of eating just certain foods, that's not the joy in losing weight. I find it easier if I know what I eat can be portioned out for the ability for me to eat it. That's usually the problem, never portioned my food ahead of time, so I ate it all.
    If you need to get off your diet or anything, what you learned should go towards any good possible... Yes we count calories but to be honest, I feel way better eating something I made, or something someone made in front of me, it just makes it that much more my choice.
    Great example: yesterday I knew I was going to eat pizza, instead of ordering in, we went to a new place that's around the area, great thing was, we customized our own pizza. As "personal" as the pizza is, it's too much for just one person. The better choice it too cut out most of the cheese, checked. Thin crust also is a must. What I'm saying is, you are learning how to eat anything in a more healthy and portionate way.
    Keep up the great work, it's not hard when you enjoy making the food.