I'm new.

Hi, my name is Jo and I'm new to this site. After years of yoyo dieting I'm determined to change my life for good. If anyone can relate please add me as a friend. Would love to meet new people in the same situation as me on here! Thank you :)


  • jmcrdc
    jmcrdc Posts: 3
    Hi Jo,
    I am JoAnn but everyone that knows me calls me JO...FUnny. I am also on the yo yo diet crap in my past and ready to change my life as well. Good luck to you!!
  • ginabina13
    Welcome! You've come to the best place for support and motivation! MFP is a great way to meet all your fitness goals! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • amycdsteinberg
    amycdsteinberg Posts: 52 Member
    I am in the same boat! 19 years of yoyo dieting has me almost hating myself, but so determined to do it!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome Jo! I've been on mfp since July (just finishing 11th week tomorrow), and it has been the best, BEST program that I've ever used for keeping myself honest with myself and on track. The support is awesome, and the tools are fabulous. No matter what your goal is, I suggest taking the first few days to just practice logging all of your food and really looking at what you eat on a "normal" day. You don't even have to go in with the idea of changing anything right away; just make logging become part of your routine. Then once you get in the habit of keeping track, you'll see how easy it is to make tiny little changes in your lifestyle that will ripple out to more significant changes. This is a great place to work towards your goals. Feel free to add me if you are interested in checking out my food diary. Good luck!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome Jo , good luck on your journey !! This is a great place to start !! Feel free to add me if you like ...
