New, need to lose 10-15 pounds

Hi. I started tracking with myfitnesspal last week. Seems to be rather addictive. I find myself going out to walk so I can have dinner out or whatever. It is amazing to see what I was eating before without realizing it. Those handfuls of cashews that I thought were a good snack were probably my biggest downfall. I am 46 and I just have been putting on a few pounds a year. I would just like to get back into my old jean size :)


  • wannatangle
    wannatangle Posts: 80 Member
    I would love to have friends on here that have similar circumstances so we can suffer and triumph together ;)
  • manenina
    Hi! I know exactly what you mean! The tool is quite addictive and you realize how some of the things you ate are really bad and how others are super tasty and very low in calories! That couple of extra pounds every year is exactly why I'm here...

    The good thing is that you after a couple of months you kind of know how to eat a bit better. I lost 9 ponds before the summer but during the holidays I gained like half of that again (thankfully not all of them!) and now I'm back here! I wish that, by the end of the year, I can say: I weight less than the year before!!!! No more extra pounds every year! At least not for me!

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    hi there wannatangle

    coincedentally i put up a similar post earlier today!

    I also have about 5kgs to lose.

    add me if you like :)
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Hi there,

    It is so much easier to do this when you have a tool like MFP to help. Lots of support and encouragement as well.
    Please add me if you like.