B12 anyone?

HI,my name is tyger! I want know if anyone can tell me where go to get b12 that realy work? How go do it work?


  • passiontyger
    HI,my name is tyger! I want know if anyone can tell me where go to get b12 that realy work? How go do it work?
  • losingm
    losingm Posts: 1
    Hello tyger, my husband and I have been taking B12 for about a month or two now and find it really helps with energy to get through the day!! We get ours at Walmart in the vitamin section at the pharmacy. They are Jamieson brand and they are strips not a pill, think like the breath freshners strips you put on your tongue. I like them becasue they are fast dissolving and no funny tastes or side affects. My friend started taking a multi vitamin with b12 in it and she's experiencing nausea, feels like she has a stone in her stomach and burping that yucky pill taste... this is why I recommended the strips!
    I hope this helps!!

  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I use the dropper formula where you leave it under your tongue for 30 minutes and then swallow (any health food store or GNC has it). My husband and I take it, him once a day, me maybe twice when I work out, and it's awesome. No quick high, no sudden low. My son and I are vegetarians so it is recommended definitely. I put some in his V8 yesterday and away he went, without craziness, just kept moving and going. No toxicity to it either and better than caffeine.
  • shooting_star
    you're better getting a B12 that goes straight to your blood stream as it's poorly absorbed in the stomach so a strip that melts onto the tongue is better than a pill.
  • Mommy2Girls
    Mommy2Girls Posts: 100
    You can also get B12 injections from your DR - they work wonders!!! Or any health food store will carry them. Make sure they are a B12 complex, not just B12.
  • passiontyger
    thank you for your respond to my question,it help all lot!!!!!!!