Need to lose 11.5 pounds by November 3rd! Possible?



  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    I wouldnt be worried about what friends think. Are they true friends if thats your concern? Something I check myself on often is my own reflection, making my choices, ideas, etc based on my own values (not someone else).

    I hope you lose it for you and only you the right way. Chances are if not, it will be back. Win the day, one day at a time.
  • newmommy2cash
    I agree that everyone will have their different opinions and although I do believe the weight that I lost in just 4 weeks is "un-healthy" I did it without starving myself, just simple diet and exercise, and not even a strict diet at that. Every person's body is different and will re-act different to a new diet and exercise plan. Just do what is best and healthy for you and be happy with your progress. Don't try so hard to lose a certain amount of weight within a short period of time because you are likely to start binging again once you reach your goal due to doing it for all the wrong reasons.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    You're completely right Brandi. When I got back from the States I tried a 7 Day Soup Diet and in one week I lost 3-4 kgs (which is close to 10 pounds) but it didn't stay off because in the real world no one can live on soup, veggies and fruit! Those sort of diets do kick start your diet but they can backfire.

    And my friends don't care how much i weigh - obviously. My mother does however! Mostly I want to be at my ideal weight again because I feel the best at that weight... energised, healthy, attractive, confident... all those goods things!
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Yes. Cut off a limb. You're welcome.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    If I could 'like' the above comment, I would.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member

    Hope it doesn't take too long to arrive at my house :P

    you may want to rethink this approach, as starting a new exercise routine like the 30DS is will likely cause an initial weight gain due to your body retaining additional water as it acclimates to the demands of the training.

    please be healthy, you are fortunate to only need to lose a small amount of weight and it is worth it to do it in the right way.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    After the 30 days though I'd hope to have lost not gained.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Try a spinach, prune, and ex-lax smoothie for breakfast for a month. Should "flush" out the fat.
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    "The 17 day diet"!! I lost 9 lbs in the first 17 days on the diet and that's probably less that what most people lose on it.

    Before anyone bashes it, please know it's not a fad diet. It's a book written by a doctor and just has a gimmicky name to it. My doctor was the one who recommended the diet to me.

    Check out their facebook page to see how people are losing on this plan. It's a great way to kick start a quick weight loss and a healthy lifestyle!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    What about speeding up your metabolism! I love to hear about natural health items that are good for you and that help with weight loss. Green tea is one of them! Drink a cup of freshly brewed green tea about 20-30 mins before you workout. That has been proven to make your metabolism speed up and burn more calories during that workout. Green tea is great for so many different reasons! I have also heard a lot about CoQ10 and L-Carnitine. They are vitamins that help release fat into the muscles so that it can be burned quicker. Also, because they are vitamins, which are healthy overall, it adds healthy benefits as well. Make sure to speak with your doctor first before starting anything new because everyone is different and what might be good for one person might not be so good for another! Keep us all posted on your weight loss. :)
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Awesome guys, thanks for all this great advice. Green Tea... I always forget to buy it when I go to the supermarket.

    A few months back I bought the 17 day diet book... but I can't seem to remember what the actual diet consisted of. Was it lean meat, fish, veggies, no bread, carbs, oil, fruit... or am I completely off?
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    Yes, it's no limit on the lean meat (such as chicken breast, lean turkey, eggs) and cleansing veggies (not veggies like potatoes though), 2 low-sugar fruits before 2PM, 2 non-fat, no-sugar probiotic foods (yogurt, kefir etc), 2 healthy fats (tbsp of olive oil, flax seed), at least 17 mins a day of exercise for the first 17 days.

    Oh and 8 cups of water and 3 cups of green tea.

    The second 17 days, it's all of the above and you get to add 2 carb servings such as potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice, lentils - all before 2PM though.

    The 3rd cycle of 17 days, you add more carbs (whole grain kind such as whole grain bread and pasta) and pretty much any kind of veggies and fruits.

    Since you have the book I would totally recommend you read the book before you start though, at least the chapter for cycle 1.

