Scared new member....

It's time for me to start the ball rolling & stop making excuses!
I had a major heart attack on June 8th 2011 & have been sitting in a chair feeling sorry for myself ever since!
I was 85kilos when I had the attack - now I'm 90kilos!!!!!
I wish to be 70kilos.
I am a single mother of 2 teenagers & very scared of this new path I want to follow - scared because I already feel a failure & I haven't even started.
I intend to take things one step at a time.
I have a treadmill in my loungeroom that looks at me every morning when I walk past it!
What is the secret to self motivation? It is so hrad when you think it'd be so easy after what has happened!
Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't think theres really any secrets. Just start! I find the food diary helps me a lot, not so much for calories, but keeping me on a healthy eating track and getting enough water (that's an effort to me). Good Luck!
  • mbond6
    mbond6 Posts: 27 Member
    The longest journey begins with the first step. You just gotta do it. I over think everything. It's also important to make yourself a priority. So just like brushin your teeth start doing some walking or some gym workouts. Or just start by tracking your calories on here and login everyday, make it a dash board icon, or your home page. Best of luck feel free to add me.
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    I agree, there is no secret, you just have to be ready for a change and be willing to do what it takes. I find that this site and the MFP community helps hold me accountable, which is so important. Also, I schedule my workout time... its actually written on my calendar at a specific time, and I consider it non-negotiable, just like any other appointment on my schedule. Feel free to add me for support :) You can do this!

  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    One day ata time. And, in my case, except on Saturdays.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Welcome!!! The fear is normal. You are trying to change. But don't think about the weight loss, don't think about how it will take, don't think about failure over all. Think about tomorrow, breakfast and what you will eat. Then think about lunch and eat it. Then dinner. One meal, one snack, one day at a time. I plan my days worth of meals and sometimes log it in the morning then I don't have to question it. I just follow the plan.

    You CAN do this!!! Take it one day at a time. One different change each day. One healthier choice at a time. You can do this!!!!
  • esmecgg
    esmecgg Posts: 38
    Do you have a TV in your lounge room? If so, put something funny on, step on the treadmill, and before you know it you will realize you've been on there for ages, just laughing at the TV! And, I mean... it can't hurt, right? Take it easy of course to start with, but give it a try. You may surprise yourself. Good luck!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Are you under medical specialists? It's fantastic you are here to tell the tale of surviving a major heart attack - can you use that to motivate yourself? Am guessing that anything you can do to improve your health will reduce the risk of a further attack. I have heart issues too and that is a big motivator for me - I want to be here for a long time yet.
  • nic1976
    nic1976 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! You are doing great just by being here :smile:
    Hope you are doing better after your heart attack!
    This is a great site for support & motivation! It's easy to feel scared & not sure if you can do this...but you can!
    Taking things one day at a time is the key for me...I started out just eating different foods & exercising more than I was doing. Not over doing it cos I know that's when I find it hard.
    Do you have family & friends who are supportive?
  • oldpuddinbag
    oldpuddinbag Posts: 3 Member
    I tell you.. it made me sick at first... what I mean is when you type in the food you had.. or were planning to have, were used to having.. and see the calories!! But now, I kinda get excited to find meals that are good for me and low in calories!

    As for exercise... that's a hard one. But after a couple of months of eating better, losing weight.. I got excited about what is happening and now am looking for exercise that will fit in my schedule.

    Don't let your attack scare you off from trying...its very literally one bite at a time.
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Oh my goodness. I'm sure this is all overwhelming. Start with BABY steps. My first baby step in Sept '10 was to stop drinking regular soda. That's it. I took that first step and lost 10 pounds in the first month! The second baby step was giving up fast food. I did that in month 2 and lost another 10 pounds. Now I've lost a total of 140. But that 140 is made up of many, many baby steps. I've worked hard, but I've had failures along the way - bad days, even bad weeks. But the key - NEVER GIVE UP. You are too important, and so are your kids. Having said all that, b/c of your history with the heart attack, eat what your doctor tells you to, and EXERCISE in the way your doctor tells you to. This is a great place for love and support, but none of the people on here are YOUR doctor. So we are not qualified to tell you what to eat or how to exercise. Just be careful!! But you are in the right place for love and support!! Bless you on this journey.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    You're only 2 years older than can definitely do this! Don't think of the 'big picture', just take one day at a time, and let those healthy choices become healthy habits. You didn't get unhealthy and gain weight overnight, and you won't lose weight and get healthy overnight either. You'll have good days and bad's called LIFE! What you will need to do is commit and hang in there. When you're discouraged, don't give up. Make some good MFP friends. Join challenges. Did I mention that you can't give up??? Rome wasn't built in a day, and you won't be either. But if you commit and work WILL reach your goals. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Don't be scared! Just take it one step at a time with all the support from us here!
  • You are not a failure because you HAVE started! By joining this site and writing this post. By looking at that treadmill in your loungeroom and knowing you need to get on it. Don't look at it as this big, overwhelming thing you have to conquer. It's a lot of little steps that lead up to a series of completing goals, and before you know it all of that adds up to a brand new life style!

