Day 2-Emotional Eaters Group

darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning everyone! Here in Missouri it is going to be another beautiful day! How was everyone's day yesterday? Was you able to stay on track? Did anyone eat out of emotions? I did really good but came night time and I was hungrey so I had some roasted peanuts,which isn't a bad choice but I should of measured them instead of just eating from the jar. I always feel if I don't get enough protein in I end up in the night really starved,how ever no emotions played into it yesterday so that was a good thing!! :smile: I said yesterday that it be nice to be able to tell how we started eating out of emotions and so forth and share a little with each other,that way we get to know one another better. So tomorrow Lets try that. Enjoy today and before you start eating out of control,vent on here as it might help! Enjoy the day! God bless!


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i was the opposite..when i was sad, or mad, etc, i wouldnt eat at all, time frame was varied depending on what emotion i was feeling..good luck to you all:flowerforyou:
  • misskarlee
    misskarlee Posts: 5 Member
    I was able to keep myself focused and on track yesterday and I hope I'll be able to do the same today. I'm proud of myself, when I feel like a snack I'll reach for a banana or apple. I'm finding it a little hard, but it's nice to see the amount of support this website offers! =] x
  • Good Morning Gals I did ok yesterday i didnt log my food cause it was all processed junk in the morning then my fiancee and i and some of our friends went to a steak fry and i ate a steak and baked potato without any butter and no sauces on the steak but i didnt eat breakfast and for i guess u call it lunch i had a small bag a onion ring chips and a reese cup not good choices i know this but it was quick and my leg was hurting I have a problem getting my calories in and eatting the wrong foods the quick foods Im triing to stay focused today i am goin to make my breakfast here and then head to town to get stuff for the cookout we are having but is all goin to be healthy choice like chicken on the pit and vegis and noodles homemade that kind of stuff no chips and crap Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • This is my first post--my apologies if I have stepped on message board etiquette. The group name drew me--I have gained 12 pounds in the last three months. My husband of 32 years has taken a job in a city four hours away and we are now a "weekend" couple. Not only do I gorge myself in the evenings after work, but on the weekends, we find ourselves eating more than we used to and know we should because we feel like we deserve a "treat" for being together! This weekend, I resolved to not frequent fast food places for dinner and I am not purchasing bread anymore! The number of peanut butter sandwiches that I could consume in one evening is scary! Part of my problem is that I really do not like vegetables and do not like many fruits. I do not eat seafood (beyond canned tuna) so I am seriously limited on my food choices. I just need to find the discipline to quit eating because I am alone in the evenings! Thanks for listening (or reading :-))
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone can join any time,the more the better!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    I eat out of all emotions,sad,mad ,bored!
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    I was alone for months with 3 little kiddos. It was really hard for me since frozen chicken nuggets and fries are super easy when you do not have a ton of time in the evenings. I did end up gaining quite a bit of weight myself, because as you said when my husband would come home it was like we all celebrated guessed it FOOD! We are all finally together again, but habits are so hard to break. I joined this past week and of course got one of the worst colds ever so I have been sipping soup for a few days. Tomorrow I am going to start my exercise plan and log every morsel of food that goes into my mouth. Hoping this will really make me think. =)
    Good luck! Remember you are certainly not alone.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Great Misskarlee,and that is good if we are going to eat out of an emotion that hopefully we do grab something that is better for us like veggies or fruit. Was you able to get a walk or any form of exercise in?
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome Daw5614! My husband is a truck driver so I see him on the weekends and have done this for years so I get what you are saying. I really believe that it helps to plan out meals either day by day or week by week and stick to it. I normally make foods and then freeze them and then all I have to do is put in microwave,. It does make it hard that you don't like fruit or veggies,but do you dislike them all? I am not a tuna fan but I eat chicken or center cut pork chops or I like soy products too. It really is about portion control and try to get the leanest in meat and try not to eat too many starches in the week and stay away form processed foods and junk food as well. I do not like the word DIET,makes me feel like I don't fit in! I just try to buy like atkins bars as they are low in carbs and sugar and have good protein,but that don't mean you can have more then 1 in a day. I also buy a lot of low carb products,yes they are a little higher but they are good and low again in carbs and no sugar(real stuff) and their is sf jello and pudding and yogurt,just need to be careful how much and not too often. Glad you checked us out here and hopefully see you again
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning mstillion,hopefully today you can log as it helps to see actually how much and what you are eating. Sounds like you have a plan today!:smile:
  • Good morning

    It's 7:29 right now and I have been up since 4:30.

    So far, so good today as far as the food goes.

    Mommy isn't doing any better, even though I keep hoping to have just one more conversation with her.

    Yesterday was pretty bad in all ways. I ate about 1-1/2 cans of pringles, in addition to half a dozen cookies I baked. (I NEVER bake.) Now that I think about it, maybe I didn't do as badly as I thought - because I don't think I ate anything else all day. I must have, but I only remember all the junk.