    Good luck to you with your weight loss!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    30 Day Shred is a great toning DVD but it is only 20 minutes long (unless you do all 3 levels at once!) and I only burn about 150 cals doing it.

    I wouldn't recommend using it solely for weightloss- u would have to diet too.

    It took me 4 weeks to lose around 6lb on 1200 a day, still over 1lb a week but - the less u have to lose the slower it comes off unfortunately.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If you only have a little bit of weight to lose - which, based on your ticker, is the case - there is no healthy way to lose that much weight that quickly. Plus, if you are biking to and from work every day, you need more than 1200 calories.

    ^ I would take this advice.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    I think you can do it. I always eat below my 1,200cal intake- they say it’s unhealthy but it works. Exercise a least an hour a day. I eat on average 700 cal a day. I was thinking of spreading my 700cal throughout day instead of only at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So my body won’t think I am starving it. Example cut breakfast in half-eat at 9am and the other half at11am. I do eat carbs- but if you eat no carbs, lean meat, and veg it will come off faster.
    I have done no carbs no sugar diet before and it works for my body fat(mid-section)-its an harder diet to keep up. But I would say counting calories and counting with fitness pal for the last 2months has been a joy and a true success!!
    Running and joging an hour a day for a month and you will lose fast and look great. Running shapes the whole body. In 2009, I ran for 2 months and got down to 190ibs, but my body actually looked like I weighed 180ibs.

    I am surprise your daily cal is 1,200, because you are much smaller then me. My sister is 117ibs and she gives herself 1,000cal intake a day. Beware: My sister also said, after reading blogs that My Fitness Pal gives everyone 1,200 cal because that is the healthy daily allowance.
    If I eat 1,200 a week without exercise I would loss 2.0ibs a week because I am larger.
    Since you are smaller you must exercise everything you eat and more.

    Do the math: you can not do this table below because you are too small.
    2,300 cal equal a pd
    500 cal less a day for a week equal 1 pd loss- 1,000 cal less a day for a week equal 2 pds loss
    193ibs (my weight) -1,930(add a '0')
    -1,000 less cals a day for a week
    930cal a day to loss 2 pds a week without exercise.

    Good Luck! I have 3 more ibs before my Oct. 19 trip and 30more ibs before my 2012 trip

    This is your first post? What a bright future of bad advice giving you have!
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    LOL @ above post. 1200 is fine for me... If I eat healthy I can actually eat a lot within my daily calorie intake.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    How is it that in the morning I weighed like 61 kgs and then I just weighed myself and I'm at 62 now :( KILL ME NOW.
  • PatientBearTiger
    How is it that in the morning I weighed like 61 kgs and then I just weighed myself and I'm at 62 now :( KILL ME NOW.

    And don't weigh yourself every day. Weight fluctuates naturally. You'll drive yourself insane.
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Good to know, good to know. I'll weigh myself on Sunday mornings now. I'll have to ask someone I live with to hide my scales in the meantime.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    how tall are you by the way? and how old?

    I would say your best bet is to do what you can and will do for the duration of your weight loss. you don't want rebound binging from working out too much on too few calories. You have to see the big picture, as has been stressed here.

    Maybe eating "flat belly" foods to reduce bloat the week before they arrive might help you to feel better about yourself. this doesn't mean cutting calories but cutting out bloating veggies, beans, diet soda, chewing gum, and reducing sodium. You will drop water weight and look less puffy while not doing anything unhealthy.

    It's important that you realize 1200 calories is the minimum for people NOT exercising, with exercise I really think you should consider eating more (maybe 1500 calories) and let the weight drop as it will. It's better to lose the pounds forever than temporarily, right?

    Some tips though to facilitate fat loss...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. lots of water. cut out diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, and processed carbs.

    Eat more whole grains, healthy fat (olive oil, olives, avocado, fatty fish), lean protein, and fruits/veggies. I would honestly aim for 1500 calories and workout as much as I could without killing myself. Good luck!