    You are strong. You survived a frightening event in your life. If you can get through that, you can do anything you set your mind to!

    Make some friends here, stay will help you. You are not alone!

    Lucy :)
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    First, I'm very glad to see you survived the heart attack. Second, please feel free to add me as a friend. I try very hard to support my friends as I need support too. We're all in this together.

    As for that treadmill...let it stare at what? It's a treadmill. Using it is not important. Losing the weight is important. If you'd rather get outside and get some exercise, DO IT! Forget the treadmill. I can't stand getting on mine. I walk and walk and go nowhere! I walk after my class late at night and it's wonderful...time for me, by myself, stars, cool breeze and by the time I get back...3 miles.

    For you, I say start easy. Do whatever you *can*. Don't push, just start. Treadmill, outside, shopping area...whatever, just start and then log your progress here. Every time you log something, we'll be here to keep walking with you!

  • Wow - I didn't realise there really WAS that many people out there being so nice & caring to people they don't know like me!
    Everyone has such great things to say - I think what I'm getting out of all of you is BABY STEPS/ONE STEP AT A TIME.
    I walked outside for an hour today & felt so good when I got home but exhausted so I fell asleep on the lounge! Maybe old habits are hard to kick because that is where I spent most Sundays!
    I'm thinking that the walking thing is what I will put on my calendar as an "appointment" with myself - I really liked it out there today (regardless of the fat-wobbles I could feel behind/besides me!)
    I like the food logging as I am becoming SO AWARE of all the crap I have been putting into my system!
    I know people think that having a heart attack alone should be my motivation - but it really screws with your head & along with quitting smoking (after 30 years of a packet a day) I keep thinking that I'm destined to not stay around for long. It's hard to describe but one thought leads to another & then before you know it you are laying on the lounge going "why bother?".
    I want to be here for a long time - but I just can't get a start on it - maybe THIS is my start - we'll see how I go.
    I think having friends will help keep me in check!
    Thanku all for your kind words.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    You will love this site!! I do and please add me as a friend, if I can offer any advice I will also it would be such motivation for me and put my existence into perspective!!

    Your amazing xx

    My treadmill became a very expensive clothes horse, then I sold it and after 3 months started the gym and using one! xx
  • kj_4
    kj_4 Posts: 50 Member
    Way to go in getting started. I am new here too and need to lose to get healthier. I see many people our age quite ill as I work in a hospital - so yes, it is scary. Take care. My retired neighbour had a heart attack and quadruple bypass - he changed his life and is quite active now - more fit than me for sure and he's 20 years older. Keep one foot moving in front of the other!!!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    I am no good at sport - so for me it's not about anyone one else, only about myself.

    I also started out after a medical scare (but nowhere near yours)

    I did 2 minutes on the treadmill
    The next day I did 3min.
    I praised myself and told myself how clever I was for bettering my previous target. (Sadly I did mean it, 2 min was hard going at that time.) I do believe strongly in the power of the mind.

    Soon, I started to want to get onto the treadmill - just to match or beat my last time or pace, simply because I feel good when I beat my previous target.

    Yesterday, for the first time I ran for 81 minutes! I praised myself and told myself how clever I was (as usual)

    Just sharing because (so far) thats what works for me.

    Good luck to you. I hope you keep trying until you find the thing that hooks you and holds you :)
  • I would say the secret to self-motivation is promising to yourself you want change and want better for yourself. I look at myself every morning and remember the promise I made myself- if you can't be true to yourself then who will in this world? Another motivator for you should be your children. Your children need you in their lives and want to see you live a happy and long life. You should think about that every day, and not want to cheat them of any time they may have with you on this earth. I know you can do it, and with the help of us you will be fine :D

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hiya all good advice here I would say too that motivation is a bit of a myth. Schedule yourself so you know if it is x day and y time you are doing z activity. Then don't accept any excuses from yourself! Anything just to get moving and off the sofa too. Good luck and remember who you are doing it for and your goals. :)