Can someone explain this please?

scrittenden Posts: 79 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lost 9lbs over the last 3 weeks.. and today was my daughters birthday party. I had decided to give myself a break, have some of the cake, and a few drinks etc.. Anyway, a bit of cake turned into 2 slices, a few drinks was 8 drinks (although was pimms with diet lemonade).. and i had cheese on my chilli.. but i weighed myself tonight, and i have put on 4lbs?!?! how?? have i ruined it all?


  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    If I'm not mistaken you said you weighed yoourself TONIGHT! Never do that because you will always weigh more at night than you did that morning. Drink some water tonight, pee it out through the night then weigh in the morning! The 4lbs should be down by then.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    No you haven't ruined it all. Give it a few days. Eat right. Exercise. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the loo and before you have anything to eat or drink.

    And above all, DON'T PANIC!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    One day shouldn't undo three weeks of work. You may retain water for a few days, but if you hydrate then it should flush it out of your system in a few days. Make sure tomorrow you eat better and exercise.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Water weight from all those drinks and unless you are super pooper i doubt you have digested that food and its still in your stomach. CALM DOWN it will even out again in the next few days, mfp gives you a deficit to lose weight anyway and if anything you'll probably have only put on a pound when all is done.
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    my goodness! give yourself a break. That is, about two days! Stick your eating plan and then weigh. you should be about the same. sugar makes you hold water worse than salt.
    deep breath & relax :wink:
  • yes I agree, a lot will be bloating because you are now not used to eating that much. Pick yourself up, do some exercise tomorrow and you will be back on track, it is virtually impossible not to have a slip up and sometimes that will put pounds back on, as long as more are coming off, you are on the right track.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Do NOT weigh yourself right after. I am sure you did not gain four pounds...awhile back I ate really well and gained , another day I did horrible, and lost weight...according to my scale. Tomorrow is a new day and we ALL have bad days!
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    If I'm not mistaken you said you weighed yoourself TONIGHT! Never do that because you will always weigh more at night than you did that morning. Drink some water tonight, pee it out through the night then weigh in the morning! The 4lbs should be down by then.
    I agree.i never weigh myself at night.i do always right after i go potty and always naked :)
  • hd2208
    hd2208 Posts: 33 Member
    never weigh yourself after a bog event, you have consumed lot more volume today compared to 'normal' days intake so of course you will weigh more tonight. Get back on it tomorrow and don't get on the scales until weigh day or at least 48 hours. Good luck. x
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    Don't freak out.

    1) Your weight fluctuates daily, hence why it's always advisable to weigh in only once a week.

    2) You've got time to work it all off.

    3) There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving yourself a break every now & then.

    It's actually highly recommended. It won't feel like you're depriving yourself if you allow for treats, which you did today. Maybe just a tad bit more than is best, but hey, it happens to the best of us. All you can do is accept it, track it and move on. If you feel that guilty about it, burn a few more calories than you normally would if it makes you feel better.

    Just remember one day didn't get you to this point and one day won't keep you from getting to your goal :)

    I have lost 9lbs over the last 3 weeks.. and today was my daughters birthday party. I had decided to give myself a break, have some of the cake, and a few drinks etc.. Anyway, a bit of cake turned into 2 slices, a few drinks was 8 drinks (although was pimms with diet lemonade).. and i had cheese on my chilli.. but i weighed myself tonight, and i have put on 4lbs?!?! how?? have i ruined it all?
  • Whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP!!! Keep tracking, everyone has an off day here and there. I ate twice the amount of calories for 2 days and gained 5lbs and it took me a week to lose it (with extra exercise) but I did and you can too. Lesson Learned.
  • To have gained 4 pounds in ONE day youd have had to have eaten something like 3500 calories for EVERY SINGLE POUND over what your body could use. Multiply 3500... 4 times....I seriously doubt you could have eaten THAT much food in one day. Keep in mind.......thats OVER what you burned.'re ok and didnt ruin anything
  • Take it EASY, don't STARVE,

    when you put your body into starvation, the next time you eat, it stores that food into fat or glycogen... this is a normal response by your body. You need to be moderate in your nutrition, don't try loosing 3 pounds a week. 1 pound a week is healthy. and recommended.
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    Always, always weigh yourself at the same time of day, like others have said, first thing in the morning is best. Naked. After you pee. :) That way your stomach is empty, your bladder is empty and you're not adding any additional weight from clothing. Even where you place the scale can make a difference...make sure you put it on the same spot on the floor. Don't beat yourself up over one day of indulgence. You're only human. :) And birthday parties are a great excuse to give yourself a day off!!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I did the same thing a couple weeks back and the scale showed that I gained 6 pounds. I went to bed, woke up, went to the bathroom and weighed myself and ended up losing a pound. Don't worry be happy. If you gain weight then get back on track the next day.
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