    My sister has to go back home today and my brother will be arriving to say his goodbyes to Mommy. It is always so pleasant being around him. I think I may have my son get a case of pringles for me...
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I did really well yesterday, but today seems to be off to a bad start. I overheard something about lasagna for dinner and I know if it is offered to me I will eat some, even though it is bad for my weight loss and not a satisfying meal (I could eat a whole dinner full and still be hungry!). Stressing over that caused me to have two hashbrowns with mayonnaise. It seems like I'm good for a few days and then something comes up. :frown: I know I don't have to eat it, but I don't know of a way to avoid it without setting off stress that will lead to eating it anyway or eating something else that I shouldn't...
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Are guys allowed to join this one? If so here goes. I'm usually not an emotional eater during my days off but since I work 12 hour shifts and the weekends I don't get to see my kids very much. I also work in a call center which doesn't afford much time to do activity during working hours. I find myself thinking about my kids and what they're doing and get really sad and depressed. I used to go directly to the vending machine which I have nick named "Calorie Killer" but I'm packing now and logging everything in the morning so I have a map of what to eat for what meals. I then keep this food in the drawer of my desk so I don't stare at it. I did do pretty well yesterday and even afforded myself a s'more during a camp out with my kids and wife. Instead of eating my usual 5-6 or 10+, I ate one without the chocolate bar. I still came in low on my calorie count.
  • Thanks! Am going to try grilling chicken today for the week's dinners to see if that will help. If I think I have something quick and easy at home, that may be a way to avoid the drive-throughs! I do eat a few veggies--carrot sticks, french fries (I know, a starch, but it grows in the ground, so I count it), dill pickles (cucumber origin qualifies them to me) and that is about it. I will eat some lettuce and tomato on a sandwich now, which is a positive step. I eat a little broccoli if I have bbq sauce to slather it in. I hate all citrus and its juices--I will eat some grapes and an apple on occasion, although apples can wreak havoc on my digestive system. I do like bananas and strawberries if the strawberries have enough sugar or splenda on them. On a stranger note, I do like prunes, which I know have a bad reputation. I believe I am a total carb girl! I have been known to do a whole bag of rolls sitting in the car--King Hawaiian are a personal favorite--and I love pastas. I could live on bread, pizza and ice cream!

    I am hoping this message board can be a help toward curbing those urges to eat all evening! Reducing the gorging comes first, then I think I'll work on the menus more.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    I did really well yesterday, but today seems to be off to a bad start. I overheard something about lasagna for dinner and I know if it is offered to me I will eat some, even though it is bad for my weight loss and not a satisfying meal (I could eat a whole dinner full and still be hungry!). Stressing over that caused me to have two hashbrowns with mayonnaise. It seems like I'm good for a few days and then something comes up. :frown: I know I don't have to eat it, but I don't know of a way to avoid it without setting off stress that will lead to eating it anyway or eating something else that I shouldn't...

    It isn't that you can't have it but just watch the portion size and measure and it is not a food that you want to eat everyday.I know when I hear DIET it makes me want more food and makes me pick unhealthy choices but if you just exercise and watch how much you eat you can have anything and lots of water! You can do it!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Good start with the chicken! The veggies you can eat and fruit is ok but again portion control. I know myself carbs kill me as far as putting wt on. I too could like on sweets and never eat real food. Good luck just remember when you pick up something,think twice before eating. Again if you have other stuff on hand that is more healthier then grab it if have too!

    Thanks! Am going to try grilling chicken today for the week's dinners to see if that will help. If I think I have something quick and easy at home, that may be a way to avoid the drive-throughs! I do eat a few veggies--carrot sticks, french fries (I know, a starch, but it grows in the ground, so I count it), dill pickles (cucumber origin qualifies them to me) and that is about it. I will eat some lettuce and tomato on a sandwich now, which is a positive step. I eat a little broccoli if I have bbq sauce to slather it in. I hate all citrus and its juices--I will eat some grapes and an apple on occasion, although apples can wreak havoc on my digestive system. I do like bananas and strawberries if the strawberries have enough sugar or splenda on them. On a stranger note, I do like prunes, which I know have a bad reputation. I believe I am a total carb girl! I have been known to do a whole bag of rolls sitting in the car--King Hawaiian are a personal favorite--and I love pastas. I could live on bread, pizza and ice cream!

    I am hoping this message board can be a help toward curbing those urges to eat all evening! Reducing the gorging comes first, then I think I'll work on the menus more.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Are guys allowed to join this one? If so here goes. I'm usually not an emotional eater during my days off but since I work 12 hour shifts and the weekends I don't get to see my kids very much. I also work in a call center which doesn't afford much time to do activity during working hours. I find myself thinking about my kids and what they're doing and get really sad and depressed. I used to go directly to the vending machine which I have nick named "Calorie Killer" but I'm packing now and logging everything in the morning so I have a map of what to eat for what meals. I then keep this food in the drawer of my desk so I don't stare at it. I did do pretty well yesterday and even afforded myself a s'more during a camp out with my kids and wife. Instead of eating my usual 5-6 or 10+, I ate one without the chocolate bar. I still came in low on my calorie count.
    Sure you can join! Sounds like you are off to a good start of changing things and good that you are now taking in stuff that is better for you! Great job!
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    Never glad to have you!
    Is it too late for me to join?
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
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